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Binalatongan Community College

San Carlos City , Pangasinan

Prelims Exam NSTP

Name: Martinez, Shernie P. Date of Exam: October 18, 2021

Class: BSIT 1-A

“Honesty is the best Policy”

I. Multiple Choice: ( Kindly highlight your answer in RED Color)

1. Rights conferred upon human being by God which can not be taken away
a. Civil Rights b. Natural Rights
c. Constitutional rights d. statutory rights
2. Rights conferred by statutes or law promulgated by a law making body and can be
abolished by the same body
a. Statutory b. political c. natural d. constitutional
3. Commonwealth Act No 1 is
a. DRRM Law 2010 B.National Defense Act of 1935 c. Reservist Act d. NSTP Law
4. Philippine Reservist Act is
a. RA 7077 b. RA 10121 c. PD1706 d. PD0210
5. National Service Law is
a. RA 10121 B. RA7077 c. PD3171 d.PD 1706

6.National Service Training Program Act of 2001 is

a. RA 10121 b. PD7077 c. RA 9163 d . RA 9153

7.Program component of NSTP designed to train students teaching literacy

a. CBTS b. LWTS c. ROTC d. LTS

8.Program component of NSTP to provide students with activities contributory to the

general welfare and betterment of life


9. Program component designed to train students in military e ducation and training to

mobilize them for National Defense

a. PNPA b. PMA c. CWTS d. ROTC

10.The symbol of our country. Shows unity as a people.

a. Phil eagle b. Phil Constitution c. Phil Congress d. Phil Flag

11.Flag Heraldic Code of the Philippines

a. PD 0210 b. PD7077 c. PD1705 d. RA 8491

12.One of the designated flag day year

a. May 28th b. May 30th c. May 29th d. May 27

13. Date wherein flag is first formally presented to the Filipino people in Kawit , Cavite

a. June 12, 1896 b. June 12, 1898 c. June 12, 1899 d. June 12, 1897

14. Date wherein the Phiippine Flag was used first time in battle

a. May 28, 1896 b. may 28, 1899 c. May 28, 1897 d. May 28,1898

15.What represents the 3 stars in the Philippine flag

a. Congress b. CPLA, BARMM c. LGU’s d. Luzon , Visayas , Mindanao

16. Position of the flag when we pay tribute to somebody who died serving our country like
the President, Senators and soldiers

a. Half Mask b. Half mast c. Half Musk d. Half must

17.When Philippine Flag is on top, it symbolizes

a. Peace b. civil disobedience c. in a state of war d. riot

18 A person having the title of citizenship

a. Immigrant b. green card holder c. migrant d. citizen

19.Must be inspired by the respect and faith in the cause which we subscribe

a. loyalty b. honesty c. humility d. meekness

20.Elections held for national elections and local are every

a. 1st Monday of May b. 2nd Monday of May c. 3rd Monday of May d. 2nd Sunday of May

21. Philippine Special elections are except:

a. Veto b. referendum c. recall d. plebiscite

22.Means by which the people choose their officials for definite and fixed position

a. Committee hearing b. election c. consortium d. constitutional commission

23. Known as the hands off style of leadership

a. situational b. laissez-faire c. transactional d. servant leadership

24.Known as participant leadership

a. Democratic b. situational c. autocratic d. servant leadership

25. Does not consult staff, nor allowed you to put input

a. situational b. servant leadership c. autocratic d. democratic

II. Enumeration:

1. Enumerate 5 issues of human rights in the Philippines (5pts)

a. Unending drug war
b. Political killings, threats and harassments
c. Freedom of media
d. Seriously considering legislation to reinstate Death Penalty
e. The current administration’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic led by former
military officers, using police supported by military, which has resulted in serious
human rights abuses

2. Enumerate 5 duties and responsibilities of a Filipino Citizen ( 5pts)

a. To be loyal to the Republic
b. To defend the State
c. To contribute to the development and welfare of the State
d. To uphold the constitution and obey laws
e. To cooperate with duly constituted authorities

3. Enumerate 5 prohibited acts on the flag based on the Flag Heraldic Code (5pts)
a. Defacing or ridiculing the flag by dipping the flag as a salute, or adding marks on the
b. As a drapery, festoon, tablecloth, a covering, or as a part of costume or a uniform
c. As a trademark or for commercial or agricultural labels or design
d. As part of merchandise or in any advertisement or infomercial
e. As a pennant in the hood, side, back and top or motor vehicles
4. Enumerate 3 reasons to be disqualified to vote in Philippine election (3pts)
a. Person sentenced to be imprsoned for not less than one year
b. Persons who committed rebellion, sedition, violation of the anti-subversion and
firearms law, or any crime against national security or disloyalty to the government
c. Insane or incompetent persons

5. Enumerate 4 conditions to be qualified to vote under Overseas Absentee Voting Law

a. Filipino citizen abroad
b. Those who are 18 years old and above on the day of elections
c. Immigrants with affidavit to resume residence in the Philipines
d. Permanent residents with affidavit of intent to resume residence in the Philippines

6. Enumerate 3 qualifications to vote under Philippine Law(3 pts)

a. Citizens of the Philippines
b. Those who are 18 years old and above on the day of elections
c. A resident of the Philippines for one year in the city or municipality wherein he/she
proposes to vote for at least six months before the elections

7. Enumerate 3 conditions to be citizen of the Phils under Article IV, Sec I of the 1987
Constitution (3pts)
a. Those that are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of said
b. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines; those born before
January 17, 1973, of Filipino mother, who elect Philippine Citizenship upon reaching
the age of majority
c. Those who are neutralized in accordance with the law

8. Enumerate the two Flag days Designated every year (2pts)

a. May 28
b. June 12
III. Fill in the Blanks ( Fill your answer with RED Color)


We the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build

A just and humane society and establish a government that shall employ our ideals and
aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony

and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessing of independence and democracy under
the rule of law and regime of truth , justice, freedom, ________?_______ love equality and peace
do ordain and promulgate this constitution.

IV. Essay

How would you describe a leader compared to a manager. 3 to 5 sentences (10pts)

A leader motivates, encourages and looks at the positive side of what his followers are
doing. He shares his visions and goals to achieve success. A manager has the authority over
others and does not make leaders among his followers. He keeps an eye on tasks that needs to
completed within a certain period of time. In real world, a manager should possess the qualities
and traits of a being a leader in order to be effective.

V. Answer it either True or False

1. A person can be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any
person be denied the equal protection of the laws. False

2. The liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits prescribed by law shall not be
impaired except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall the right to travel be impaired except
in the interest of national security, public safety, or public health, as may be provided by law. True

3 Private property could be taken for public use without just compensation. True

4. No law impairing the obligation of contracts shall be passed. True

5 A person be held to answer for a criminal offense without due process of law. False
6The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus can be be suspended except in cases of invasion or
rebellion when the public safety requires it. False

7All persons shall have the right to a speedy disposition of their cases before all judicial, quasi-
judicial, or administrative bodies. True

8. No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself. True

9. No person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs and aspirations. True

10. A person can be twice put in jeopardy of punishment for the same offense. If an act is punished
by a law and an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under either shall constitute a bar to another
prosecution for the same act. False

End of Examination------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Good health .God Bless


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