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The effect of space charge produced by corona at ground level on lightning

attachment to high objects

Article in Atmospheric Research · February 2015

DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.07.018


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3 authors, including:

Nickolay L Aleksandrov
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


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Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86

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The effect of space charge produced by corona at ground level on

lightning attachment to high objects
E.M. Bazelyan a, Yu.P. Raizer b, N.L. Aleksandrov c,⁎
Krzhizhanovskyy Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia
Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Department of Physical Mechanics, Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region 141700, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The influence of the corona space charge layer created at ground level on lightning attachment to
Received 5 May 2013 high (20–100 m) slender objects is numerically studied. The shielding effect of corona space
Received in revised form 10 July 2014 charge produced near the object tip on the electric field at ground level is considered. The behavior
Accepted 11 July 2014 of a non-stationary streamer-free corona developed from ground irregularities in a time-varying
Available online 12 August 2014
thundercloud electric field is discussed. The initiation of an upward leader from the tip of a high
grounded object is simulated in the electric field created by a storm-cloud, approaching
Keywords: downward leader and space charge produced by corona at ground level and near the object tip.
Lightning attachment The corona space charge produced on the ground surface is shown to affect only slightly the
Glow streamer-free corona
inception of an upward connecting leader from the object when the local electric field near the
Upward connecting leader
object tip rises rapidly due to an approaching downward leader. The effect of neutral aerosol
Streamer initiation
particles on lightning attachment to high grounded slender objects is also small.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction streamer flash followed by the formation of a connecting leader

in the streamer flash stem.
The point of downward lightning stroke on a ground object is These studies considered the electric field created by the
controlled by the progression of a downward lightning leader thundercloud charge and by the charge distributed over the
when it approaches the ground surface. In the fast rising electric channel of an approaching downward leader; the corona space
field of an approaching downward leader, an upward connecting charge that could be created on small ground irregularities
leader develops from the object, intersects the downward leader (small objects, grass, bushes, trees, etc.) was not taken into
and provides a conducting path to the object. In Aleksandrov account. In real situations the space charge layer produced by
et al. (2001, 2002, 2005a, 2005b, 2005c, 2006), Bazelyan et al. corona at ground level influences the spatial distribution of
(2008, 2009) and Becerra (2013), non-stationary coronae electric field and can affect initiation and progression of an
initiated from high grounded objects under thunderstorm upward connecting leader from high objects. In particular, this
conditions and the influence of corona space charge on initiation effect was used to qualitatively explain the differences between
and steady progression of a connecting leader have been the photographs of lightning strikes to tall towers in Switzerland
numerically and analytically studied. The conditions were and in South Africa by the differences in vegetation (Golde,
determined when a glow streamer-free corona gives way to a 1978). The effect of the ground corona space charge layer on the
inception of upward lightning leaders from tall towers was
numerically simulated by Becerra et al. (2007). In this work, the
⁎ Corresponding author.
authors considered only the corona space charge produced at
E-mail addresses: (E.M. Bazelyan), ground level and neglected the space charge produced by corona
(Y.P. Raizer), (N.L. Aleksandrov). at the tip of towers. Under this assumption, it followed from the
0169-8095/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86 75

calculations that the space charge layer developing from the 2. The effect of space charge created by corona near high
ground surface strongly affects the critical cloud electric field object on electric field at ground level
required to initiate upward lightning leaders from high slender
structures. In addition, the value of this critical field turned out to A physical approach to simulating a non-stationary,
depend significantly on the density of neutral aerosol particles streamer-free, glow corona of positive polarity initiated from
that influence the ion mobility and consequently the develop- grounded objects in an atmospheric electric field and algo-
ment of the corona space charge layer from ground. rithms for a hemispherically-tipped electrode have been given
Under thunderstorm conditions, a corona discharge occur- in Aleksandrov et al. (2001, 2002, 2005b, 2005c) and Bazelyan
ring at ground level and that initiated from the tip of a high et al. (2008). In this work, a corona discharge from a high
ground object (see Fig. 1) can affect each other. For instance, the grounded slender object was considered in a time-varying
discharge is first initiated near the tip of a high grounded object atmospheric electric field created by a cloud negative charge.
and the corona space charge formed could hinder corona The corona processes was intensified in the electric field
initiation from much smaller ground irregularities. And vice produced by the charge of an approaching downward leader. In
versa, the corona space charge layer formed at ground level this model, by analogy with previous computational models of
could influence inception and progression of an upward a streamer-free corona in long air gaps (Aleksandrov et al.,
connecting leader from the ground object. Therefore, corona 2001, 2002, 2005a, 2005b, 2005c; Bazelyan et al., 2008, 2009;
discharges near the ground surface and at the tip of a high Becerra, 2013), we did not consider the thin ionization zone
ground object and their effect on lightning attachment to the near the surface of the electrode tip. It was assumed that this
object must be considered self-consistently. The aim of this surface emits ions such that the electric field near a coronating
work is to numerically study all these processes for high surface equals the onset corona field, Ecor. In the case of a
(20–100 m) grounded slender objects. As opposed to the hemispherically-tipped rod with radius r0, this boundary
previous simulations of the effect of ground corona space condition is expressed as
charge, this work considers not only the charge produced at
ground level, but the space charge created by corona at the tip of Eðr 0 Þ ¼ Ecor : ð1Þ
a high object as well.
Experiments on a laboratory scale (see references in
Aleksandrov et al. (2005a, 2005b, 2005c)) and numerical
simulation (Morrow, 1997) of the processes in the ionization
zone of a positive corona have shown that this condition is
satisfied when the characteristic time of electric field variation
is ~10 ms or longer. For E(r0) b Ecor, the corona is not initiated
and maintained. The value of Ecor was determined for rods from
the empirical expression (Bazelyan et al. (2007))
Ecor ¼ 2780δ 1 þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ð2Þ
r0 δ

where δ is the relative air density, Ecor is in kV m− 1 and r0 is

in m.
The development of the corona space charge was simulated
using the electrostatic equation for electric field,

div EðrÞ ¼ ρ=ε 0 ; ð3Þ

the balance equation for light molecular ions

þ divðnl μ l EÞ ¼ −knl Na ; ð4Þ

the balance equation for aerosol ions

þ divðna μ a EÞ ¼ knl Na ; ð5Þ

and the balance equation for neutral aerosol particles

¼ −knl Na : ð6Þ

Here, ρ = eΣnj is the space charge density, e is the elementary

Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of the corona space charge formed at ground level charge, ε0 is the permittivity of vacuum, k is the rate coefficient
and near the tip of a grounded rod in a thundercloud electric field. for conversion of light molecular ions with the number density nl
76 E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86

