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# 97 Basie Skills Activity Pages * 3d Special Games and Activities * Recommended Children's Books * 6 Interactive, Puil-out Mini-Books * Informal Assessment + 30 “My Parenis and Me” Activities, Including Ari and Cooking Recipes, Creative Play Corners, and Family Fun * Fun Web Sites * BAwords *Slickers Carson-Dellosa Publishing.Company, Inc. ee os Xs | Table of Contents | et —wernn—rr eee eee ees eee» we Table of Contents — | Gomes ana Activities Food Groups . 123 | Outdoor Learning : BA | Games.and Activities: } sequencing 1,2, 8... : The Five SENSES. er aieisinoanll 2S Leters Qu Gnd Wis ciainnennasn } Count ie a 6 ANG HES nsnsnsns nnn i Help the Bugs Get Ho" bsfinn Inside and Outside 3 Patterning with Shap peta Taste, Sm ote The Birds Are i My Parenis arid Me | Creative Ploy Comets nmin wa My Parents ond Mer ilove My Grondparents cect 30 eas sune3 ON ON Off... om, ween COUN ANG COI 110 scan i crea eB 5 | Fareed 0 | How Many in Sa Pullout Mini-Book Doy ong Night x { — "bCan Read My ABC's"... 97-100 | My Patents.and Me: Family Fun nace 13 | Mother ond Baby Memory Mat 109 { cig . w103 Trace the Circles and Squeres. | Color the Cire fs My Parents ond Me: Cooking Fun. 04. Trace the Tangles and Rectang! Color the tiiangles and Rectang} 3 Top and Bottom . . Trace the Stars and Diamonds cou) 44 what ag Color the: Stats arid DAMON: atstnmnnnn AS Dobio-Dat AW rt On the Farr ean. aaa Games and Activities: ShOQGS secure tA6 Tracing My Uppercase ABC'S ein Fist and Las ss Above and Below meg ing My Lowercase ABC'S sn Trace the Ovals and 149 from Strongers 3 : Color the Gvais are vee) 5O Pull-out Mink Book: Pul-out Mini-Book’ Scientist Som and the Man Super Safety Kid snctoeennal 1S TE Shope Machine 151-154 | tone’ or bess? ul Match the Shapes... Trace-and Golor Mr. Shape My Parents and Me: Painting Fun w..ns.en 20 Slip and Slide Decorate Dad's Ties Alphabet Letters Aa and Bb... Letters Cc and Dd. LeHerS Be GND Flossie Letters Gg and Hh Letters Kk ond LI Letters Men OG NI vernon iters Oo and Pp. Letters Gq and Rr Letters $5 and Tt Letters Uu and Wy. Letters Ww. and Xx Letters Yy one zz Pullout Mi 1. Can Read My ABC'S" ssc Dot-to-Dot cs Tracing My Uppercase ABC's... Tracing My Lowercase ABC's.. Awards. Awards... rome colors Red and Blue... ascend vernal Yellow Gd Gre 6M escestanscen 18 RANGE ONG PUMDIC. ssrrsnierrrnsserntiee Ly olor the Rainbow. eee te White ane Block eee eeeirenee tans ED Brown anid Pink 20 olor Match eee. Games and Activit 39 Fine Motor ‘Can Print My Name - AB Help the Chickens Cross the Road... Sames and Activities: Leaming to Print Bunnies Love Carrots... z - Three Pigs and a Wolf... mere Help the Bugs Get Home. 2 Contents by Skill a e Bees anc Flowers. CUS CHCIES ra ceed Pl Slip ond Side... a ssesV 1 The Birds Are Lost... oe ani tee Hs Games and Activities COI LM nea, deer ee Learning 10 PAINT Pea ene Numbers.... ei midi Matching and Sorting 2c Outdoor Learning hon ‘The Five Senses... SNODES cre eerie! Getting Started ... Cee Play Dough FUR ccs Creative Piay Comers......... Cooking Fun Painting Fur | Love My Grandparent: Famiby Fun a Numbers NUMbGPS 1 GN 2 vsessssemnsentnnenseentn NUMB ers 3G 4 osecsscsnsmnneeesieniin Finish Each Picture. Numbers the Numb eer 79 | My Parents and Me | | j | } j } | } Circt Games and Activities: NUMBERS end Tracing Numbers 0-9 i ancecoassea Dot-to-Dot |-10. = COUN AND CHIE enn weer o_erreesere— 0 aero cl Dogs emaccmsal hing”. - sess « wren ty Kid". 29 Shapes 31 Trace the Circles ond Squares Color the Citeles and SqUOTES inn | e Trace the Tangles and Rectangles... Color the Triangles and Rectangies... 78 “Trace the Stars and Diomonds Color the Siors ond Diamonds... Games and Activities: shapes Trace d Octagons Color the Ovals and Octagons...... Pullout MiniBook 0 Tog 15 1 Baby Memory Maict cen Top and Bottom 2 Does Not BELONG? enn i See and Hear inside and Qutsi Taste, Smell, and Touch On ond Animal Matct Boy 3 Abo: Introduction Dear Parent, Welcome to On the Road through Preschool. You and your learning adventure. You have already discovered how mi a young child can learn when provided with the experiences that promote a child's natural curiosity. It is miraculous to look back on your child's first years and séé how many skils have olready been acquired On the Road through Preschool is very different from the other books in this series. This book has been written for parents whose children have not yet been to kindergarten Whether your child has had the experience of preschool or not, Kindergarten is a big change. It is one of those monumental milesiones in your child's fife (and yours!) ‘Your soon-to-be Kindergariner is rapidly learning at his own pace. As you look at the activities in this book, please keep in mind that all children mature and develop reaci- ness skils at different rates. Some five-year-olds love pencil and paper tasks and are able to use scissors, while other five-year-olds would rather build with blocks and put fogether puzzles. Both types of children are normal, and both will discover their own learning styles in time. This book includes many pencit and paper tasks. if your child seems ready for them, that's wonderful. But if your child is not ready, the majority of these activities can be ‘accomplished without writing on the page. For example, on a page where the child is to circle two objects that are the'“same," the child can simply paint to the objects that ore alike. Be creative as aparent and adjust each task to meet the needs of your child This is a “togethemess" book. Every activity Is meant for parents and children to work ‘on fogether. Preschoolers need your guidance, your support, and your participation — after all, you are your child's first teacher! In addition te game an: will also find pull-out mini-books. recommended book lists, Wel and special activities called “My Parents and Me.” “My Parents and Me" pages pro vide you and your child with meaningful leaming experiences that cannot be accomplished on a piece of paper. Asa parent, there is nothing better you can do fo ensure your child's educational