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Question Paper Code: VCEME73


Seventh Semester
Mechanical Engineering
ME8791 – Mechatronics
(Regulation 2017)
Time: Three Hours Maximum: 100 Marks
Answer ALL questions Date: 11.12.2021 (AN)

PART – A (10×2 = 20 Marks)

1. What are the two basic forms of the control system?
2. Write about the Mechatronics approach in a microprocessor – controlled washing machine.
3. Compare open loop control system and closed loop control system.
4. Define LVDT. What are the uses of LVDT?
5. What is an incremental encoder? Write about absolute encoder.
6. Write about Hall Effect sensors. What is Hall coefficient?
7. Define a programmable logic controller. What is ALU? State its function.
8. What is key debouncing? Name any two types of ADCs.
9. What are the number of stages in the design process?
10. Compare and the contrast the traditional design of a watch with that of a mechatronics based digital

PART – B (5×13 = 65 Marks)

11. a. i) Explain the two types of temperature measurement sensor. 07
ii) Discuss how displacement is sense by LVDT, with a neat sketch show how it can be made 06
phase sensitive.
b. i) List and define the dynamic characteristics of sensors. 08
ii) What are the applications of bimetallic strip? Discuss their types and principle of operation 05
12. a. i) Draw and explain the architecture of 8085. 07
ii) Draw and explain the timing diagram of memory read and write operation. 06
b. i) Explain with block diagram the architecture of 8051 microcontroller. 07
ii) Explain the interrupt structure of 8051 microcontroller. 06
13. a. Draw and explain the ladder diagram for the data handling system. 13
b. i) Explain the configuration of PLC. Give advantages of PLC system over traditional 07
mechanical system.
ii) Explain the following a) Registers b) Counters c) Internal Relays d) Timers 06
14. a. i) Draw the functional block diagram of 8255 ppi and explain each block. 07
ii) Explain with a neat diagram the stepper motor control using 8051 microcontroller. 06
b. i) Explain in detail about the traffic light controller using 8086. 07
ii) Explain in detail with relevant diagrams the led display interfacing. 06

15. a. i) Discuss on pollution control and waste disposal in Coal and Nuclear power station? 07
ii) Stages in designing mechatronics systems 06

b. i) Case study on automatic car park barrier. 07
ii) Case study on engine management system 06

PART – C (1×15 = 15 Marks)

16. a. Explain the types of Stepper motors with suitable diagrams. 15

b. Explain the Construction and working principle of AC and DC servomotors. 15

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