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Presentation Title

A Christmas' Carol,
by Charles Dickens

English – 1BAT – 2023/24 (Term 1)

English – 1BAT – 2023/24 (Term

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THE IMPORTANCE OF “A Christmas' Carol”

"A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens is one of the most beloved works of
19th-century literature, and the story's enormous popularity helped make
Christmas a major holiday in Victorian Britain.

When Dickens wrote "A Christmas Carol" in late 1843, he had ambitious
purposes in mind, yet he could never have imagined the profound impact his
story would have.

Dickens had already achieved great fame,

yet his most recent novel wasn't selling well
and he feared his success had peaked.
Indeed, he faced some serious financial problems
as Christmas 1843 approached.
Beyond his own worries, Dickens was keenly attuned to the
profound misery of the working poor in England.

A visit to the grimy industrial city of Manchester motivated

him to tell the story of greedy businessman Ebenezer Scrooge,
who would be transformed by the Christmas spirit.

Dickens rushed "A Christmas Carol" into print

by Christmas 1843, and it became a phenomenon.
The Impact of 'A Christmas Carol'

● The book was immediately popular with the public, becoming

perhaps the most famous literary work associated with
Christmas. It elevated the popularity of Christmas, which
wasn't the major holiday we know, and established the idea of
Christmas charity toward those less fortunate.
● Dickens intended the story as a strong condemnation of greed,
and the transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge provided a
popular optimistic message.
● Scrooge became one of the most famous

characters in literature.
● Dickens himself became associated with

Christmas in the public mind.

● "A Christmas Carol" was transformed into stage

plays and later films and television

But... Who was Charles Dickens?
And... What was Victorian England like?
Also... Why is Scrooge such a relevant character
in British Literature?
ACTIVITY 1. A Christmas' Carol character profile.

1) Choose a character from the story

2) Using canva or similar, create a profile including relevant


3) Try to find a present real personality or fictional

character you think could
compare with the chosen character
in the story (i.e. Jeff Bezos and Scrooge :P)
ACTIVITY 2. My past, present and future Christmas' ghosts.

1) Think about something or someone in your past which taught

you a valuable lesson you'll never forget.

2) Think about someone in your present and why is he/she

important to you.

3) Think about the future and the people

you'd like to be surrounded by.
Also think of the life you'd like to have.

4) Record a short video (1 minute max.)

where you explain all these.
PROJECT. Victorian England (oral presentation)

Charles Dickens lived a hard life. At that time, England was

both the most powerful nation on the planet and an example
of the most aggressive capitalism.

A lot of important historical events marked the Victorian Era

and you are asked to talk about one of them.

First, you will be assigned a topic

to do research on. You can work
individually or in pairs (no groups).
Once your research is done,
make sure you prepare an oral
presentation to deliver in class.
PROJECT. Victorian England (oral presentation)



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