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ORAL COMMUNICATION - Used in crafting the types of speech styles or their

1ST SEM 2ND QUARTER combinations

- Used in specific speech context (based on the
Speech Purpose and no. of participants)
● Locutionary (locution or utterance act) - the act
- plans/ways/means of sharing information that is
of making a meaningful utterance, a stretch of
adopted to achieve a particular social, political,
spoken language that is preceded by silence and
psychological, or linguistic purpose
followed by silence or a change of speaker
- Hallmark of communicative competence
● Illocutionary - the act of saying something with
Speech Context
the intention of stating (an opinion), making (a
- All communication, whatever the speech context,
prediction, promise, request), issuing (an order
has to have a purpose
or decision), or giving (advice or permission)
● Intrapersonal - communicating with oneself
● Perlocutionary - seen when a particular effect is
(talking, writing, thinking)
sought from either the speaker or the listener or
● Interpersonal - involves more than one person
both. Response may not necessarily be physical
- Differentiated by its purpose
or verbal and is elicited by inspiring or insulting,
- Communication is always intentional
persuading or convincing, or deterring or scaring
● Dyadic - interaction between two
- Aim is to change feelings, thoughts, or
● Small group - 3-15 people; anyone can
Seven Types of Communicative Strategies
be a speaker
Nomination - presenting a particular topic clearly,
● Public - no interchanging of the speaker
truthfully, and saying only what is relevant
and listeners’ role
Restriction - constraining the response/reaction within a
● Mass - carried out with the mass media
set of categories
Turn-taking - recognizing when and how to speak
● Organizational - interaction of members
because it is one’s turn
along the links in an organizational
Topic control - keeping the interaction by asking
structure; formal and informal
questions and eliciting a response
● Intercultural - exchange of concepts,
Topic Shifting - introducing a new topic followed by the
traditions, values, and practices between
continuation of that topic
people from different nationalities and
Repair - overcoming communication breakdown to send
ways of life
more comprehensible messages
Speech Style
Termination - using verbal and nonverbal signals to end
- Variation of speech used when people
the interaction
communicate with other people
- Each type is used according to the Purpose and
Speech Context
- Uses Speech Acts to enhance communication
Methods of Delivery
● Intimate - casual type that happens between
A. Extemporaneous
close family members, friends, and couples
B. Impromptu
● Casual - used among friends and acquaintances
C. Manuscript
w/o background information. Used when there
D. Memory
are no social barriers to consider
Speaker’s Voice
● Consultative - opposite of intimate; requires
- Aspects to control: volume, pitch, rate, pauses,
two-way participation; people don’t share the
variety, pronunciation, articulation, dialect
common experiences or meaning
Nonverbal Communication
● Formal - only for imparting information; does not
- Posture, facial expression, gestures, eye contact
allow interruptions
- Personal appearance
● Frozen - quality is static, ritualistic, and may even
- Bodily actions
be archaic
Speech Acts
- Refer to the action performed by producing

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