suc cess than fo spend time together. Not only wilt yau help increase your chid’s skills, but you will also create many happy memories SO Everyday Ways to Enrich Your Chiles Learning Experiences ‘As the parent of @ young child, you-are eager fot your little one to Isam and to achieve some of the skills she will need in order to succeed in school. The best way for you to help your child is to create a living and leaming environment in wi child will wont to explore. learn new concepts, and practice new skills You can create this environment by providing your child with hands-on “play” experiences that are well thought-out. Young children leam best through “play with @ purpose.” Although some preschool children enjoy the traditional paper and pencil tasks, the majority of children at this age will experience more success when provided with hands-on, manipulative materials that encourage exploration question-asking, and problem-solving. As 0 parent, you guide the learning experience when you play with your child. This helps your child learn to listen. stay.on task, and make new observations. Ask open- ended questions to steer your child into drawing new conclusions, developing new: vocabulary, and learning new ways to accomplish tasks. For example, when your child is building with blocks, ask, “What de you think would happen if 7" OF ‘Is there another way we cauld build this tower? The following are some ideas for activities and materials that will enhance the learning experiences that you can provide for your child Language Arts The single most important skill that a chi needs for success in schosi, and later in life, is to be “literate.” In other words, yaur child must lear how to read. You can do many things to encourage literacy. 1. Read fo your child every day. Read to your child eve minutes. This offen becomes a favorite time of the day for + Talk about the pictures. + Ask questions. | * Ask your child to guess what is going to happen nex! i + Encourage your child to retell favorite stories or favorite parts of a story. i + Have your child make up anew ending for astory. | | | | day for-at least 15} e child and parent | * Goto the library and let your child choose new books. * Encourage “pretend” reading. This is when children look at the pictures and make up what they think the words say. 2. Encourage letter recognition, Preschoclers can begin developing an interest in feading and phonics by making observations of how we use written language * Point out leiters in fhe environment, such as on cereal boxes. in your child's name, and on billboards. ways fo help your child learn to match letters xy [stening games. Have your child identify words that begin witht sound. Pic 3. Provide language arfs materials. Fil your child's environment with iteracy materials, is a suggested selection: i netic letters | * Books, magazines, newspapers, and catalogs * Paper, pencils, crayons, and paints (Encourage children te experiment with making circles, squiggles. and lines.) + CDs of and recorded children's sto Math & Science So many toys and puzzles provide young < learning experiences. Remember fo point science in our daily lives. dren's music lidren with early moth and science fall the ways we use numbers. and this a special activity for families te de themselves are infinite. Children.can gain 1. Cook or garden together. Not only together, but the learning experience these valuable skis * Measuring Numbers and counting ["'Stir 10 times" or “Add 1 cup water") Increased vocabulary development (hot, coid, wet, ary. sticky, and so en) Increased observation skils 2. Provide math and science matericis and activities. Here is as sted list: + Magnifying glass + Blocks ond other building materials * Magnets and magnetic numeral * Scales (concepts of heavier and lighter) + Pouring liquids | * Sink and float objects for the bath ar for sink water play i * Calculators and toy cash regi * Puzzles * Sorting, matching, and classifying games i + Trips to science ar hildren's mus * Taking walks ond observing nature ‘On the Road Umrough IIR IN ON ENON LON OO OS™ t Fun Web Sites for Preschoolers Wild ari what does io other fun s Ae Original stories with colar hs plorgiyoutl Hou y presents stories i d_and text-only versions. cantain audio. 1 Internet Public Lib arn While mastering readers can alto pra hing werds and pictures, F inforce ABI keyboo ination, ude animal souns vencing, and nursery 1 rectly. learning numbers, logic; and ‘On the Read through OOo _,:,k eee Recommended Books for Preschoolers a Alexar Jihe Terie, Hort y Bait Day by Judith Vi Grace by Mory Hoffman kes: AD ‘oeMs, ane by Jane Dyer Animnat Yo: Aniinat inting Book by Mitsumasc Ann ay by Maris ask Mp. Beor by Maxjerie F by Brian Cease Him? by Ste 1 Kellogg yr Siobodkica aie by & cand the Di Chicka Chicka Boom Bo and John Archambault A Child's treasury of Poems, edited by Mark Dani tev y Bill Morfin Choo Chee: The Slory of a Liftle Engir Ww Away by Vieginia Lee Burton Coler Farm by Lois Ehler Color 2: fs Ehlet ‘Gondurey by Don Freer Cross-Country Cat by Mary Calhoun javid McPhail’s Animals A to 2 Doctor De Soto: by Wiliam St by Jan Br iu by Care! Fenny by H. Werner Zimmerma went Wal I You Give a Moose by IF¥ou Give o Mau and the Three ames Marshal non by Alexa nf Horsey by Frank ASCH Moon by Margaret Wise ‘On the Read threogh Presi Recommended Books for Preschoolers a The Quiet Noisy Book By Morgoret Wise Br White Carstron umpl by Robert Kalen ® oddly by Frank Agen Zobbit Inn by Patience st Mottier Goose amnold Lobel 1 Very You ein edited by Jock Prelutsi ne little Rea Hen by Paul Galdane Yellow Leaf by oxi! by David McPhail he Relatives Came by © y Pot Hutchins Ehled Ludwig Bemelmans Ducklings by Robert McCloskey er Forgets Mama Cat Hos ns by Deriise Fi Sily Sally by Audrey Wood Beatrice Schenk Sleep Safe, Uitte Whole by Milam Schiein The Snowy B: Keats The Stor nie Lect 85 by Linnea Riley aint by Ellen Stoll Walsh Outing by John Bumingham in the Rain by Mitra Ginsburg vn Bear Ramey by Dorothy Butte Mush My Bro Iphabet oy S2 by Audrey Wood No Bath Tonight by Jane Yolen Nuts ho Youl