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Never & MORE

NEVER & MORE is a TTRPG by Chloe Sobel (

and a hack of Lasers & Feelings by John Harper (
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (
Header font is The Centurion by creativework69.

You are the newest recruits of The Society of Ushers, an occult secret society. Your mission is to prove GM: CREATE AN OCCULT ADVENTURE
yourself to your superiors, master the rituals required to move up a rung, and learn how to talk to Roll or choose on the tables below.
ravens. Your direct superior and teacher, the Belfry-Devil, has finally deemed you suitable to circulate
by yourselves amongst greater society, trusting you to remain faithful to the Ushers in the face of A THREAT
attempted poaching, targeted seduction, and superior parties.
1. The Crow 2. The specter of Annabel Lee
3. A vengeful ghost, finally 4. A disgruntled member of your
1 Choose a style for your character: Subdued, When you do something risky, roll 1d6 to see how it goes.
Decadent, All Black Everything, Costumed, Roll +1d if you’re prepared and +1d if you’re an expert.
unleashed from a crypt cohort class

Historic, Feathered, or Bloodied. (The GM tells you how many dice to roll, based on your 5. A demon freed from Hell 6. The Mayor
character and the situation.) Roll your dice and compare
2 Choose a role for your character: Scholar, each die result to your number.
Hedonist, Alchemist, Ritualist, Sorcerer, WANTS TO…
Assistant, or Poet. If you’re using NEVER (reason, moderation), you want to
1. destroy the Society of Ushers 2. exorcise The Raven
roll under your number.
3 Choose your number, from 2 to 5. A high number
means you’re better at NEVER (reason, safety, If you’re using MORE (hunger, indulgence), you want to 3. poach your cohort class to
another society
4. imprison humanity in a salt circle
moderation, morality). A low number means roll over your number.
you’re better at MORE (hunger, desire,
indulgence, knowledge). 0 If none of your dice succeed, it goes wrong. The GM
says how things get worse somehow.
5. hire you to perform a ritual 6. annex Hell

4 Give your character a Society name. Examples:
Lenore, Eulalie, Ulalume, Ligeia, Rowena, 1 If one die succeeds, you barely manage it. The GM
inflicts a complication, harm, or cost.
Prospero, Montresor, Fortunato, Pluto, Roderick 1. destroy a faraway star 2. bring a rival society to power

You have: a quaint and curious volume of forgotten 2 If two dice succeed, you do it well. Good job!
3. subsume humanity’s free will 4. drive the people you love to ruin
lore, a bust of Pallas, a set of quill pens made from
raven feathers. 3 IfGMthree dice succeed, you get a critical success! The
tells you some extra effect you get. 5. bankrupt the Society of Ushers 6. seal your magic permanently
Player goal: Balance the thirst for knowledge with care If you roll your number exactly, you have A

for moderation, or swing wildly in one direction. MIDNIGHT DREARY. You get a special insight into GM: RUN THE GAME
Character goal: Choose one or create your own: Rise what’s going on. Ask the GM a question and they’ll
Play to find out how they advance their interests. Introduce the
In The Society Hierarchy, Invent An Entirely New answer you honestly. Some good questions:
threat by showing how unnatural, forbidden magic alters the fabric
Ritual, Bring Your Love Back From Death, Become What are they really feeling? Who’s behind this? How could of reality. Before a threat does something to the characters, show
The Raven, Be Poached By Another Society, Kiss A I get them to _____? What should I be on the lookout for? signs that it’s about to happen, then ask them what they do.
Demon, or Remain Uncorrupted. What’s the best way to _____? What’s really going on here? “Barthazar plucks a single feather from the marble raven and offers
it to you to seal the pact. What do you do?” “The Conqueror Worm
(A roll of A MIDNIGHT DREARY counts as a success.) pushes the first brick out of the crypt wall. What do you do?”
HELPING/HINDERING: If you want to help or hinder Call for a roll when a situation appears uncertain. Don’t pre-plan
As a group, pick two strengths for The Society of someone else who’s rolling, say how you try to do so and
Ushers: Fashionable, Connected, Influential, Feared, outcomes: let the chips fall where they may. Use failures to push
why, and make a roll. If you succeed, give them +1d or the story forward. Allow successes to have perilous side effects, and
Exclusive, Decadent, Aesthetic. -1d. failures to benefit the characters. For good or ill, the situation will
Also, pick one problem: Inherently Corrupt (founded always change after a roll.
by someone who did some bad things), Underfunded
(the meeting-house is falling apart), Fraudulent (no Ask questions and build on the answers. “Have you ever resurrected
higher-ups can do real magic), Unambitious (overly the dead before? Who? What happened?”
content with a lack of status). And whatever you do, don’t talk to ravens.

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