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History of Modern philosophy 01/10/2021

The Relevance of Modern Philosophy and its Teachings in this Time of Pandemic
Cosmo centric approach places the highest emphasis in the universe or
nature in the ancient period of philosophy, fast forward to medieval era where an
avenue for theocentric approach was given importance, faith now becomes
dominant over and above reason. Modern philosophy is the time where reason is
the central interest and the ultimate concern. The society and man as a rational
being now becomes the protagonists, which is very appropriate in this time of
A thing that I’ve learned in one of our previous lectures was a transition from
a period to period can never happen without a conflict. There will always be a
resistance, because the people are already used in living in the previous era and it
is hard for them to accept or to cope up with the new one that is being introduced.
Just like from an old period to a new one, this is very much like us in the present
setting, where we always stay at home, sanitize and clean ourselves time after
time, and studies and works at home. These are not us, these are the opposite of
our way of living, but now, we live in risk, fear and readiness, for in one single
mistake, we can get infected by these spreading virus and die afterwards.
The main thing that I learned in modern philosophy is that it puts logic and
innate knowledge at the forefront of our living. This is the foundation of Rene
Descartes, the father of modern philosophy, and other modern philosophers who
followed him along the way. To relate it this time of pandemic, it’s just being
practical, as easy as that. Practical here means that we must be concerned with
the actual doing of oneself and the other. We were told to stay at homes and
avoid going out, therefore we should do so, if we’re going to go out, we should
always wear a face mask and shield, observe a meter of distance from the other
individual and always sanitize our hands. Being honest with these simple yet
important things are very needed because authorities are the ones who are
implementing these and that’s not only that, doing so will always protect yourself
and the ones you love when you get home, also, you can limit the work of those
who are working in hospitals, taking care of those covid-19 patients, hoping their
burden will be put to a stoppage.
This is the relevance of modern philosophy in this time of pandemic, we
should be rationally equipped with the right knowledge, logic and reason, for it is
here that we will find the true meaning and answer in understanding the society’s
present undergoing and the capacity of an individual to do his part and to

Sem. Jonathan DePadua Racelis Philosophy 3

History of Modern philosophy 01/10/2021

manipulate the right knowledge for the betterment of all in terms of his
relationship with the community in this time of pandemic.

Sem. Jonathan DePadua Racelis Philosophy 3

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