By LO'S Ehlert Falconer n'y Songs and Fing all and Suson Nip. g.ond Ploy by Pamela Beall h Blve Fish by De. Seuss and Susan Nir * by Martin Waddell The Wheels on the Maryann Kowalski Neré the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak by Era Jock Keats Are You? by Robert Kraus adapted by Peler and the Wolf ter’s Chair by Exe The Poky l Polar Bear, Polar Bee, by Bill Marti Puss in Boots by Charles Pe Informal Assessment + responses. Each ime the form is and date it in a different color i romes “ CoE o 26 CE tali/short empiy/full —less/more one more just one short/long slow/fast Quantitative concepts: Positional and directional concepts: up/dewn over/under infout le/outside — offfon ee este high/low Rote counts to: 0123456789710 Matches quantity with symbol: 1 456789 Identifies numbers: [012345678910 0123456 10 identifies uppercase letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ oe Identifies lowercase letters: abcdefghijkimnopaqrstuvwxyz Identifies beginning consonant sounds: (Bc dfghjkimnparstvwyz Recites (or sings) alphabet: in weather reports: Matches uppercase letters: sunny, rainy, snowy, cloudy, windy Matches lowercase letters: hot, cold, warm, chilly, foagy Reads own name: Recites days of week: Reads names of others: Recites months of year: (“Yes No ) LOPE IR] 82ers eee My Parents and Me: Getting Started School Stuff AS you begin your vacation learning adveriture, it Is a wise idsa to help your child organize some special materials. Here is list of things your child may want to have on hand: | Have your child decorate a bex to store these fun supplies. and encourage him to put the supplies back whenever finished with them. Thal way, you will always know where every- thing is. Nothing geis jas} when “picking up" becomes a habit Designer Paint Shirts Our Memory Box | Give your chill an old white shirt with but- As you werk through this Book, you will find | tons trom your closet. Provide fabric paints frat you and your child have: created aid let the child enjoy decorating this shirt. many wenderful things that you would like | Alwdiys remember to button the shirtin the to save. Be prepared. Make and decorate back. That way, when your child is exira a special memory box together with your | dirty. you can unbutton the shirt and gently — child. pull it off before paint gets all ever you and | your childs clean clothes. Take a photograph of your child and place | it on the top of a box. To protect the pho- jegraph, cover with laminate or clear shelf paper. Ask your child to draw and color pictures oll over the box. You can Use a spray finish ta give the box @ shine and ta help protect it from wear gnd tear, (Be sure fore you spra\ As an extra treat, keep a tape recorder handy. Children fove playing with tape recorders and listening to their yeices. In the years fo come. listening to the tape of your litfie ons talking and singing songs will melt your heart Red and Blue a Fa Color the pictures that are usually red, blue = Yellow and Green Color the pictures that are usually green. 16 Oh the Rood Dirovgh Prase Orange and Purple j |] ee) Colors Color the Rainbow Read the color words. Color the rainbow, | colors White and Bleck Pwchih te-_ whi tec Color the pictures that are usually black Brown and Pink 1 I I i Wu 9 1 | S fe i I I 1 “C { 99 i oloring” | 13 1 is 1 1é t I ' Cats and Dogs! : 18 ora tH I iE 1 1 A “Read ond Color" Story I i i KF 4 I I 1 1 I I ! I I I I I I I 1 I i I 1 1 1 I 1 I i 1 1 1 1 Some people ask why Do not misjudge me. I i my fur is bright yeitow. I'm not really that mean. I “Because,” I reply, My fur just happens 1 | eat lots of Jell-O.” 3 to be the color green q lose CD-03ts I (on the Road! through | { | | | | | | rm very hungry. | My head is spinning, and when | am not fed, | my face is turning blue. lium a really I think Lam sick deep shade of crimson red. 2 with-a bad case of flu. I I I I I i I I I 1 1 I t i I 1 ee | I tT 1 i I 1 i 1 I I I I I i ! i t [sit on this scale, When | was quite young, an orange tabby cat, | was. crowned King Turple, and twitch my long fail because | was born I'm a little bit fat. a the royal hue purpte. Deltora Co-0315 "22 On the Rood thr Se ee Re ew ee ee ee ee pe ee ee ee ee ee ee ey a I I 1 I I I ! I i ! I i ! eine ! = Hello, everyone! 1 My friends all call me Wink. Just cok at my face Don't | look pretty, 1 and my big. sory frown. s dressed head to toe in pink? I Peewee eee ee wee ewe ew eee ees a i I i 1 I I I 1 I I t I I 1 I i LE I'ma small, sad cat, with fur the color brown. Here we ore again Remember us? Hello! Color us once more, blue, green, red, and yellow. Fee eee ew eee eet eee eee te 1 | i | I f 1 1 1 l J 1 I I { “ Renal : it’s tough to stay clean, Halloween is here, when your fur is all wiilite. and we are two black cats, ! You simply cannot who go dear-to-deer i ever get into fights. & and trick-or-treat for snacks. Hil Color us, too. And after that, my friend, you will be all done. That's ail there is. THE END. 24 air be toad through Color the Crayons words. Color the crayons. Read the color the Butterfly Read the color words. Color Bonnie the Butterfly le Bonni What Color? 2% | Color each picture. Color Match ‘OR the Rost Cheaugh Reaeiiness Skis and Concepts Wacky Worm Patterns | Fill in the blank circles to continue each pattern, | wary - a @___ Numbers 1 and 2 This is the number 1 7 the Boat tnrough res Readiness Skitls and Concepts Who Needs What? Draw lines to match the people to the objects they use. ae Numbers Numbers 3 and 4 This is the number 3. | | j | | | | | j | | | | | | | 1 | | | | i | | | Draw 1 scoop of ice cream onthe cone. in the nest | - eg ee | Draw 3.balloons for the girl. Numbers 5 and 6 This is the number 5. [i go--—- Color & ducks. This is the number 6 foe pawnbers Dot-to-Dot 1-6 Connect the dots from 1 to 6. What do you find? Color the picture. | | | | | | oh belles 0-031 al Numbers 7 and 8 This is the number 7. |4—-- Numbers 1-8 & | Trace the number. Color the correct number of objects in each row. Numbers 4 and 10 This is the number 4. DOD , Color 4 fish. BA: ae eee err ee _s_ceeee saeee _s_ ee Ores Games and