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Introduction to demonology

Demonic Spirits
Names of the Evil Spirit
Devils and Demons
Characteristics of the Evil Spirit
Inhuman Spirits
Types of Evil Spirits
Views of Demonologists
Demonic Hierarchy
Demons of Accusation
Demons of Condemnation
Demons of Deafness
Demons of Epilepsy
Demons of Oppression
Demons of Possession
Demons of Pride
Demons of Temptation
Demons of War and Destruction
Demons Who Perform
Demons Who Encourage Sin
Individual Demons Versus Legions
Quarrelsome Spirits
Sacrifice to Demons
Spirits of Anger
Spirits of Betrayal
Spirits of Confusion
Spirits of Deception
Spirits of Destruction
Spirits of Frustration
Spirits of Greed
Spirits of Jealousy
Spirits of Lust
Spirits of Lying
Spirits of Seduction
Spirits of Wickedness
Spirits Who Deceive Nations
Worship of Demons
Activities Of The Evil Spirit
Poltergeist Phenomena
Diabolical Apparitions

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