RC EXAM ELEC02 DC Circuits

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An electron traveling north enters a

region where the electric field is
1. For the circuit shown, find i₁.
uniform and points west. The electron:
veers east

5. An electric field strength created by

charge Q is measured to be 40 N/C at a
distance of 0.2 m from the center of the
2.09 A charge. What is the new field strength
when the distance from the center of Q
Solution: is changed to 0.4 m away with twice
the charge of Q?
20 N/C


6. A rectangular loop of wire has area A. It

is placed perpendicular to a uniform
magnetic field B and then spun around
one of its sides at frequency f. The
2. Which of the following does not maximum induced emf is:
contribute to the permanence of a 2π BAf
Grain growth 7. Who invented the “electrophorus”, a
device for storing an electric charge
3. A charge Q is divided into two parts of that replaced the Leyden jar?
q and Q – q. If the coulomb repulsion Alessandro Volta
between them when they are
separated is to be maximum, what 8. Which of the following statements is
should be the ratio of Q/q? correct?
2:1 Semiconductivity is proportional to the
Solution: product of the number and the
mobility of carriers.
9. Given P_max = 14 mW for each diode, 12. In intrinsic semiconductor, the
determine the maximum current rating formation of holes and free electrons
of each diode (using the approximate increases with temperature and is
equivalent model). known as _______.
20 mA thermal carrier generation

Solution: 13. What static electricity is produced by

rubbing fur on a rubber, amber or
plastic rod?
Resinous static electricity

14. When multiplying complex numbers in

polar form, _____.
10. Determine the transition capacitance multiply the magnitudes and add the
of a diffused junction varicap diode at a phase angles
reverse potential of 4.2 V if C(0) = 80 pF
and V_T = 0.7V. 15. What static electricity is produced by
41.82 pF rubbing silk on a glass rod?
Vitreous static electricity
16. What component of dielectric current
is proportional to the rate of
accumulation of electric charges within
the dielectric?
Absorption current

17. In an ac circuit with only parallel

I_T lags V_A by 90°

18. Silicon becomes an extrinsic

semiconductor with electrons as the
majority carrier when doped with
11. What element property represents the
relative tendency of an atom to attract 19. Determine the diode current at 20°C for
shared electron pairs? a silicon diode with I_s = 0.1 µA at a
Electronegativity reverse-bias potential of -10 V.
0.10 µA
Solution: 23. Which one of the following statements
is incorrect at 0°K?
The valence and conduction bands of
an intrinsic semiconductor overlap.

24. The electric field due to a uniform

distribution of charge on a spherical
shell is zero:
only inside the shell

25. What will be the equivalent resistance

of the circuit shown in figure between
two points A and D?
30 Ω
20. For the circuit shown below, determine
v_a. Solution:

8.67 V


21. What capacitor terminology includes

power factor, loss factor and dielectric
Tangent of loss angle

22. If the magnetic flux through a certain

region is changing with time:
an emf must exist around the

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