Activities: Colors Muffin Pan Colors Mixing Doughy Colors Filo mutiiq pan with This.activity is a bif complicated but lols of tun. wate. Add a few You will need: tempera paint or food coloring drops of food coloring Ivory scap flakes, a large mixing bow, several to each wel to make small bowls (disposable paper bowls work very red, blue, and yellow i), and seif-seaiing clear plostic saneiwich water Give your child on bags. Mix up some Ivory soap flakes in the large eyedropper and c stack of bow! unill the consistency is thick. Spoon a white pay towels and let the of the white mixture into two | discoveries begin, Have your bowis. Add'a different color of food coloring to | | child drop one color on the paper e€ach bow! and mix well. Next, Gut a spoonful of fowel and then drop a second col eact 9 into a self seaing plastic on top of that, Waich as the fw Lei your child rb ond colors blend togeth veeze the mixture Until coler. the hyo colors h to make 6 third ‘of reference: Pon Colors activ as a guide w making and mixin your child is fir colors on the par colored towels on black paper and display them on your refrigerator. or an old pie ti yarn Pictures c into: aot sec- Provide your child with sx ‘different colors of yam: red, orange. yellow, green. blue, and purple. Have her dip the yarn into liauid starch or white give, then ploce the yarn in the shape of rainbow on light blue paper repre- senting the sky. Help your child complete the pi creating clouds with cotton balls pins to the comec sections Readiness Skills anet Concepts f Match the Animal to Its Home Letters Aa and Bb “The Best” Play Dough This is one cf the best play dough recipes that con be made in your own kitchen, itis eosy To make and will keep for weeks in a well-sealed Plastic bas. You will need: 1 Cup salt, 2 cu jed flour, 2 tablespoons alum, 2 tablespoons oil, ond cup water, Mix all th is fogether until they farm a smooth re. Food coloring may be added to thi fore it is pouted info the mixture fo dren will spend hours enjoying the play dough ade.all by nselves! Magical Ctay This s one of the best recipes form made ciay that can be painted. _ Heat 2! cups of water over low heat until you see bubbles mix 1 cup Smnsta cold wate h into‘ cup itil sso ch mix Hot water ond stir consistency is fike clay. Form the clay of sculbtures and allow the dough room temperature for three days. ne clay will become very hard and can be painted and sprayed with shellac. Make-Your-Own Clay Beacis You will need: 1 part comstarch to 1/2 parts flour and warm water, a mina bow. and o spoon. Add the warm water to the dry ingredients and mix to make a stiff jough.. Dust with flour 10 prévent stickiness. Help your child roll the dough into the shape of a snake. hen cut the long piece of dough into beads. Create h in the beads with a nail. Allow the: beads to dry. Your child will have fun stringing j@ beads with yarn ond creating all sorts of interesting patterns. Funny Putty Funny putty is 9 crazy clay thet is fun to make and incredibly fun to play witht This is one recipe that should be closely supervised though. because it can get extremely messy (Still. the fun is well worth the mess!) Add 2 parts white to | Part liquid starch in o tare fie bowl, Mix weil. If the putty is still fc atter-a counie of minutes, add more st make the mixture more workable: Thi pully has ci really interesting texture. Yo may spend lots of time just squishin: hands, Iris $0 much fun, you may war ith ft, too! On the Roos whreush Fine Motor I Can Print My Name Seat Belts Keep Us Safe! “Always wear your seat belt!” That is ‘a very important rule. Remind your family to wear their seat belts. The Mice Go. _ Marching Remove page A "Read, Count, and Trace” Story "eer I 1 I I I I t 1 ! I 1 I I i I 1 I I 1 1 i I I J I i 1 I fe I 1 t 1 ! I I I I I | 1 1 1 ! 1 1 I I I I ! Cc = I I The mice go:marching. The mice go marching. I See number 2? Now | see 3. 4 He looks like G clown, What's on her finger? ‘ wearing those shoes. 3 Buzz, her pet bee. lesa ae 4S On the Road threugh ee ee eee ! zero one ! I 1} ' 1 I I 1 I t 1 I I ! I ! I { I ! l 1 I 1 I 1 ! 1 The mice go marching, The mice go marching I Where did they go? At last, there's I! ! I don't see ony. Acute little mouse, 1 I Not one. 0. 2 sucking his thumb. I - a four The mice go marching. Where's number #2 Oh! Now | see her, behind that door, » Ot : The mice go marching. There's number 5. five 2 : He's dressed for the beach, ready io dive. s% Sone six The mice go march ing. 1. Wow, number 6! That mal 's huge! You'll need two sticks! Theties go marching. Here's 7. Lose! seven What is she doing? Reading a book The mice go marching. Ten mice in all. Look at 10's belly— round as a ballll etarionDelosa C-0515 B 7 On the Rese! trough Preschool fesse eee See eee ea Se eS Se ee H go marching. Watch number 8. ; ; eight She's running so fashahe must be late: I Vy 1 1 I 1 eee Oe I I z The mice go marching. Hey. number 4! : nine No need 2 worry, ust ein line. : 1 1 a a : 1 I ‘2 gs OS Bo: 1 I I é i ee ee ee Everyone's here now. Count them again! And-when you are through, that’s it. THE END. Letters Cc and Dd 3 & a \ Help the Chickens Cross the Road Draw a line from the chicken to the coop. Alphabet Letters Ee and Ff Color the pictures that begin with the “F#" sound. nthe Real thre How sow Many Gur Gum Balls? Draw the correct number of gum balls in each machine. | a Know Monelenhone Number: Write your telephone number in the box. | a a f Letters ‘ Color the pictures that begin with the “Gg” sound. h & Circle the Number 1-7 Count the number of objects in each row. Circle the correct numeral. CW os OOO ss: kei 4 WwBwa te | 224567 BP 1234567 GEG GG sss. Color the pictures that begin with the “Jj" sound. Oe eae, eee“ eee eee e—eee_se eS©«< 00 OOOO TOE Games and Activities: Learning to Print Printing is @ fine motor skill, Before young children are able fo print properly, they need to stengihen and develop muscle control as well as eye-hand coordination. Developing these skils takes time and patience. You need to know that those fist letter and numeral formations will be large, sometimes