into aerosol ions with the number density na, and μl and μa computational layer near the coronating surface. In particular,
are the mobility of light ions and that of aerosol ions, the number of computational time steps taken to simulate a
respectively. This simple kinetic scheme and the values of the corona from electrodes of radius r0 ~ 10−2 m was from 107 to
rate coefficient and of mobilities are similar to those suggested 108 for simulation times from 10 to 100 s, typical times of
by Chauzy and Rennela (1985): k = 1.6 × 10−12 m3 s−1, μl = electric field variation at ground level during thunderstorms.
1.5 × 10−4 m2V−1 s−1 and μa = 2.3 × 10−6 m2 V−1 s−1. Here, To shorten computational time, we used analytical expres-
Na is the number density of neutral aerosol particles. In most sions for the electric field produced on the vertical axis directly
cases it was assumed that the value of Na at the beginning of above the coronating electrode by the hemispherical space
simulation is Na0 = 1011 m−3, the magnitude typical of an charge layers and by their images in ground. For instance, the
urban area. charge distributed uniformly over a thin hemisphere of radius r
In Eqs. (4)–(6), the effect of wind was neglected. It was creates the electric field
shown by Bazelyan et al. (2009) that, in a thundercloud electric !
field, even moderate wind velocities could lead to hundreds of Q r
EðzÞ ¼ 1þ p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi for zNr ð7Þ
percent increase in the corona current. However, even strong 4πε o z2 r 2 þ z2
wind is not sufficient to influence the characteristics of a corona
intensified in the electric field of an approaching downward and
leader. It was concluded that the occurrence of wind does not
affect the efficiency of lightning rods of ordinary height. !
Q r
We used the simplifications suggested by Aleksandrov et al. EðzÞ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi −1 for zbr ð8Þ
4πε o z2 r 2 þ z2
(2001, 2002) and Bazelyan et al. (2008) and assumed that the
shape of the space charge layers produced near the coronating
hemispherical tip remains hemispherical as the layers move at the point located at the distance z directly above the
away from the electrode (see Fig. 2). Under this assumption, hemisphere center. Here, Q is the total charge of the hemi-
the simulation model is one-dimensional and needs much sphere. Computer simulation of a corona discharge was carried
shorter computational time, as compared to a two-dimensional out for various manners of temporal evolution of a thunder-
description. As a result, a corona maintained near the small- cloud electric field, E0(t).
radius tips of grounded objects can be simulated for tens Based on the computational model under consideration, the
seconds with computational time steps on a microsecond scale. evolution in time of the electric field during a thunderstorm was
In addition, an immobile adaptive mesh was used to provide calculated for different horizontal distances from a solitary
sufficient computational accuracy. The thickness of the com- vertical grounded electrode and for various heights above
putational hemispherical layers increased from Δr ≈ r0/10 to ground. The calculated results are shown in Fig. 3 for an
Δr ≈ r/10, r being the outer radius of a given distant electrode 20 m in height and with tip radius of 0.02 m. It was
computational layer. The computational time step was around assumed that the thundercloud electric field at ground level rises
Δt = r0/(10μlEcor), the value that is an order of magnitude linearly up to 40 kV m−1 for 20 s and then is constant. To study
shorter than the time it takes for light ions to cross the first only the isolated effect of corona space charge on the spatial
distribution of electric field around the electrode, the charge
induced at the electrode top was taken into account, whereas
the charge distributed over its side surface was neglected.
Fig. 3 shows that, owing to the shielding effect of the corona
space charge layer produced near the electrode tip, the electric
field at small distances from the electrode is reduced by half.

Fig. 3. The evolution in time of the thundercloud electric field, E0(t), and electric
field at various horizontal distances, R, from the axis of a vertical electrode 20 m
Fig. 2. A schematic diagram of the space charge layers formed above a in height and with tip radius of 2 × 10−2 m. Solid curves correspond to a height
hemispherically-tipped grounded rod in a thundercloud electric field. of 6 m above ground and dash curve corresponds to R = 0 and ground level.
E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86 77

In this case, the space charge “cloud” of radius 200 m and total
charge 25 mC was formed above the electrode by the instant
t = 30 s. This space charge and its image in the ground form a
double electrical layer in which, by analogy with a plane
“capacitor”, electric field is almost uniform (see Fig. 6). The
vertical electric field profiles remain uniform for heights in
the range 0–40 m as the horizontal distance from the
electrode increases from zero to the distances comparable
with its height. Here, even such a high corona space charge
injected into the atmosphere from the electrode top can lead
only to a small effect on the electric field at ground level; this
field decreases by 37% near the electrode and by 25% at a
distance of 100 m from it.
From the calculations, it may be concluded that a high
Fig. 4. The evolution in time of the thundercloud electric field, E0(t), and electric grounded structure and the corona space charge developed
field in the corona space charge layer at ground level and various horizontal from its tip can affect the local electric field at ground level only
distances, R, from a vertical electrode 100 m in height and with tip radius of
in the immediate vicinity of the structure; that is, the presence
2 × 10−2 m.
of a high grounded structure do not influence strongly the
initiation of a corona discharge near small ground irregularities
and production of the corona space charge layer at ground
The effect does not depend on the height above ground and
becomes less profound at distances from the electrode that are
comparable with the electrode height.
3. Space charge layer produced from ground irregularities
An increase in the electrode height leads to an increase in
the corona current. For instance, our calculations showed that
Corona discharge is initiated near ground irregularities
the peak corona current increased from 195 μA to 1.39 mA
when a thundercloud electric field near the ground surface
when the electrode height was increased from 20 to 100 m. In
exceeds some threshold value, E0cor. After a time, individual
spite of the increase in the corona current, the local electric field
space charge “clouds” extending from numerous coronating
at ground level changed only slightly; its peak value remained
points unite into one plane space charge layer (see Fig. 7). This
to be close to 30 kV m−1 (see Fig. 4). A weak dependence of the
layer is similar to the layer created by a perfect emitting plane
local electric field at ground level on the electrode height is
that is the simplest model for corona at ground level.
associated with two opposite factors. On the one hand, the
In this model, a plane space charge layer has its image in the
corona space charge injected into the atmosphere from the top
ground. The layer and its image form a plane “capacitor”.
of a higher object is larger; on the other hand, this space charge
Electric field at the upper boundary of the layer is equal to an
turns out to be at longer distance from the ground surface and
ambient electric field, E0, whereas electric field on the emitting
hence its effect at ground level is somewhat compensated.
surface is stabilized at the level E0cor. Here, the corona space
Fig. 5 shows the temporal evolution of the corona current
charge injected into the gap from unit area is (Bazelyan et al.,
and radius of the space charge “cloud” developing from
2008; 2014)
an electrode 100 m in height and with tip radius of 0.02 m
when the thundercloud electric field rises in time as E0(t) = σ ðt Þ ¼ ε0 ½E0 ðt Þ−E0cor  ð9Þ
E0max[1 − exp(− t/T)] with E0max = 40 kV m−1 and T = 6.7 s.

