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Subject: Science and Technology

Grade Level: 10
Teacher: Mac-Niel F. Lontoc
Strands: Earth and Space (Plate Tectonics)
Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
 the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges
Performance Standards: The learners shall be able:
 demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions
 suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunamis, and
volcanic eruptions


First Plate Tectonics The learners should be able Social
Quarter to… Awareness
August to  Introduction to M.Explain plate tectonics Paper and - Write a short essay about and
October Plate Tectonics theory pen plate tectonic theory Responsibility,
Week 1-2 A.Identify the differences Quiz - Draw a graphic organizer Diversity and
among divergent boundary, (Venn Diagram) to Innovation
convergent boundary, and differentiate plate Science In
transform fault boundaries Everyday Living
10 pages 1 - 24
 The Continental T.Demonstrate the collision Reporting - Group presentation using - Question and
Drift Theory of tectonic plates using a a model of tectonic plates answer

 Plate Boundaries A.Identify the mechanisms Quiz - Question and answer

– New of movements beneath the
understanding of earth
the Ocean Floor M.Provide evidences for Essay and - Cite some example of
plate movements Short film plate movements and write
viewing a short essay

T.Create a poster that shows Assignment - Create a poster that shows

the mechanisms of plate mechanism of plate
movements movements

A.Identify the different Quiz - Short quiz (labeling)

 Mountains types of mountains - Question and
M.Explain how plate Recitation
movement results in
 Volcanic Activity M.Explain the different Paper and - List and explain different Embracing
kinds of volcanism pen kinds of volcanism Diversity and
A.Identify the locations in Assignment - Make a diagram (graphic
the world where most organizer) to present
volcanoes are found gathered information

 Eruption of a A.Identify the different Quiz - Question and answer Science In

Volcano – types of volcanic eruptions Everyday Living
Seismic Waves 10 pages 25 –
Week 3-5 M.Explain why volcano Recitation - oral recitation 46

T.Simulate a volcanic Laboratory - Volcanic Eruption Model

eruption Activity (Presentation of the model)

 Safety Measures A.Determine precautionary Assignment - Question and

in a Volcanic actions to take before, answer
Eruption during, and after volcanic
Week 6-8  Tectonic Activity M.Explain how tectonic Paper and - Question and answer Social
and Earthquakes activity induces earthquakes pen Awareness
A.Identify the parts of an Labeling - Quiz (Draw and Label the Responsibility,
earthquake parts of an earthquake Embracing
Diversity and
A.Determine the Paper and - Question and answer Innovation
magnitude , intensity and pen
epicenter of an earthquake

T.Illustrate scenario of an Drawing - Poster Making of a - Presentation of Science In

earthquake scenario of an earthquake poster Everyday Living
10 pages 47 -
 Tsunami M.Explain how an Recitation - Question and answer 82
earthquake generates a

A.Determine the Film - Essay Writing about the

distribution of tsunami- viewing/Paper effects of tsunami in low
prone areas and pen lying areas (after watching a
short film)

Drawing - make an infographic that - Presentation of

A.Identify safety measures shows safety measures infographic
in the occurrence of a when there is a tsunami
T.Conduct a role play that Performance The learners should be able Embracing
demonstrates the safety Task to create a short film that Diversity and
Week 9 measures before, during, demonstrate the safety Innovation
and after a volcanic eruption measures before, during
and after volcanic eruption
Week 10

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