backwards. and often unreadable. That is normal at jhis stage in your child's development. Before spending too much time teaching your child to print actual letters and numerals, spend some time on activities that strengthen pre-handuwriting skis. You wil find several Activities that focus on fine motor skills in this book, These exercises will assist young children in developing some pencil contral. Thete are many other things. you can de to help develep these skills, while also providing experiences that are successful andi fun for your child. Try some of the ideas listed below. Pre-Printing Ideas Give your child tracing and simple dot- * Make shapes, letters, and Cy fo-dot activities to complete. numerals from small objects, eo such as buttons, srpaill stones, Practice lines one circles (and letters or pipe cleaners, string, and numerals it readiness is shown) on a small: blocks. sand-filed cookie sheet. The child con fee! the shape and directionality of let- Purchose slenciis for your child, Pi ters, numerals, fines, and circles. with them will provide another experi- ence to help develop eye-hand Finger paint is a wonderful medium for coordination and muscle conirel exploring the formation of shapes, let- fers, and numerals Note: |f you are’ unable to fell if your child is fight- or left-handed. do not encourage Create play-dough, cookie, one hand or the other! Watch t f breac gh shapes. let. hand your ‘child uses most fers, and numerals. {itis also handing your child a pencil, hold the pen fun to bake and ect the cil level io the middle of your chid’s ones made from cookie or bread midsection, Often children will fake the dough.) pencil from an adult using the hand that is = dominant. Give your child a pair of scissors and several sheets See the numeral (page 65}. uppercase of paper. With your superv # alphabet (page 110), and lowercase sion, have your child snip F’ alphabet (page 112) tracing pages for fringe all around the paper. This helps _ printing practice with letters and numbers. build fine motor muscles and increase fine moter control. f : j ‘Alphabet Letter Pals ' | te Match the uppercase letter to the lowercase letter. \ Crossing the Street Always cross the street with an adult Color the picture. Read to your child: Cors move very fast. W! be very dangerous fr, when you are to. hold my hand. Big andi tittle I enero none Games and Activities: Numbers 1 | eeaicevmper rae, Heber Joma Shict Box Counting pairs _Dot-to-Dot 10 0.Colo. strom 1 to ect th This & my fomiy. They love me ond love ther. 1 waren enn nnn enon ncn nnn nd Thi my favorite | Thsismytoverte ) Thisismy favorite cole. ‘oninal show. 5 3 & 3 5 5 Letters Uv and Vv U — Help the Bugs Get Home ama Kangaroo Maze Help the lost her way to he Aon fonda ooh YY and Z. x a Red on top means you must stop! Green below means you may go! Super Safety Kid | Games and Activities: The Five Senses 1 can Teste and Smit eee My Parents and Me: I Love My Grandparents ‘ in a tone guinea pig an the block the other guinea pig eff the Dock eee a i alg i 1 je 1-1 Boia Cigantic Bubbles ; Cotor the Circtes and Squares a Pannen Trace the Triangles and Rectangles. Color the Stars ane! Diamonds Games and Activities: Shapes Scientist Sam and the Marvelous Shape Machine a Trace and Color Mr. Shape ’ MR. | SHAPE ‘ast Txnow By “The ance a | yf my numbers trick me! * 1-10! ae BR 8 om ue ‘teve. { I know many basic listening ' concepts: up, down, { on, off, in, out, over, to stories! under, and more . , . VisitourWebsit swonuenrgondehosaisom tou # 97 Basie Skills Activity Pages * 3d Special Games and Activities * Recommended Children's Books * 6 Interactive, Puil-out Mini-Books * Informal Assessment + 30 “My Parenis and Me” Activities, Including Ari and Cooking Recipes, Creative Play Corners, and Family Fun * Fun Web Sites * BAwords *Slickers Carson-Dellosa Publishing.Company, Inc. ee os Xs ene eee ee =: kee ee Table of Contents Contents by Skil. Introduction Everyday Ways to En’ h your Chile's Leoming Experiences... a9 Fun Web Sites for Preschooler iin.ncrntacninslO) Recommended Books for Presch 11 Informal Assessment ane My Parents and Me: Getting Sorted ..cu014 Red and B z ng Yellow ain : ol Sr Coler the Rainbow seca aE White ond Black. eorreticmereraesl VN PINK seat in-Book: ring’ Cats Wacky Worm Patterns.. f Numbers 1 ond 2 cot eects Numbers 7 and 8... é - Numbers 1-8. sia ss Numbers ? and Games and Activities: Colors, ee Match the Animal Seance Leffers AG GND BD sccener | My Parents and Me: Play Dough Fun 1.42 [Can Print My Names eevee AB ep Us Sate! seni Letters Covand Da Chickens Cross tr Letters Ee and Ft a How Many Gum Bals?...... | Know iy Telephone Number Letters Gg and Hh Circle the Number Letters and Games and Acti Letter Pals Color th s That Crossing the Sireet. Big and Little Letters Kk and LU Games and Activities: Ni pers Tracing NI Dot-to-D 7 I Know My Acicress Letters Mm and Nn a. Pull-out Mink 800k: “A Up and Bown. c lor the Pic ee oom 83 —wernn—rr eee eee ees eee» we Table of Contents — | Gomes ana Activities Food Groups . 123 | Outdoor Learning : BA | Games.and Activities: } sequencing 1,2, 8... : The Five SENSES. er aieisinoanll 2S Leters Qu Gnd Wis ciainnennasn } Count ie a 6 ANG HES nsnsnsns nnn i Help the Bugs Get Ho" bsfinn Inside and Outside 3 Patterning with Shap peta Taste, Sm ote The Birds Are i My Parenis arid Me | Creative Ploy Comets nmin wa My Parents ond Mer ilove My Grondparents cect 30 eas sune3 ON ON Off... om, ween COUN ANG COI 110 scan i crea eB 5 | Fareed 0 | How Many in Sa Pullout Mini-Book Doy ong Night x { — "bCan Read My ABC's"... 