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1. Discuss how you as STS advocate will go about discouraging the female students from carrying out

We all know that abortion is not the safest and right choice to make but, why do people still
choose this method? There are instances a person choose to abort because, she is not capable to raise a
kid nor knowledgeable enough to this kind of situation, or maybe that single life in her womb shouldn’t
be existed in the first place because, of an abused act that occurs to her. Therefore, rather than letting
them live, they will choose to abort it to avoid responsibilities and to forget the miserable things/acts
hunting them. As an STS advocate the first thing I’ll do, is to set a seminar for the pregnant students, I’ll
encourage them to join or participate for the said date of seminar. With that, I will explain and simulate
in the seminar, the things that happening to a pregnant person, I will explain how the body of a female
person affect if they tried abortion. The harmful effects will be much riskier when they reach old age,
such as cramping, pelvic pain, uterine damage, injury to the bowel, heavy bleeding and more. Also, the
importance of a kid to start a new life is definitely a good example especially, for young women who are
sexually assaulted. I know what they went through is hard especially, it resulted to a one’s life but, we
can’t change the fact that the kid is not to blame for what happened. After all, it’s necessary to be
mindful and careful before making an act that will change our life, and be mindful that the baby even, if
it’s still a fetus or inside the tummy is still has a life, it’s a mortal sin to kill a one’s life, as we are catholic
and to morally act by the law.

2. Explain the justification for the knowledge of bioethics in STS at the educational and societal levels in

Bioethics in higher education aims to contribute to undergraduate degree studies by not just
providing scientific or technical knowledge, but also by developing morally superior professionals. It
contributes to science and industry by providing skilled and morally constituted individuals capable of
dealing with the bioethical challenges that arise in the fields in which they work. In order to focus on a
certain topic of bioethics in education, it is necessary to understand the various concepts contained in
the former. There are numerous concepts, but they all lead to the same conclusion: life must be
respected. Bioethics in education, on the other hand, plays a significant part in morals based on
universal principles, because it helps individuals develop in a more positive way, regardless of their point
of view. Bioethics can be learnt or mimicked depending on the community or environment in which a
person grows up in specific circumstances. Corruption, intransigence, and power abuse can be passed
down to newcomers to the ecosystem, according to a case study. As a result, any culture's foundation is
education, and the culture's substrate is human values. Finally, bioethics should be considered a
mandatory subject in university curriculum across the board, not just in the medical-biological sciences.
This is because higher and postgraduate education systems operate in dynamic environments. Bioethics
is also viewed as a teaching framework that is the most effective way to educate ethical and human
values-based decision-making, which is critical for a country's and even the world's growth.

3. Discuss the medical ethics in blood transfusion, health care, and heart transplanting.

The Code of Ethics establishes ethical and professional standards for practitioners in the field, as
well as the ethical and professional principles that the International Society of Blood Transfusion
believes should underpin the growth and operations of a blood service. Blood services provide blood as
well as information and direction to specialists in order to assist patients. Donors and patients have
equal rights and obligations when it comes to blood donation, and the donor's health, safety, and well-
being should not be risked in order to satisfy patient needs. This Code of Ethics outlines the
responsibilities of professionals working in the field of transfusion medicine to donors and recipients.
The four well-known biomedical ethics ideas of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and fairness
underpin these responsibilities. Donors are a unique aspect of another value, dignity, which applies to all
four. At its most fundamental level, health-care ethics refers to a set of virtue ethics, beliefs, and values
that guide us when making medical treatment decisions. Our perceptions of right and wrong, as well as
our ideas about our own rights and those we owe others, are at the center of health-care ethics.
Consider the ethical dimensions of health-care decisions before making judgments that are right, good,
fair, or just. In each scenario, the nature of the decision and the roles we play have an impact on our
ethical duties. For example, a patient's family has various responsibilities and ethical requirements than
the patient's physician. The ethical responsibility that health care practitioners have to their patients are
summarized in four main notions. They are autonomy: respecting the patient's freedom to make their
own decisions; beneficence: assisting the patient in achieving their own objectives; non-maleficence:
avoiding harm; and justice: treating people in similar situations fairly. Everyone participating in the
process, including the patient, family members, and health care practitioners, must review their ethical
values. Some components of the transplantation procedure, such as transplantation, the lack of a
sustainable support structure for patients, and cultural difficulties, require specific attention. As
technology advances, populations become more diverse and older, and health-care delivery systems
continue to employ a more diversified collection of health-care personnel, the number and types of
ethical challenges are expected to increase.

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