Fig. 6. The vertical profiles of the thundercloud electric field, E0(t), and electric
Fig. 5. The evolution in time (1) of the corona current and (2) of the radius of field at various horizontal distances (R = 0 and R = 100 m) from a vertical
the space charge “cloud” developing from an electrode 100 m in height and electrode 100 m in height and with tip radius of 0.02 m. The thundercloud
with tip radius of 0.02 m. The thundercloud electric field rises in time as E0(t) = electric field rises in time as E0(t) = E0max[1 − exp(−t/T)], where E0max =
E0max[1 − exp(−t/T)], where E0max = 40 kV m−1 and T = 6.7 s. 40 kV m−1 and T = 6.7 s. The curves correspond to the instant t = 30 s.
78 E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86

the charges of surrounding electrodes. The properties of the

multi-point coronating system asymptotically tended to those
of a perfect emitting plane with the surface electric field that is
equal to the corona onset atmospheric electric field, Е0cor.
According to the calculations (Bazelyan et al., 2014), the model
of an emitting plane and Eqs. (9) and (10) are acceptable when
the individual space charge layers developing from different
coronating points reach each other and form a unite plane
layer. The time it takes for the formation of the united layer
depends on the height of the coronating electrodes and on the
distance between them; in particular, this time elongates with
increasing distance between electrodes.
The similarity between the behavior of the corona current
for a real multi-point system and that of the corona current for
the model of an emitting plane allows the use of this simple
model for qualitative estimation of the corona properties for
real ground systems with numerous corona sources.
Fig. 7. A schematic diagram of the space charge layer formed above a multi-
point system in a thundercloud electric field E0.
4. The effect of space charge layer created by corona at
ground level on vertical electric field profile and lightning
attachment to high objects

and the corona current density is written as

The corona space charge layer developing from ground
irregularities affects the vertical electric field profile above the
dσ dE ðt Þ
jðt Þ ¼ ¼ ε0 0 : ð10Þ ground (Standler and Winn, 1979; Chauzy and Rennela, 1985)
dt dt and could influence lightning attachment to high objects via
changing the conditions for initiation and steady development
In this model, the value of j is independent of the geometry of an upward connecting leader from the object tip in the
and dimensions of corona sources and of the ion mobility. It electric field of an approaching downward leader. To study this
follows from Eq. (10) that the corona current density (i) is also effect, we calculated electric field profiles above the ground for
independent of time when the discharge is maintained in a various manners of the temporal evolution of E0. Corona from
linearly rising thundercloud electric field E0 and (ii) collapses ground irregularities was described with the model of an
for E0 = const. emitting plane. We solved numerically Eqs. (3)–(6) in an 1D
In Bazelyan et al. (2014), based on numerical and analytical approximation.
approaches, it was studied how the properties of a corona Fig. 9(a) shows the evolution in time of the calculated
discharge occurring near a real multi-point system tend to electric field at different altitudes above ground when the
those of a discharge described by the model of a perfect thundercloud electric field rises linearly in time up to E0max =
emitting plane. The system under consideration consisted of a 60 kV m−1 for tm = 30 s and then is kept constant. Similar
large number of identical vertical grounded electrodes distrib- results are shown in Fig. 9(b) when the thundercloud
uted uniformly over concentric circles such that the distance electric field varies as E0(t) = E0max[1 − exp(− t/T )] at
between adjacent electrodes was approximately the same (see E0max = 60 kV m− 1 and T = 10 s. Here, it was assumed that
Fig. 8). The ambient electric field was assumed (i) to rise Е0cor = 1.65 kV m− 1 and the effect of aerosol particles was
linearly from zero to a value of E0m at 0 b t b tm and (ii) to be E0m neglected assuming Na0 = 0.
at t N tm. In Biagi et al. (2011), it was suggested to approximate
It was shown by Bazelyan et al. (2014) that the thunder- vertical space charge density profiles in the corona space
cloud electric field, E0cor, required for initiation of a corona charge layer as
discharge in a multi-point system increases with decreasing
distance between the coronating points. This effect is due to the ρðzÞ ¼ ρðz ¼ 0Þ expð−z=dÞ; ð11Þ
shielding of an external electric field near a given electrode by

ρðz ¼ 0Þ ¼ ε 0 ðE0 –Eðz ¼ 0ÞÞ=d;

z is the height and d is the rate of space charge density decrease

with height (e-folding length). This corresponds to the vertical
electric field profile

EðzÞ ¼ E0 – expð−z=dÞðE0 –Eðz ¼ 0ÞÞ: ð12Þ

From measurements of ground-level electric field, it was

Fig. 8. The distribution of electrodes over the ground surface. obtained that the values of d range from 67 to 200 m and the
E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86 79

Fig. 9. The evolution in time of the electric field at different altitudes above
ground. The arrows indicate the instants at which the top boundary of the space
charge layer reaches the corresponding altitudes. (a) The thundercloud electric Fig. 10. The ratio P as a function of height. (a) The thundercloud electric field rises
field (dash curve) rises linearly in time up to E0max = 60 kV m−1 for tm = 30 s linearly in time up to E0max = 60 kV m−1 for tm = 30 s and then is kept constant.
and then is kept constant. (b) The thundercloud electric field (dash curve) rises (b) The thundercloud electric field rises as E0(t) = E0max[1 − exp(−t/T)] at
as E0(t) = E0max[1 − exp(−t/T)] at E0max = 60 kV m−1 and T = 10 s. E0max = 60 kV m−1 and T = 10 s.