97-100 | My Patents.and Me: Family Fun nace 13 | Mother ond Baby Memory Mat 109 { cig . w103 Trace the Circles and Squeres. | Color the Cire fs My Parents ond Me: Cooking Fun. 04. Trace the Tangles and Rectang! Color the tiiangles and Rectang} 3 Top and Bottom . . Trace the Stars and Diamonds cou) 44 what ag Color the: Stats arid DAMON: atstnmnnnn AS Dobio-Dat AW rt On the Farr ean. aaa Games and Activities: ShOQGS secure tA6 Tracing My Uppercase ABC'S ein Fist and Las ss Above and Below meg ing My Lowercase ABC'S sn Trace the Ovals and 149 from Strongers 3 : Color the Gvais are vee) 5O Pull-out Mink Book: Pul-out Mini-Book’ Scientist Som and the Man Super Safety Kid snctoeennal 1S TE Shope Machine 151-154 | tone’ or bess? ul Match the Shapes... Trace-and Golor Mr. Shape My Parents and Me: Painting Fun w..ns.en 20 Slip and Slide Decorate Dad's Ties Alphabet Letters Aa and Bb... Letters Cc and Dd. LeHerS Be GND Flossie Letters Gg and Hh Letters Kk ond LI Letters Men OG NI vernon iters Oo and Pp. Letters Gq and Rr Letters $5 and Tt Letters Uu and Wy. Letters Ww. and Xx Letters Yy one zz Pullout Mi 1. Can Read My ABC'S" ssc Dot-to-Dot cs Tracing My Uppercase ABC's... Tracing My Lowercase ABC's.. Awards. Awards... rome colors Red and Blue... ascend vernal Yellow Gd Gre 6M escestanscen 18 RANGE ONG PUMDIC. ssrrsnierrrnsserntiee Ly olor the Rainbow. eee te White ane Block eee eeeirenee tans ED Brown anid Pink 20 olor Match eee. Games and Activit 39 Fine Motor ‘Can Print My Name - AB Help the Chickens Cross the Road... Sames and Activities: Leaming to Print Bunnies Love Carrots... z - Three Pigs and a Wolf... mere Help the Bugs Get Home. 2 Contents by Skill a e Bees anc Flowers. CUS CHCIES ra ceed Pl Slip ond Side... a ssesV 1 The Birds Are Lost... oe ani tee Hs Games and Activities COI LM nea, deer ee Learning 10 PAINT Pea ene Numbers.... ei midi Matching and Sorting 2c Outdoor Learning hon ‘The Five Senses... SNODES cre eerie! Getting Started ... Cee Play Dough FUR ccs Creative Piay Comers......... Cooking Fun Painting Fur | Love My Grandparent: Famiby Fun a Numbers NUMbGPS 1 GN 2 vsessssemnsentnnenseentn NUMB ers 3G 4 osecsscsnsmnneeesieniin Finish Each Picture. Numbers the Numb eer 79 | My Parents and Me | | j | } j } | } Circt Games and Activities: NUMBERS end Tracing Numbers 0-9 i ancecoassea Dot-to-Dot |-10. = COUN AND CHIE enn weer o_erreesere— 0 aero cl Dogs emaccmsal hing”. - sess « wren ty Kid". 29 Shapes 31 Trace the Circles ond Squares Color the Citeles and SqUOTES inn | e Trace the Tangles and Rectangles... Color the Triangles and Rectangies... 78 “Trace the Stars and Diomonds Color the Siors ond Diamonds... Games and Activities: shapes Trace d Octagons Color the Ovals and Octagons...... Pullout MiniBook 0 Tog 15 1 Baby Memory Maict cen Top and Bottom 2 Does Not BELONG? enn i See and Hear inside and Qutsi Taste, Smell, and Touch On ond Animal Matct Boy 3 Abo: Introduction Dear Parent, Welcome to On the Road through Preschool. You and your learning adventure. You have already discovered how mi a young child can learn when provided with the experiences that promote a child's natural curiosity. It is miraculous to look back on your child's first years and séé how many skils have olready been acquired On the Road through Preschool is very different from the other books in this series. This book has been written for parents whose children have not yet been to kindergarten Whether your child has had the experience of preschool or not, Kindergarten is a big change. It is one of those monumental milesiones in your child's fife (and yours!) ‘Your soon-to-be Kindergariner is rapidly learning at his own pace. As you look at the activities in this book, please keep in mind that all children mature and develop reaci- ness skils at different rates. Some five-year-olds love pencil and paper tasks and are able to use scissors, while other five-year-olds would rather build with blocks and put fogether puzzles. Both types of children are normal, and both will discover their own learning styles in time. This book includes many pencit and paper tasks. if your child seems ready for them, that's wonderful. But if your child is not ready, the majority of these activities can be ‘accomplished without writing on the page. For example, on a page where the child is to circle two objects that are the'“same," the child can simply paint to the objects that ore alike. Be creative as aparent and adjust each task to meet the needs of your child This is a “togethemess" book. Every activity Is meant for parents and children to work ‘on fogether. Preschoolers need your guidance, your support, and your participation — after all, you are your child's first teacher! In addition te game an: will also find pull-out mini-books. recommended book lists, Wel and special activities called “My Parents and Me.” “My Parents and Me" pages pro vide you and your child with meaningful leaming experiences that cannot be accomplished on a piece of paper. Asa parent, there is nothing better you can do fo ensure your child's educational suc cess than fo spend time together. Not only wilt yau help increase your chid’s skills, but you will also create many happy memories SO Everyday Ways to Enrich Your Chiles Learning Experiences ‘As the parent of @ young child, you-are eager fot your little one to Isam and to achieve some of the skills she will need in order to succeed in school. The best way for you to help your child is to create a living and leaming environment in wi child will wont to explore. learn new concepts, and practice new skills You can create this environment by providing your child with hands-on “play” experiences that are well thought-out. Young children leam best through “play with @ purpose.” Although some preschool children enjoy the traditional paper and pencil tasks, the majority of children at this age will experience more success when provided with hands-on, manipulative materials that encourage exploration question-asking, and problem-solving. As 0 parent, you guide the learning experience when you play with your child. This helps your child learn to listen. stay.on task, and make new observations. Ask open- ended questions to steer your child into drawing new conclusions, developing new: vocabulary, and learning new ways to accomplish tasks. For example, when your child is building with blocks, ask, “What de you think would happen if 7" OF ‘Is there another way we cauld build this tower? The following are some ideas for activities and materials that will enhance the learning experiences that you can provide for your child Language Arts The single most important skill that a chi needs for success in schosi, and later in life, is to be “literate.” In other words, yaur child must lear how to read. You can do many things to encourage literacy. 