Module 3 Ogl 260 Warby Parker

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Running Head: Warby Parker

Warby Parker

Sara M. Munoz

Arizona State University

OGL 260-Module 3

February 12, 2023

I have always struggled with finding the right pair of prescription glasses at the right cost. I

refused to spend $300 dollars on a pair of glasses that may only last up to a year. While listening

to a podcast called Morbid, the episode was interrupted with an ad for Warby Parker. The ad

included to select up to six pair of glasses to try at home for free. I took the bait. I am now a very

happy and stylish Warby Parker customer. As a Warby Parker customer you are able to upload

your prescription and select a pair of glasses of your choice at the price of $95.00. Warby Parker

also offers to purchase prescription sunglasses and contacts. In addition, they also offer you to

renew you eye prescription from home for only $15.00. This is incredibly convenient for

consumer, and it is affordable. Another great feature that that Warby Parker does is give back.

For every pair of glasses sold, a pair is distributed to someone in need. (Warby Parker, n.d,

History section.) This program has assisted over eight million people. (Warby Parker, n.d,

History section.) In my opinion, this is an outstanding achievement.

Warby Parker’s Mission is to inspire and impact the world with vision, purpose, and

style. (Warby Parker, n.d, About Us section.) Warby Parker was created by a student who lost

his glasses and could not afford to replace them. (Warby Parker, n.d, History section.) According

to Warby Parker, the eyewear industry is dominated by a single company that been able to keep

prices artificially high while reaping huge profits from consumers who have no other options.

(Warby Parker, n.d, History section.) This will be evident to say Warby Parker has little to no

business risk or financial risks. According to Foundations of Finance, one of the four basic

determinants of a firm’s business risk is competitive pressures in the firm’s industry. (Keown,

Martin & Petty, 2020, p.401.) By this definition, Warby Parking is thriving. According to

Foundations of Finance, one of the three sources of Warby Parker sources of volatility would be

their choice of operating cost structure. (Keown, Martin & Petty, 2020, p.401.) Based on their
SEC Filings, I would say Warby Parkers operating cost is lower, which would result in a low

operating risk.

According to the SEC Filings, for the dates of September 2022, Warby Parker total assets

amounts to $550 million, their total current liabilities total to $111 million, and their total

stockholders’ equity is $289 million. (SEC Filings, 2022, Financial Statement Section) This will

be an example of Warby Parkers financial structure.

To conclude, Warby Parker is a company that knows exactly what they are doing and is

changing the game for consumers who need an affordable option for prescription glasses. They

are modernizing the way prescription glasses are purchased with keeping up with today’s



Keown, A. J., Martin, J. D., & Petty, W. J. (2019). Foundations of Finance (10th ed.). New

York, NY: Pearson

Warby Parker. (n.d.). Investor Relations. Retrieved February 12, 2023, from

Warby Parker. (n.d.). History. Retrieved February 12, 2023,


Form 10-Q, (2022, September 30.) SEC Filings.


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