values of E0 range from 20 to 60 kV m−1 (Biagi et al., 2011). The following conclusions could be drawn from the results
We used the data presented in Fig. 9 for E0 increasing up to presented in Figs. 9 and 10. Electric field is not disturbed and
60 kV m−1 to check whether or not our calculated results are equals E0(t) above the upper boundary of the space charge
described by Eqs. (11) and (12). For this purpose, the ratio layer produced by corona near ground irregularities. Vertical
electric field distribution in the interior of the layer depends on
P ¼ ðE0 –EðzÞÞ=ðE0 −Eðz ¼ 0ÞÞ the manner of the evolution of E0(t). When E0 steadily increases
in time, a local electric field at a given point in the layer
increases in time at d2E0/dt2 N 0 and decreases in time at d2E0/
was plotted as a function of z in a semi-logarithmic scale (see dt2 b 0. In particular, the local electric field in the layer always
Fig. 10(a) and (b)). This ratio equals ρ(z)/ρ(z = 0) when decreases in time for E0(t) = E0max[1 − exp(−t/T)] (see
Eq. (11) is true. The curves in Fig. 10(a) and (b) must be straight Fig. 9(b)) or for E0 = const (see Fig. 9(a)). When E0 rises
lines if Eqs. (11) and (12) are valid. The analysis of these results linearly in time, d2E0/dt2 = 0 and the local electric field in the
shows that these equations approximate our data reasonably layer is independent of time (see Fig. 9(a)). It follows from the
for not-too-high altitudes when the values of P decrease by a calculated results that, due to the space charge layer produced
factor of three. In this case, the length d varies with time in the by corona at ground level, the total electric field can be
range that is close to that inferred for d in (Biagi et al., 2011). At decreased several times at practically important altitudes
higher altitudes, the calculated ratio P tends to zero with between 10 and 30 m at which the tips of grounded objects
increasing rate. The reason is that in real situations, above the are frequently located. This decrease in electric field could
upper space charge layer boundary located at the altitude Z(t), affect the initiation and development of a connecting upward
the corona space charge is absent and the local electric field is leader from vertical objects of height from 10 to 30 m.
independent of z and equals the cloud electric field, E0. Inside To estimate the effect of corona space charge layer produced
the space charge layer, the field E(z) reaches E0 and the ratio P at ground level on lightning attachment to high grounded
decreases to zero at the finite altitude, Z(t), as opposed to objects, it is required to consider the sequence of discharge
Eq. (12) according to which E(z) tends to E0 only at z → ∞. processes occurring near the object tip in a thundercloud
80 E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86

electric field that is enhanced by an approaching downward noticeable role in streamer initiation from the tips of grounded
leader. Firstly, a glow streamer-free corona is initiated near the structures of moderate height.
tip of an object in an ambient electric field. Then, a streamer- The approach of a downward leader to a high grounded
free corona gives way to corona streamers followed by the object led to an intensification of the discharge processes near
initiation of an upward connecting leader; in a thundercloud the object tip over a time interval of around 15 ms (see Fig. 11).
electric field, streamers are initiated only when the ambient (In this time interval, the corona current would remain almost
electric field is rapidly enhanced by the charge of a downward constant in the absence of a downward leader.) However, in
lightning leader (Bazelyan et al., 2008). The condition for this case the development of a counter discharge was
streamer initiation is satisfied when the streamer-free corona practically independent of the initial corona discharge. In
current reaches some critical value, icr, that is dependent on the particular, streamers were initiated at the same instant, no
radius of curvature of the coronating object tip, r0. In the matter whether the production of the corona space charge near
computational 1D model, the condition for streamer initiation ground irregularities was taken into account or was neglected.
corresponds to the displacement of the point of maximum The calculations were carried out for a downward leader
electric field from the object tip into the gap. The value of icr descending vertically with a velocity of 2 × 105 m s−1 at a
could be estimated from the expression (Bazelyan et al., 2008) horizontal distance of 60 m from a vertical electrode of
height H = 20 m. It was assumed that the charge per unit
leader channel length is fixed and is equal to 0.5 mC m− 1;
icr ≈ 8πε0 μ i r 0 Ecor ; ð13Þ
this value corresponds to medium values of lightning
where μ i is the ion mobility. From Eq. (13), we have icr ≈ 10−2 A discharge current. In the absence of the ground corona
for μ i = 1.5 × 10−4 m2 V−1 s−1 and r0 = 0.02 cm. space charge layer, streamers and a connecting leader were
According to available observations and theoretical estima- initiated at E0 = 60 kV m− 1 when the downward leader
tion of the energy required to heat the gas in the stem of a descended down to an altitude of 210 m above ground.
streamer flash, a leader is formed in atmospheric pressure air Taking into account the effect of the space charge layer
only when the voltage drop along the streamer zone, ΔUst, is produced at ground level, a connecting leader was initiated
sufficiently high (Bazelyan and Raizer, 1998): from the electrode at the instant when the downward leader
was at an altitude of 185 m. The obtained 12% decrease in
ΔU st ≥400 kV: ð14Þ this altitude does not seem to be important because some
parameters of a lightning discharge vary statistically and are
In this case, the gas temperature in the stem increases up to poorly understood. Similar calculations were also made for
5000–6000 K, the values required for maintaining ionization in other horizontal distances between the rod and downward
the leader channel with relatively small electric fields. The leader. The calculated results changed only slightly (less
energy input required for such gas heating is reached when the than 10%) when this distance varied from 0 to 100 m.
length of a streamer branch is 0.9–1 m and the voltage drop In the case of much higher grounded objects, the corona
along this branch is 400 kV or higher (Bazelyan and Raizer, space charge produced at ground level also affects noticeably
Using these criteria, we studied numerically the role of the
corona space charge layer formed at ground level on streamer
and upward leader initiation near the tip of a high electrode. For
this purpose, a glow streamer-free corona was simulated near a
hemispherically-tipped grounded electrode based on a numer-
ical solution of Eqs. (3)–(5) under the assumption Na = 0.
Formation of the corona space charge layer at ground level was
described by Eq. (10), whereas the development of this layer
was simulated in the 1D approximation using Eqs. (3)–(5). The
corona current and injected space charge from the electrode tip
depended strongly on an ambient electric field.
In the absence of the space charge created by corona near
ground irregularities, the peak thundercloud electric field
reached 60 kV m−1 by the time t = 10 s. At this instant the
corona space charge injected into the atmosphere from the tip
of a vertical ground electrode of height H = 20 m was 1.8 mC
and the corona current was 435 μA. Due to the space charge Fig. 11. The evolution in time of the corona current from an electrode 2 × 10−2 m
layer produced by corona at ground level, the peak electric field in radius and 20 m in height in the combined electric field of a thundercloud and
approaching downward leader. Calculations were carried out (1) when
near the electrode tip was decreased to around 20 kV m−1. As a
neglecting the effect of the corona space charge produced at ground level and
result, the injected space charge and corona current from the (2) when taking into account this effect. The thundercloud electric field rises
tip by t = 10 s were decreased by a factor of 7.3 and by a factor linearly to 60 kV m−1 for 10 s and then is constant. The leader is initiated at a
of 8.1, respectively. But, in both cases, the values of the corona height of 3 km at t = 10 s and descends with a velocity of 2 × 105 m s−1 at a
current were less than the threshold value icr at which horizontal distance of 60 m from the electrode; the leader charge is distributed
uniformly along the channel with a linear density of 0.5 mC m−1. The time is
streamers are initiated by around two orders of magnitude. It reckoned from the leader start. Horizontal line shows the current corresponding
may be concluded from these calculations that the space charge to the start of a streamer flash. Dotted lines correspond to the calculations in the
layer produced by corona at ground level does not play a absence of downward leader.
E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86 81

