Water Pollution Script

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Water Pollution Script

Host: Welcome to Pollution with the Experts, today we will be discussing the many problems and effects
of water pollution. Joining us today as our special guests, we have (Name Of First Researcher) from
Bacolod City College, (Name Of Second Researcher) from Bacolod City College, and we have (Name Of
Third Researcher) also from Bacolod City College.

Host: Professor (name of 1st Researcher), what is water pollution?

1st Researcher: Water pollution is the process in which natural bodies of water, such as lakes and rivers,
are contaminated by foreign material. Since many ecological systems rely on at least one source of water,
polluting these bodies can have negative effects on a whole group of organisms, not just the

Aquatic life.

Host: Are there different types of pollutants? If so, what are the types of pollutants which contaminate
our water?

1st Researcher: There are 4 main types of water pollution; organic, inorganic, thermal and macroscopic.
Sean: what do these types mean to the pollution of our waterways?

1st Researcher: Organic pollution is waste with its chemical formula based on carbon, including drugs,
detergents and food processing waste, taking away oxygen from the water. Inorganic pollutants are not
carbon based. They include heavy metals, including arsenic and other motor by-products, badly
poisoning water sources. Other inorganic materials include agricultural run-offs, ammonia and acids.

Host: And what about the others?

1st Researcher: The next form of pollution is thermal pollution. Although this does not physically exist, it
still has the ability to wipe out entire species. Thermal pollution is the overall change of temperature in a
body of

Water due to human intervention. Hot water from nuclear power plants is a common form of thermal
waste, heating up water and encouraging thermophilic species. Cold water from the bottom of reservoirs
is also in this category.
Finally, we have the category of macroscopic wastes which are large, floating rubbish which can also be a
major problem for natural bodies of water. This macroscopic rubbish is usually found in the form of
plastic and metal. Plastic bags and nurdles, which are small balls of plastic, can be eaten by marine life,
appearing like jelly fish. Also, large rusting shipwrecks can, over time, expose dangerous poisons to
marine life.

Host: Thank you professor (Name of First Researcher), we now have Professor (Name Of Second
Researcher) would you mind explaining the effects of water pollution?

2nd Researcher: Well, water pollution is a major problem for our environment. It is one of the main
causes responsible for the declination of marine organisms. Large amounts of human and industrial
wastes are polluting the world’s waters and a colossal amount of marine organisms are on the brink of
extinction with many organisms extinct already. It is not only marine animals that are affected but a
variety of sea birds as well. This causes a major disruption to the natural order of the ecology.

Host: Is there a bigger problem that most people don’t see?

2nd Researcher: Due to the pollutants and garbage we dump into our waterways, many of the smaller fish
die. In a big ecology such as the one underneath large masses of water, organisms depend on each other
for their existence. As the smaller fish die out the bigger fish that feed on them would have nothing to
eat. Then as we progress our way to the top of the food chain those animals would have a meagre
amount of food available to them. The oceans of our world are becoming large bodies of chemical,
industrial and human waste.

Host: Is there anything else that is affected by water pollution?

2nd Researcher: It is not only marine animals that are being affected. Even the carelessness of us humans
is coming back to hurt us. Many people are getting harmful diseases by eating polluted seafood. Our
water supply is also dwindling day by day with the amount of pollution that is attacking our waters.
Some waters are polluted to such an extent, that even by breathing the polluted air that surrounds these
bodies of poisonous waters, one could get infected.

Host: Thank you for your time (Name Of Second Researcher). Mr/Ms. (Name of Third Researcher), there
has been much discussion over the topic of the long-term effect of water pollution, would you like to re-
enforce the idea of what would happen if our governments did not take any action towards rectifying the
problem of water pollution.

3rd Researcher: Well, many terrible things would happen to the environment. Marine life will cease to
exist, thus decreasing the amount and quality of human food supplies. Drinking water will be harder to
filter as well. Leisure activities such as swimming, going to the beach and fishing will become less
popular. Water-side flora and fauna such as mangroves may die out and many tourist attractions will
decrease in popularity. Also, natural food chains would be disrupted and diseases would be carried out
into fish and sea-weed.

Host: How would this affect the financial part of a country?

Third Researcher: The government budget would become tighter, as they would have to spend more
money on filtering water. Also, many tourist attractions would decrease in popularity, thus making the
government lose a valuable source of money. This would result in us Australians paying more taxes. All
these repercussions are very undesirable.

Host: Is there anything we could do to solve this catastrophic problem?

Third Researcher: We can all make a huge difference if all of us help to stop water pollution. Our
community could try to prevent water pollution by restricting the amount of water we use for everyday
activities such as showering, dish washing etc to limit the amount of contaminated water from running
into our waterways. Our governments could also enforce a tax, which would be determined by the
amount of pollutants present in the waterways of a country, however I am sure that most of us are
against that idea.

Host: What in your opinion is the best option to stop water pollution?

Third Researcher: There are many solutions to this problem; however it isn’t the solutions which are bad
but our country’s negligence and passiveness to act against this problem. Personally, my favourite is the
idea of minimising the amount of waste we dump down our toilets or basins. We all should have a
separate waste bin where we can pour down wastes such as grease, fats, soap run-offs and toilet- paper.
It Is a dead-simple and effective way of minimising damage which could have been caused to our
Host: Thank you very much for your time with us today on Pollution with the Experts. We hope that
everyone has learnt a valuable lesson in today’s interview and once again thank you.

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