1. Read fo your child every day. Read to your child eve minutes. This offen becomes a favorite time of the day for + Talk about the pictures. + Ask questions. | * Ask your child to guess what is going to happen nex! i + Encourage your child to retell favorite stories or favorite parts of a story. i + Have your child make up anew ending for astory. | | | | day for-at least 15} e child and parent | * Goto the library and let your child choose new books. * Encourage “pretend” reading. This is when children look at the pictures and make up what they think the words say. 2. Encourage letter recognition, Preschoclers can begin developing an interest in feading and phonics by making observations of how we use written language * Point out leiters in fhe environment, such as on cereal boxes. in your child's name, and on billboards. ways fo help your child learn to match letters xy [stening games. Have your child identify words that begin witht sound. Pic 3. Provide language arfs materials. Fil your child's environment with iteracy materials, is a suggested selection: i netic letters | * Books, magazines, newspapers, and catalogs * Paper, pencils, crayons, and paints (Encourage children te experiment with making circles, squiggles. and lines.) + CDs of and recorded children's sto Math & Science So many toys and puzzles provide young < learning experiences. Remember fo point science in our daily lives. dren's music lidren with early moth and science fall the ways we use numbers. and this a special activity for families te de themselves are infinite. Children.can gain 1. Cook or garden together. Not only together, but the learning experience these valuable skis * Measuring Numbers and counting ["'Stir 10 times" or “Add 1 cup water") Increased vocabulary development (hot, coid, wet, ary. sticky, and so en) Increased observation skils 2. Provide math and science matericis and activities. Here is as sted list: + Magnifying glass + Blocks ond other building materials * Magnets and magnetic numeral * Scales (concepts of heavier and lighter) + Pouring liquids | * Sink and float objects for the bath ar for sink water play i * Calculators and toy cash regi * Puzzles * Sorting, matching, and classifying games i + Trips to science ar hildren's mus * Taking walks ond observing nature ‘On the Road Umrough IIR IN ON ENON LON OO OS™ t Fun Web Sites for Preschoolers Wild ari what does io other fun s Ae Original stories with colar hs plorgiyoutl Hou y presents stories i d_and text-only versions. cantain audio. 1 Internet Public Lib arn While mastering readers can alto pra hing werds and pictures, F inforce ABI keyboo ination, ude animal souns vencing, and nursery 1 rectly. learning numbers, logic; and ‘On the Read through OOo _,:,k eee Recommended Books for Preschoolers a Alexar Jihe Terie, Hort y Bait Day by Judith Vi Grace by Mory Hoffman kes: AD ‘oeMs, ane by Jane Dyer Animnat Yo: Aniinat inting Book by Mitsumasc Ann ay by Maris ask Mp. Beor by Maxjerie F by Brian Cease Him? by Ste 1 Kellogg yr Siobodkica aie by & cand the Di Chicka Chicka Boom Bo and John Archambault A Child's treasury of Poems, edited by Mark Dani tev y Bill Morfin Choo Chee: The Slory of a Liftle Engir Ww Away by Vieginia Lee Burton Coler Farm by Lois Ehler Color 2: fs Ehlet ‘Gondurey by Don Freer Cross-Country Cat by Mary Calhoun javid McPhail’s Animals A to 2 Doctor De Soto: by Wiliam St by Jan Br iu by Care! Fenny by H. Werner Zimmerma went Wal I You Give a Moose by IF¥ou Give o Mau and the Three ames Marshal non by Alexa nf Horsey by Frank ASCH Moon by Margaret Wise ‘On the Read threogh Presi Recommended Books for Preschoolers a The Quiet Noisy Book By Morgoret Wise Br White Carstron umpl by Robert Kalen ® oddly by Frank Agen Zobbit Inn by Patience st Mottier Goose amnold Lobel 1 Very You ein edited by Jock Prelutsi ne little Rea Hen by Paul Galdane Yellow Leaf by oxi! by David McPhail he Relatives Came by © y Pot Hutchins Ehled Ludwig Bemelmans Ducklings by Robert McCloskey er Forgets Mama Cat Hos ns by Deriise Fi Sily Sally by Audrey Wood Beatrice Schenk Sleep Safe, Uitte Whole by Milam Schiein The Snowy B: Keats The Stor nie Lect 85 by Linnea Riley aint by Ellen Stoll Walsh Outing by John Bumingham in the Rain by Mitra Ginsburg vn Bear Ramey by Dorothy Butte Mush My Bro Iphabet oy S2 by Audrey Wood No Bath Tonight by Jane Yolen Nuts ho Youl By LO'S Ehlert Falconer n'y Songs and Fing all and Suson Nip. g.ond Ploy by Pamela Beall h Blve Fish by De. Seuss and Susan Nir * by Martin Waddell The Wheels on the Maryann Kowalski Neré the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak by Era Jock Keats Are You? by Robert Kraus adapted by Peler and the Wolf ter’s Chair by Exe The Poky l Polar Bear, Polar Bee, by Bill Marti Puss in Boots by Charles Pe Informal Assessment + responses. Each ime the form is and date it in a different color i romes “ CoE o 26 CE tali/short empiy/full —less/more one more just one short/long slow/fast Quantitative concepts: Positional and directional concepts: up/dewn over/under infout le/outside — offfon ee este high/low Rote counts to: 0123456789710 Matches quantity with symbol: 1 456789 Identifies numbers: [012345678910 0123456 10 identifies uppercase letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ oe Identifies lowercase letters: abcdefghijkimnopaqrstuvwxyz Identifies beginning consonant sounds: (Bc dfghjkimnparstvwyz Recites (or sings) alphabet: in weather reports: Matches uppercase letters: sunny, rainy, snowy, cloudy, windy Matches lowercase letters: hot, cold, warm, chilly, foagy Reads own name: Recites days of week: Reads names of others: Recites months of year: (“Yes No ) LOPE IR] 82ers eee My Parents and Me: Getting Started School Stuff AS you begin your vacation learning adveriture, it Is a wise idsa to help your child organize some special materials. Here is list of things your child may want to have on hand: | Have your child decorate a bex