the properties of corona from the object tip. However, this

effect is not very important for the condition of streamer
initiation when a downward leader approaches such an object.
Indeed, Fig. 12 shows the calculated evolution in time of
the corona current from an electrode 2 × 10−2 m in radius and
100 m in height in a slowly rising thundercloud electric field. It
was assumed that the thundercloud electric field rises linearly
to 60 kV m−1 for 30 s and that a corona is initiated at ground
level when this field reaches 1.65 kV m−1. Calculations were
carried out when considering or neglecting production of
corona space charge from ground irregularities. In the absence
of the space charge produced at ground level, the corona
current from the electrode tip increased linearly in time and
reached 2 mA by the time t = 30 s. Development of the corona
space charge layer from ground irregularities led to a decrease Fig. 13. The evolution in time of the corona current from an electrode 100 m in
in electric field at heights from ground up to 100 m such that height and with tip radius 2 × 10−2 m in the combined electric field of a
the height-average electric field was 25 kV m−1 at t = 30 s (see thundercloud and approaching downward leader. Calculations were carried
out (1) when neglecting the effect of the corona space charge produced at
Fig. 9(a)). In this case, the corona current from the object tip ground level and (2) when taking into account this effect. The thundercloud
was decreased almost by an order of magnitude. electric field rises linearly to 60 kV m−1 for 30 s and then is constant. The
Such a great change in the corona current from the 100 m leader is initiated at a height of 3 km at t = 10 s and descends with a velocity of
tall electrode does not affect strongly the conditions for 2 × 105 m s−1 at a horizontal distance of 300 m from the electrode; the leader
charge is distributed uniformly along the channel with a linear density of
streamer initiation followed by upward leader inception from
0.5 mC m−1. The time is reckoned from the leader start.
the electrode tip in the electric field of an approaching
downward leader. Fig. 13 shows that the corona current
Condition (1) controls the rate of ion emission that determines
calculated when taking into account the corona space charge
corona current. At every instant the total emitted charge is such
produced at ground and the corona current calculated when
that its electric field compensates for the change of electric field
neglecting this effect became closer to each other as the
on the coronating surface (i) due to an increase in an ambient
downward leader approached the electrode. The height of the
electric field, E0, and (ii) due to the change in location of the
downward leader tip at the instant at which the corona current
corona space charge that has already been injected into the
reached the critical value corresponding to streamer initiation
turned out to be 545 m in the first case and 620 m in the latter
The effect of ion mobility on the current of a non-stationary
case, respectively. This difference does not seem to lead to a
streamer-free corona has been studied in different one-
large change in the number of lightning strikes to the electrode.
dimensional geometries (Bazelyan et al., 2008). It was shown
that this effect is most pronounced for a spherical electrode, is
5. The effect of neutral aerosol particle density less important for long coaxial cylindrical conductors and is
absent in the limiting case when a coronating system can be
The effect of neutral aerosol particle density is reduced to simulated by an emitting plane unbounded surface (see
the effect of ion mobility on corona current and other corona Eq. (10)). Such an emitting surface is an asymptotic approxi-
properties. In the model used (see Section 2), we considered mation for a multi-electrode coronating system (Bazelyan et al.,
the movement of ions emitted by a coronating surface. 2014).
In the general case corona current is governed by the rate of
ion emission and depends on ion mobility that affects the
location of the corona space charge and, consequently, electric
field produced by this charge near the coronating surface.
However, the situation is different in the case of an emitting
plane surface. Here, from the Gauss theorem, a plane uniformly
charged layer produces the electric field E(σ+) = σ/(2ε0) outside
of its volume, where σ is the charge per unit area of the layer.
Image of the layer in the ground has a charge density of (−σ)
and produces a similar (in magnitude) electric field, E(σ−). The
field E(σ) is directed along the normal to the boundary surface
from the layer at σ N 0 and in the opposite direction at σ b 0 (see
Fig. 14). The total electric field outside of the layers is an algebraic
sum of E(σ+), E(σ−) and a thundercloud electric field, E0. In
particular, two charged layers of opposite polarities produce a
zero electric field above them, whereas the total electric field on
Fig. 12. The evolution in time of the corona current from an electrode 100 m in the coronating surface is
height and with tip radius 2 × 10−2 m in the thundercloud electric field that
rises linearly to 60 kV m−1 for 30 s. Curves 1 and 2 correspond, respectively, to
the calculations in which the effect of the space charge layer produced by  
corona at ground level was neglected and taken into account.
Epl ¼ E0 þ E σ þ þ Eðσ − Þ ¼ E0 −σ=ε 0 : ð15Þ
82 E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86

