T05 Ingles Iv

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“Año de la unidad, la paz y el desarrollo”

Curso: Ingles IV

Docente: Hilda Marina Anco Estrella

(AC-S05) Week 05 - Task: Assignment - Talking about what I am studying.


• Julissa Karen Burga Damián U20303980

• Judith Yanere Muñoz Requena U18304229

• Guzman Soto Percy Alexis U21215907

Lima – Perú



I need technical skills and experience. I would love to work in a food company.
It is essential to have a good
vocabulary. I would like to be employed in an export company.
I need to improve my oratory. I would be very happy to start a project in a future company.
It is important to be didactic. I would like to specialize in production.
I need to improve my English
pronunciation. I would like to complete certifications.
I need workshops to reinforce my skills. I would like to be a manager of an industrial company.
I need more organization in my work. I would like to run my own business.
It is essential to practice the topics
covered in class. I would like to start several businesses.
I need cunning to create new future
projects. I would love to have many proposals for future work.
I would be fascinated to have very good economic earnings
I need to improve my leadership skills. commensurate with my career.

Conversation talking about your studies, skills, and ambitions:

KAREN: Hi guys, how are you, nice to be able to greet you again.
PERCY: Hi Karen, likewise, how are you doing at the University?
KAREN: I'm doing well, but I need to improve my public speaking.
JUDITH: Hello Karen and Percy, me I need to improve my leadership capacity.
PERCY: Girls, it is important to be didactic, so we can get a good job.
JUDITH: Yes, I would like to work in a food company.
KAREN: I would like to be a manager of an industrial company.
PERCY: How ambitious your goal is, I think it is excellent, so I think it is important to
obtain certifications that will help us to have more knowledge.
KAREN: You are right, I need more workshops to reinforce my knowledge.
PERCY: In my case, in addition to a job, I would like to run my own business.
JUDITH: Percy, can you imagine starting several companies?
PERCY: That's great, but for that I need more organization in my work and studies.
KAREN: Friends, let's start by practicing the topics covered in class is very essential.
JUDITH: Yes, that's right, I need to improve my English pronunciation.
PERCY: It is essential to have a good vocabulary.
KAREN: Exactly, so we have many proposals for future work.
PERCY: We will need a lot of technical knowledge and experience, in addition to that
our remunerations would be good.
KAREN: Oh yes, I would be fascinated to have very good economic earnings
commensurate with my career.
JUDITH: We have to work on it and be astute to create new projects in the future.
KAREN: Have you thought about what to specialize in?
PERCY: I haven't thought about it yet.
JUDITH: I would like to specialize in production.
KAREN: How beautiful, me too.
KAREN: What an excellent conversation we had, now it's time to go study to meet our
goals, see you soon.
PERCY: Yes, see you soon.
JUDITH: Goodbye friends, until another opportunity, thank you.

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