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1. listen to music = escuchar música 2. swim = nadar

3. do taekwondo = practicar taekwondo
listening to music = escuchando música swimming = nadando
doing taekwondo = practicando taekwondo

5. ride the bike = mortar bicicleta 6. drink juice = tomar jugo

4. catch the ball = atrapar la pelota
riding the bike = mortando bicicleta drinking juice = tomando jugo
catching the ball = atrapando la pelota

7. do homework = hacer deberes

8. run = correr 9. sing songs= cantar canciones
doing homework = haciendo deberes
running = corriendo singing songs= cantando canciones

10. kick the ball = patear la pelota 11. dance = bailar 12. throw the ball = lanzar la pelota
kicking the ball = pateando la pelota dancing = bailando throwing the ball = lanzando la pelota
14. read a book = leer un libro 15. watch TV = ver televisión
13.blow out the candles = soplar las velas
blowing out the candles = soplando las velas reading a book = leyendo un libro watching TV = viendo televisión

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