Fig. 14. A schematic diagram of the space charge layers formed near the
coronating ground surface in a thundercloud electric field E0.
Fig. 15. Evolution in time of the corona current from a solitary vertical grounded
electrode 5 m in height and with tip radius of 2 × 10−2 m. Thundercloud
electric field rises linearly to E0m = 40 kV m−1 for 60 s and then remains
constant. Curve 1 corresponds to the ion mobility μ = 1.5 × 10−4 m2 V−1 s−1
From Eq. (15) and the boundary condition Epl = E0cor, we and curve 2 corresponds to μ = 1.5 × 10−5 m2 V−1 s−1.
have Eq. (9) and hence Eq. (10). The total electric field produced
by the charged layer and by its image in the ground surface is
independent of the distance from the layer. As a result, the
urban areas (Calvo et al., 2013). It takes tens seconds for light ion
injected corona space charge and corona current turn out to be
attachment to neutral aerosol particles to form heavy aerosol
independent of ion mobility (see Eqs. (9) and (10)).
ions. Consequently to study the effect of aerosol particles on a
In this work, we studied the effect of ion mobility on the
corona discharge it is necessary to simulate its properties for a
corona current from a solitary grounded rod and from a multi-
long period of time. In this case, it is required to take into
rod system that had been described in more detail elsewhere
account not only the loss of neutral aerosol particles in a given
(Bazelyan et al., 2014). This system consisted of a large number
volume due to attachment of light ions, but the generation of
of identical vertical grounded electrodes distributed uniformly
neutral aerosols in this volume due to convective transport
over concentric circles such that the distance between adjacent
or diffusion. The latter effect is difficult to simulate self-
electrodes was approximately the same (see Fig. 8). The ambient
consistently and, as a rule, it is simulated by introducing
electric field was assumed (i) to rise linearly from zero to a value
turbulent diffusion with an effective coefficient of 1 m2 s−1
of E0m at 0 b t b tm and (ii) to be E0m at t N tm. Calculations were
(see, for instance, Qie et al. (1994), Becerra et al. (2007)). In this
made for the ion mobility μ = 1.5 × 10−4 m2 V−1 s−1 (light
work, to estimate the role of the transport of neutral aerosol
ions) and for the mobility decreased by an order of magnitude,
particles, calculations were made when neglecting this trans-
μ = 1.5 × 10−5 m2 V−1 s−1 (simulation of the effect of heavy
port (see Eq. (6)) or when assuming that the density of neutral
aerosol particles, Na, remains constant (instead of solving
Fig. 15 shows the evolution in time of the corona current
Eq. (6)).
from a solitary vertical electrode 2 × 10−2 m in radius and 5 m
in height in a thundercloud electric field with E0m = 40 kV m−1
and tm = 60 s. Here, a decrease of the ion mobility by an
order of magnitude led to a decrease in the peak corona current
at t = 60 s by a factor of 8.5.
Fig. 16 shows similar results obtained for a multi-electrode
system with the same electrode dimensions and a distance
of 5 m between electrodes. Here, the effect of ion mobility is
important only at the beginning of the process when the
individual space charge layers from different electrodes
have not reached each other and have not formed a united
quasi-plane space charge layer. After the formation of a
united layer, the difference between curves 1 and 2 was less
than 20% and the corona current was close to that calculated
from Eq. (10). This confirms the conclusion made by
Bazelyan et al. (2014) that the corona properties of a
multi-point system are similar to the properties of a plane
surface that emits ions into the atmosphere. Therefore, the Fig. 16. Evolution in time of the corona current from a vertical grounded
effect of ion mobility on the corona properties is expected to electrode of electrode 5 m in height and with tip radius of 2 × 10−2 m. The
be small for multi-electrode coronating systems when a electrode is surrounded by 30,300 similar electrodes distributed uniformly
united space charge layer has time to be formed. Clearly the around it over 100 concentric circles. The distance between the electrodes is
5 m. Thundercloud electric field rises linearly to E0m = 40 kV m−1 for 60 s
same is expected for the effect of neutral aerosol particles. and then remains constant. Calculations were carried out with (1) μ =
The density of neutral aerosol particles varies from 1.5 × 10− 4 m2 V− 1 s−1 and (2) μ = 1.5 × 10−5 m2 V−1 s−1. Curve 3
around 5 × 109 m−3 in clean rural areas to 1011 m−3 in polluted corresponds to the calculations for an emitting plane using Eq. (10).
E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86 83

Fig. 17. Evolution in time of the corona current from the central vertical
grounded electrode in a multi-electrode system. The curves correspond to the Fig. 19. The radial profiles of the densities for (1, 2) light and (3) aerosol ions
same parameters of the system and thundercloud electric field as those in directly above the tip of an electrode 100 m in height and with tip radius
Fig. 16. Calculations were carried out (1) when neglecting aerosol ions or 2 × 10−2 m in a thundercloud electric field that rises linearly to 40 kV m−1 for
considering these ions for Na(t = 0) = 1011 m−3 (2) with Eq. (6) (no aerosol 60 s. The curves correspond to the instant t = 60 s at (1) Na0 = 0 and (2, 3)
neutral particle generation in a given volume) and (3) under the Na0 = 1011 m−3 under the assumption that Na = const.
assumption Na = 1011 m−3 = const.

Fig. 17 shows the corona current calculated for the central aerosols, Na, when the calculations are made under the
electrode in a multi-electrode system when neglecting aerosol assumption Na = const.
particles or taking them into account for Na(t = 0) = 1011 m−3. Thus, the formation of aerosol ions leads to a large decrease
As expected, the effect of neutral aerosol particles on the corona in the corona current from the tip of a solitary electrode in a
current in a multi-electrode system was small. Therefore, it is thundercloud electric field. However, this does not affect
reasonable to neglect this effect when considering the corona noticeably the instant of initiation of an upward connecting
current from irregularities on the ground surface under leader from the electrode tip when the thundercloud electric
thunderstorm conditions. field is enhanced by an approaching downward leader. To
The situation is different for the corona current from a initiate an upward leader, the corona current must be
solitary electrode. Here, the effect of neutral aerosol particles on additionally increased at least by an order of magnitude. The
the corona current becomes more profound with increasing current increases in the fast rising electric field produced by the
duration of the corona discharge near the electrode tip (see charge of an approaching downward leader that develops for a
Fig. 18). The discharge current decreases several times when time interval of 15–30 ms. Additional aerosol ions have no time
the discharge duration increases up to hundreds seconds. The to be formed for such a short period of time. As a result, the
density of aerosol ions, na, is sufficiently high in the vicinity (at corona current increases in time almost in the same manner
a distance of 1 m or closer) of the coronating electrode tip and the current (~10 mA) required for streamer initiation is
(see Fig. 19). In this region, the value of na can be two reached at the same instant, regardless of the density of aerosol
orders of magnitude higher than the density of neutral neutral particles (see Fig. 20). It is worth noting that streamer