to store these fun supplies. and encourage him to put the supplies back whenever finished with them. Thal way, you will always know where every- thing is. Nothing geis jas} when “picking up" becomes a habit Designer Paint Shirts Our Memory Box | Give your chill an old white shirt with but- As you werk through this Book, you will find | tons trom your closet. Provide fabric paints frat you and your child have: created aid let the child enjoy decorating this shirt. many wenderful things that you would like | Alwdiys remember to button the shirtin the to save. Be prepared. Make and decorate back. That way, when your child is exira a special memory box together with your | dirty. you can unbutton the shirt and gently — child. pull it off before paint gets all ever you and | your childs clean clothes. Take a photograph of your child and place | it on the top of a box. To protect the pho- jegraph, cover with laminate or clear shelf paper. Ask your child to draw and color pictures oll over the box. You can Use a spray finish ta give the box @ shine and ta help protect it from wear gnd tear, (Be sure fore you spra\ As an extra treat, keep a tape recorder handy. Children fove playing with tape recorders and listening to their yeices. In the years fo come. listening to the tape of your litfie ons talking and singing songs will melt your heart Red and Blue a Fa Color the pictures that are usually red, blue = Yellow and Green Color the pictures that are usually green. 16 Oh the Rood Dirovgh Prase Orange and Purple j |] ee) Colors Color the Rainbow Read the color words. Color the rainbow, | colors White and Bleck Pwchih te-_ whi tec Color the pictures that are usually black Brown and Pink 1 I I i Wu 9 1 | S fe i I I 1 “C { 99 i oloring” | 13 1 is 1 1é t I ' Cats and Dogs! : 18 ora tH I iE 1 1 A “Read ond Color" Story I i i KF 4 I I 1 1 I I ! I I I I I I I 1 I i I 1 1 1 I 1 I i 1 1 1 1 Some people ask why Do not misjudge me. I i my fur is bright yeitow. I'm not really that mean. I “Because,” I reply, My fur just happens 1 | eat lots of Jell-O.” 3 to be the color green q lose CD-03ts I (on the Road! through | { | | | | | | rm very hungry. | My head is spinning, and when | am not fed, | my face is turning blue. lium a really I think Lam sick deep shade of crimson red. 2 with-a bad case of flu. I I I I I i I I I 1 1 I t i I 1 ee | I tT 1 i I 1 i 1 I I I I I i ! i t [sit on this scale, When | was quite young, an orange tabby cat, | was. crowned King Turple, and twitch my long fail because | was born I'm a little bit fat. a the royal hue purpte. Deltora Co-0315 "22 On the Rood thr Se ee Re ew ee ee ee ee pe ee ee ee ee ee ee ey a I I 1 I I I ! I i ! I i ! eine ! = Hello, everyone! 1 My friends all call me Wink. Just cok at my face Don't | look pretty, 1 and my big. sory frown. s dressed head to toe in pink? I Peewee eee ee wee ewe ew eee ees a i I i 1 I I I 1 I I t I I 1 I i LE I'ma small, sad cat, with fur the color brown. Here we ore again Remember us? Hello! Color us once more, blue, green, red, and yellow. Fee eee ew eee eet eee eee te 1 | i | I f 1 1 1 l J 1 I I { “ Renal : it’s tough to stay clean, Halloween is here, when your fur is all wiilite. and we are two black cats, ! You simply cannot who go dear-to-deer i ever get into fights. & and trick-or-treat for snacks. Hil Color us, too. And after that, my friend, you will be all done. That's ail there is. THE END. 24 air be toad through Color the Crayons words. Color the crayons. Read the color the Butterfly Read the color words. Color Bonnie the Butterfly le Bonni What Color? 2% | Color each picture. Color Match ‘OR the Rost Cheaugh Reaeiiness Skis and Concepts Wacky Worm Patterns | Fill in the blank circles to continue each pattern, | wary - a @___ Numbers 1 and 2 This is the number 1 7 the Boat tnrough res Readiness Skitls and Concepts Who Needs What? Draw lines to match the people to the objects they use. ae Numbers Numbers 3 and 4 This is the number 3. | | j | | | | | j | | | | | | | 1 | | | | i | | | Draw 1 scoop of ice cream onthe cone. in the nest | - eg ee | Draw 3.balloons for the girl. Numbers 5 and 6 This is the number 5. [i go--—- Color & ducks. This is the number 6 foe pawnbers Dot-to-Dot 1-6 Connect the dots from 1 to 6. What do you find? Color the picture. | | | | | | oh belles 0-031 al Numbers 7 and 8 This is the number 7. |4—-- Numbers 1-8 & | Trace the number. Color the correct number of objects in each row. Numbers 4 and 10 This is the number 4. DOD , Color 4 fish. BA: ae eee err ee _s_ceeee saeee _s_ ee Ores Games and Activities: Colors Muffin Pan Colors Mixing Doughy Colors Filo mutiiq pan with This.activity is a bif complicated but lols of tun. wate. Add a few You will need: tempera paint or food coloring drops of food coloring Ivory scap flakes, a large mixing bow, several to each wel to make small bowls (disposable paper bowls work very red, blue, and yellow i), and seif-seaiing clear plostic saneiwich water Give your child on bags. Mix up some Ivory soap flakes in the large eyedropper and c stack of bow! unill the consistency is thick. Spoon a white pay towels and let the of the white mixture into two | discoveries begin, Have your bowis. Add'a different color of food coloring to | | child drop one color on the paper e€ach bow! and mix well. Next, Gut a spoonful of fowel and then drop a second col eact 9 into a self seaing plastic on top of that, Waich as the fw Lei your child rb ond colors blend togeth veeze the mixture Until coler. the hyo colors h to make 6 third ‘of reference: Pon Colors activ as a guide w making and mixin your child is fir colors on the par colored towels on black paper and display them on your refrigerator. or an old pie ti yarn Pictures c into: aot sec- Provide your child with sx ‘different colors of yam: red, orange. yellow, green. blue, and purple. Have her dip the yarn into liauid starch or white give, then ploce the yarn in the shape of rainbow on light blue paper repre- senting the sky. Help your child complete the pi creating clouds with cotton balls pins to the comec sections

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