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Robert Getty, M.A.

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist

LMFT #25496

P.O. Box 424

Loomis, CA 95650

To Whom It May Concern:

Over the last several weeks I have begun working with Ms. Christine Sparks through phone
calls and a face to face counseling session. She had contacted the Pacific Trauma and
Counseling Center in Folsom where I am a staff therapist. She contacted the center to fulfill the
needs of a recent court order for her and her former spouse, Micah Sparks, to attend co-
parenting counseling. The goal of the sessions, as I understand, was to assist the parents in how
they might effectively co-parent their daughter Peyton effectively and supportively. Reportedly
Peyton is soon to turn 18 and has been recently hospitalized for self-harming behavior and
depression. Apparently as seen by the court, the relationship between the parents was volatile
and the parenting approach with Peyton was inconsistent and needed a professional to assist in
helping them co-parent more effectively.

I initially met face to face with Christine on 11/11/2019 for 90 minutes. This was an initial
session to begin the process. She reported great concerns she has for Peyton and her mental
health. She also reported that she was hoping Micah would join in the sessions thereafter.
Reportedly she had made several attempts hoping that Micah would attend. During the session
I obtained Micah’s phone number in order invite him to the sessions. I made contact with
Micah and he reported that he was not interested in joining Christine in face to face sessions,
but would be obtaining his own therapy.

Reportedly Peyton has begun supportive therapy sessions with another staff therapist at the
Center and it appears that Christine has been taking her to the sessions twice a week since they

If I can be of assistance to either or both Christine and Micah, I am happy to do so.

Best Regards,

Date: 11/13/2019

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