Fig. 20. The evolution in time of the corona current from an electrode 100 m in
Fig. 18. Ratio of the peak corona current calculated when neglecting aerosol height and with tip radius 2 × 10−2 m in the combined electric field of a
particles to that calculated when taking into account aerosol particles as a thundercloud and approaching downward leader. Calculations were carried
function of the time tm it takes to reach these peak values. Calculations out (1) for Na0 = 0 and (2) for Na0 = 1011 m−3 under the assumption that Na =
were made for a solitary vertical grounded electrode 100 m in height and with const. The thundercloud electric field rises linearly to 60 kV m−1 for 60 s and
tip radius of 2 × 10−2 m. Thundercloud electric field rises linearly to E0m = then is constant. The leader is initiated at a height of 3 km at t = 10 s and
40 kV m−1 at 0 b t b tm and remains constant at t N tm. Curve 1 corresponds to descends with a velocity of 2 × 105 m s−1 at a horizontal distance of 200 m from
the neglect of neutral aerosol particle generation in a given volume and curve 2 the electrode; the leader charge is distributed uniformly along the channel with
corresponds to the assumption Na = 1011 m−3 = const. a linear density of 0.5 mC m−1. The time is reckoned from the leader start.
84 E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86

initiation is inevitably followed by the formation of an upward case of fast ascending rockets that “run away” from the corona
connecting leader under the conditions studied. space charge produced at the rocket tips.
It follows from the calculated results that the presence of Comparison of our 1D calculation with the 2D calculation
neutral aerosol particles does not affect strongly (i) the indeed shows a noticeable (60–80% in some cases) overestima-
properties of a corona from small ground irregularities and tion of the corona space charge injected into the atmosphere in a
(ii) initiation of an upward connecting leader from a high thundercloud electric field. However, this overestimation does
grounded object in the electric field of an approaching not seem to be too important when considering the condition
downward leader is small. Formation of aerosol ions affects for the transition from a glow corona to streamers. This
the development of the space charge layer produced at ground condition is that the corona current reaches the critical value,
level. However, according to our calculated results, the corona icr, that is given by Eq. (13) for a spherical coronating electrode
space charge produced at ground cannot compete with the (Bazelyan et al., 2008). From Eq. (13), the value of icr is around
space charge produced near the tip of a high grounded 10 mA for typical magnitudes of the radius of object tips, r0, the
structure when considering lightning attachment to this mobility of dominant ions, μ I, and the onset corona field, Ecor.
structure. It may be concluded that, as opposed to the results Even for extremely high grounded objects, such an intense glow
obtained by Becerra et al. (2007), the effect of neutral aerosol corona can occur only when a thundercloud electric field is
particles on lightning attachment to tall grounded slender enhanced by an approaching downward leader. During the
objects is small. descent of this leader (10–20 ms), the ions injected into the
atmosphere by the leader field have no time to go far away from
a hemispherical tip and are located in the vicinity (at a distance
6. About streamer initiation near rod surface in 1D and of ~1 m or shorter) of the tip where the corona space charge is
2D models close in shape to a hemispherical layer and is well described by
an 1D model. This is the reason that the 1D model and 2D model
In this work and previous our works (Aleksandrov et al., give close results (430 and 530 m, respectively) for the height of
2001, 2002, 2005a, 2005b, 2005c, 2006; Bazelyan et al., 2008, the tip of a downward leader at the instant at which streamers
2009), we used an 1D model of a glow non-stationary corona to are initiated from the tip of a 60 m tall grounded rod (Becerra,
simulate a spatial electric field redistribution near the tip of a 2013). It may be concluded that the difference between the
high grounded object due to corona space charge injection in results of the 1D model and 2D model is not large when
the atmosphere. The obtained data were used to analyze considering discharge processes near the rod tip.
conditions for streamer initiation followed by the start of a Let us consider the statement by Becerra (2013) that
viable upward leader from the object in a thundercloud electric streamers first are initiated from the rod body rather than
field that is intensified by an approaching downward leader. It is from the rod tip. According to Becerra (2013), streamers are
necessary to reconsider this approach in connection with a initiated from a 60 m tall rod when the tip of a downward
recent paper by Becerra (2013) who carried out a 2D simulation leader with a prospective return stroke current of 30 kA
of a glow corona at the tip of a high object and analyzed the descends down to a height of 1140 m and the vertical electric
errors introduced by an 1D model into corona simulation and field at the ground is enhanced by the leader to E0 ≈ 5 kV m–1.
calculation of the conditions for streamer initiation from the It is assumed that this field is not shielded by the corona space
object in the combined electric field of a cloud and approaching charge and therefore is efficiently increased on the body of the
downward leader. In Becerra (2013), it was concluded that (i) in rod due to the charge that is induced on the rod surface.
an 1D model, there is a large overestimation of the corona space Our numerical calculation with the charge simulation
charge injected into the gap in a thundercloud electric field and method (Malik, 1989) showed that in this case the electric
(ii) 1D calculations strongly overestimate the effect of glow field is increased by a factor of KE = E(r0)/E0 = 500–600 on the
corona at the tip of a rod on the initiation of streamers and side surface at a distance of 0.2–1 m from the rod tip. The
upward connecting leaders. The latter effect is, according to calculation was made for a rod 60 m in height and with tip
Becerra (2013), due to the fact that streamers and upward radius of r0 = 0.02 m. This field increase is sufficient to ignite a
leaders first are initiated from the rod body (at a distance of 1 m discharge when taking into account the additional effect of a
or shorter from the rod tip) where a glow corona does not occur shielded thundercloud electric field. The question is what
prior to streamers. discharge processes develop in this case.
The conclusion by Becerra (2013) that the effect of corona Some doubts are cast upon the statement by Becerra (2013)
space charge on lightning attachment is small contradicts field that, under the conditions considered, the discharge processes
observations. It is well known that the corona space charge occurring near the rod body are streamers that can be
affects drastically the initiation of an upward leader from high transformed into an upward leader. To clarify this point, we
tall grounded objects. Indeed, in classical triggered lightning estimate the conditions under which a glow corona gives way
experiments under thunderstorm conditions, a lightning to streamers or streamers are initiated without glow corona on
discharge has a ~70% chance to be launched from a grounded the rod body not far from the rod tip. It follows from our
(with wire) ascending rocket that reaches an altitude of calculations with the charge simulation method that the radial
200–300 m (Rakov and Uman, 2003), although the time of electric field distribution around the rod body at a distance of
rocket flight does not exceed several seconds. At the same time, 0.2–1 m from the rod tip is close to the distribution of the
it takes many hours to launch an upward lightning discharge electric field produced near an infinite cylindrical conductor of
from the tips of fixed grounded objects of a similar height. Here, the same radius and with the same surface charge.
the only explanation is the effect of corona space charge near The critical linear (per unit length) corona current at which
the tips of grounded objects and the absence of this effect in the a glow corona gives way to streamers in the cylindrical
E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86 85

