Ogl 343 Essay 5

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Prompt 1

According to Making the Team, the leadership paradox would be giving one person the

role of authority with the idea that it may seem contradictory. (Thompson, 2019). I find that

using a participative management system in a newly formed team can actually provide a positive

experience versus a difficult one. However, Thompson states, “Level 1 teams have the least

power; they are often new teams, perhaps lacking the skills, experience, or training to implement

more control (Thompson, 2019).” I find this to be one reason why this form of management will

give a leader trouble because the members of the team lack the experience and lack of knowing

their role. Thompson (2019) provides other conditions that may serve as additional reasons such

as, organizational factors, supervisory style, and job design. Thompson (2019) states the three

behaviors a transformational leader will exhibit is charisma, intellectual stimulation, and

individualized consideration. Transformational leaders carry motivation as a personality trait. In

comparison to a transactional leader, this form of leadership is more of a passive approach. This

form of leadership display behaviors of following a reward system. Which will affect a team by

members expecting to be rewarded for success in completing their task each time, according to

Thompson (2019). Which in the end does not have a positive impact. The results for a

transformational leadership style will be what Thompson states, “have higher teamwork quality

and more inter-team collaboration. (Thompson,2019).” From my own personal experience, I can

say that I am currently experiencing transformational leadership style. My work environment is

the ideal example for teamwork and collaboration. I can also say that my leader displays one of

the three behaviors: charisma. It is this behavior that sets the tone and the willingness of

participation from all members in our organization.


Prompt 2

Two strategies that I feel are important to mention that encourage participative

management would be Task delegation and Organizational Involvement. According to Making

the Team, “delegation is the handing over of the responsibility and authority required to

accomplish a task without relinquishing final accountability (Thompson, 2019).” I would say

Thompson (2019) represented delegation the best way by stating giving meaningful

responsibility will equal a well performed job and is setting the foundations for an ideal member

to the team. Secondly, I feel it is important to not only have characteristics of a participative

management style but to also include it into your organization. Thompson (2019) states that

using the commitment approach reforms the organization so that all level of employees have a

sense of involvement. Thompson has stated more than once that having teamwork process is

essential for your organization’s success. From my experience, I have seen my leadership have a

difficult time learning to delegate. I have seen him do work for others when I know those

individuals have the ability to perform the work. Almost always, he is burned out. In addition,

with not having the ability to delegate he falls behind in his task that is required of him. When I

had brought this to his attention, he has shifted to delegating work that managers can perform on

their own. The results were the managers excelling in their own work and is now standing out

within the organization. In addition, my leader is now paying attention to other things that were



Thompson, L. (2018). Making the Team: A Guide for Managers. (Sixth ed.). Pearson Higher Ed.

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