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5E’s Lesson Plan in Science

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are able to;
a. Identify the 3 phases of matter
b. Describe the characteristics of 3 phases of matter; and
c. Apply the knowledge about phases of matter in their group activity
II. Content
a. Topic: Phases of Matter
b. Reference: (internet)
c. Materials: Visual aids, picture, pentel pen, white board
Other resources : Internet
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Daily Activities
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom Management
B. Motivation
 Children, what do you observe/see in our  ma’am (students are raising their hands)
room?  Table, chairs, notebooks,
 Very good children. So today, I will be
flashing some picture of objects. All you
have to do is to identify the names of each  Boiling water, ball, balloon, smoke, water
 Okay, good job children. So, I have here the  (The teacher and students will sing the
song video entitled “3 phases of matter” let song.
us sing it altogether.
 Did you love it children?  Yes ma’am.
C. Presentation
 (The teacher will show to the pupils three
real objects)  Wallet, bottle, balloon
 Kids, what do you see here on the table?
 Very good! What is the shape of the  Rectangle ma’am.
 Okay, correct!
 Next, what can you say about the water in
the bottle? Do the water and the bottle has  Yes ma’am.
the same shape?
 Good. Lastly, what can you say about the  It is colorful teacher, it has air inside the
balloon? balloon.
 Very good. We call all those things as
matter. Everybody say “matter”  MATTER
 When we say “matter” it is anything that  “Matter” it is anything that occupies space
occupies space and has weight and mass. and has weight/mass.
(Repeat after me)
 All the things around us is a matter. Even
the air that we inhale and exhale is also a  MATTER
matter. What do we call again the things
around us?
 Okay, so trhere are 3 phases of matter.
These are the SOLID, LIQUID and GAS.
 The first one Is solid. Solid have definite
shapes that ocuupy difinite spaces. Solid  It is smooth teacher.
can be held and seen. (Tecacher holding
the wallet presented a while ago.) Can
someone come in front and toucb the
wallet. Describe what you feel.
 Very good! Now can you please get a solid
object inside your bag?

 Today our new topic is about “ Animals in
the Locality “.
 So, what do you understand when we say  Ma’am( students are raising their hands)
about Locality?
 Yes, Anna?  Locality refers to the place near to us or
neighborhood area.
 That is correct when we say Animals in the
Locality it is the animals around us.
 Now, give me an example of animals that
you can find in your locality.  Ma’am (students are raising their hands)
 Yes, Rose?
 Carabao, Cows, Goat, Chicken, Dog, Pig,
 That is great. Okay class please accomplish Cat, and Birds
this KWL chart before we proceed on the
second lesson. Get your paper and pencil.  (students are starting to write)
What I Know What I want What I have
to know Learned

 Okay if you are done please pass it to me.

 (students passing their paper)
 Now since you already know the
difference animals found in our locality
let us identify the different parts and
functions of animals.
 (pasting the picture of animals in the
 Please observe the picture and tell me
what is the different parts of this  (Observing)
 (asking the students)  (answering the pictures)
 Okay, all of your answer is correct
 Now, class since you already now their  Ma’am (students are raising their
parts and functions let me ask you why hands)
animals is important to us?
 Yes, Ella?  It gives us foods.
 Correct. Any other ideas?  Ma’am (students are raising their
 Yes, Anna?  It helps us in doing work especially
 Okay, Very Good. So those animals is a
big help to us.
 Now let us summarize our lesson.
There are many animals that use can
see in our place or locality. They can be
small or big. They can classify like ;
animals that live in the house, in the
farm and animals that can fly.
Animals are a group of organism in
the family Animalia. Animals are raised
for food, fiber and fuel. Companion
animals are what we call dogs, cats, and
other animals that provide
companionship to humans.
Some animals are used for work and
farming tasks like Carabao. Poultry
animals provide foods for humans like
chicken, ducks, turkey’s and geese’s.
This different kinds of animals found in
our place is a great contributors in our
environment, agriculture and to our
everyday lives. The different parts of
the animals has a different purpose as
well. So class learned to love animals
because they are a great help to us.  Yes, ma’am.
 Class since we discussed everything
about different parts and functions of
animals now let us read this paragraph  Yes, ma’am.
and after you read it answer the
question below.
“Danny and His Animals”
Yesterday was a busy day for Danny. He went  (students are starting to read)
to their farm to feed his horses, chicken, ducks,
goats, turkeys, cow and pigs. In their farm
Danny saw butterflies, grasshopper and
dragonflies. Danny has pets too, which includes
dog, turtle, cat and fish.
1. Write the names of animals founds in  (students are starting to answer)
Danny’s Farm.
2. List down Danny’s pets.
1.Horses, Chicken, Ducks, Goats, Turkeys, Cow
and Pigs
 Yes, ma’am., turtle, cat and fish
 Ma’am (students are raising their hands)
 Okay, are you done class?
 So let us answer our activity.  (Ella is answering to his questions)
What is your answer for number 1?  Horses, Chicken, Ducks, Goats, Turkeys,
 Yes, Ella? Cow and Pigs

Okay, Very good  Ma’am (rose is raising her hands)

How about for number 2.
What is your answer?  Danny’s Pets dog, turtle, cat and fish.
 Yes, Rose?
 (students are clapping their hands)
 That is Correct. Congratulations class
for your good performance today. Keep
It up.
 So today class let’s have a short test.
Please get your pencil and paper.
 Can we start?
 Yes, Ma’am.
 Okay, now list down all animals that
you think is found in the farm.
 After that write beside their names  (students are starting to do the test)
what is the function of the particular
Animals found in the Farm Functions
 Okay, are you done class?  Yes, ma’am

 So please pass your paper now.  (Students starting to pass their paper)
 Okay class please write now your
Direction: Draw your favorite animals and
name the body parts.

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