geometry (coaxial cylindrical electrodes or a solitary cylindrical wire-to-plane and wire-to-wire air gaps (Uhlig, 1956). This is
conductor) is written as (Bazelyan et al., 2008) inadmissible for the following reasons. Discharge processes in a
volume are controlled by the local electric field rather than
Icr ¼ 2πε0 μEcor : ð16Þ by the applied voltage. The relationship between the electric
field in the discharge gap and applied voltage depends on
From Eq. (16), we have Icr ≈ 0.1 A m− 1 for Ecor = 4 × electrode radius, distance between the electrodes and their
10 V m− 1, a typical value of the corona onset field.
6 geometry. Therefore, it is invalid to make conclusions about
To initiate streamers from the rod body prior to glow discharge processes near a vertical grounded rod under
corona, the linear corona current, I, must exceed Icr even at the thunderstorm conditions using the observations in labora-
beginning of the discharge processes at t = 0. Let us estimate tory gaps with quite different electrode geometry and
the value of I(t = 0). In our model, the electric field on the dimensions.
coronating surface is stabilized at the level Ecor in spite of the It may be concluded that there are no serious reasons to
growth of an ambient electric field and development of the believe that 1D calculations overestimate strongly the effect of
previously formed corona space charge. The surface field glow corona at the tip of a rod on the initiation of streamers and
stabilization is maintained due to charge emission from the upward connecting leaders, as opposed to the conclusion made
coronating surface. The rate of emission controls the corona by Becerra (2013). For the same reason, in this work, we
current. Corona space charge is absent in the atmosphere at the considered streamer initiation only from the rod tip and did not
instant of corona onset. Therefore, a possible variation in the consider this process from the rod body.
surface charge density, σsuf, could be associated only with a
change in the thundercloud electric field E0 enhanced on the
rod surface up to E(r0) = KEE0. In this case, we have from the 7. Conclusions
electrostatic equations
A corona discharge from the tip of a high (20–100 m)
dσ suf dEðr 0 Þ dE grounded slender object was numerically simulated in a
¼ ε0 ¼ ε0 K E 0 : ð17Þ
dt dt dt thundercloud electric field that could be enhanced by the
charge of an approaching downward leader. Calculations
To stabilize the surface electric field at the level Ecor, the showed that a corona discharge initiated from the tip of a
surplus charge must be transferred from the rod surface into high object does not influence noticeably electric field and
the atmosphere. This process provides the corresponding production of the corona space charge layer at ground level.
corona current. Then, the discharge linear current at the instant The space charge produced by corona from ground
of corona onset, I0, flowing from the side surface of a rod of irregularities can lead to a several times decrease in the electric
radius r0 is field near the tip of a vertical ground object 10–30 m in height.
This leads to a noticeable decrease in the current of a glow
dσ tip dE corona from the object tip. But, when a downward leader
I0 ¼ 2πr 0 ¼ 2πε0 r 0 K E 0 : ð18Þ
dt dt approaches the object, streamer initiation from its tip followed
by the initiation of an upward connecting leader is not affected
Substituting Eq. (18) into Eq. (16), we obtain the condition by the corona space charge produced at ground level. It may be
that streamers are initiated from the side surface of a rod prior concluded that the production of space charge near ground
to glow corona: irregularities is not important for lightning attachment to high
  objects because corona processes near the object tip turn out
dE0 dE0 μ E2 to be much more significant during the phase when all
≥ ¼ cor : ð19Þ
dt dt cr r0 K E discharge processes are intensified by an approaching down-
ward leader.
From Eq. (19), we have (dE0/dt)cr = 200 kV m−1 ms−1 for The effect of neutral aerosol particles on lightning attach-
KE =500, r0 = 0.02 m, μ = 1.5 × 10−4 m2 V−1 s−1 and Ecor = 4 ment to high grounded slender objects is also negligible. The
× 106 V m−1. These values of KE, r0, μ and Ecor are typical and presence of neutral aerosol particles could affect discharge
close to those used by Becerra (2013). processes only via the formation of aerosol ions with low
In Becerra (2013), it was assumed that streamers are mobility. In this case, the time it takes for the corona space
initiated on the body of a 60 m tall rod prior to a glow corona charge layer produced at ground level to reach the tip of a
at the instant when the tip of an approaching downward high object becomes longer. However, the effect of this space
leader is at a height of 1140 m. At this instant the rate of rise charge layer on the initiation of an upward connecting
of the electric field at the ground level is close to dE0/dt = leader from high objects is small and consequently aerosol
2 kV m− 1 ms− 1, two orders of magnitude lower than that particles do not play an important role in lightning
required for streamer initiation. Consequently, streamers attachment.
cannot be initiated in this case from the body of the rod prior The electric field of an approaching downward leader
to a glow corona and the effect of corona space charge is causes an intensification of a glow corona that has been ignited
necessary to take into account when considering streamer near the tip of a vertical grounded rod in a thundercloud
ignition even from the rod body. electric field. Streamers and consequently an upward
To justify his estimation of the conditions for streamer connecting leader first are initiated from the rod tip rather
initiation, Becerra (2013) used the measured critical rate of rise than from the rod body, even though the shielding corona
of the applied voltage at which there is a spark breakdown in space charge is absent near the body surface.
86 E.M. Bazelyan et al. / Atmospheric Research 153 (2015) 74–86

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