4 Assessment For Learning

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4 Assessment for Learning

Ways into TfEL

Leaders' Resource: Getting started
Teaching for effective learning > Personalise and connect learning
apply and assess learning in authentic contexts

Module 1 – assessment for learning

Module 1 - Assessment for Learning

Watch the video clip, Assessment for Learning 1 by Dylan Wiliam.
Discussion Starters:
Dylan Wiliam speaks about formative assessment practices.
What are they?
What of them do you do already?
What do you think about this statement: “We learn most about our teaching before our 18th birthday...we
learn more about teaching from when we were students”.
What do you recall as a student before your 18th birthday?
What are the best practices you can recall? Why did they work?
Dylan Wiliam makes the comment that teachers already know a lot of the ‘right’ things to do ie the wait time
after questions but the hard part is putting it into practice - Changing Habits.
Do you agree with this?
Can you think of any experiences that you have had when this has happened?
Dylan states that research shows there are no quick fixes, that it is very hard - it is about what happens day in
and day out in the classroom.
Do you agree with this?
If so, what does this mean for your classroom practice?

Any other comments?

Does the video raise any questions for you?

The message in this video aligns with Allan Luke’s ‘default mode’.

Watch the Allan Luke video - Segment 15: Teacher Default Model 2
Discussion Starters:
 What is your default mode? Think pair share.
 Deprivatising the pedagogy- ‘teachers change their teaching when they work around with other teachers'.
Comment in your group.

1 http://www.ltscotland.org.uk/mp4/lal/assessmentforlearningdylanwiliam.mp4
2 Education Department of Education and Children’s Services, DVD, ‘Closing the achievement gap: research-based practices and strategies that make a

To explore the most recent South Australian Teaching for Effective Learning Resource work >
Published by the Teaching for Effective Learning Team, Curriculum Services

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