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Nthiga Arthur Ngari

Fullstack Developer / UX/UI Designer

+254 714 796 130

Full Stack Developments

Python, Django, Flask, Angular, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, Databases, RestAPI, Git & Github

UX/UI Designer
UX/UI design with Figma, Miro, Adobe-XD, and Marvel

Technical Support
Help Desk Support, Networking, Database Management and Maintainance, Hardware & Software Installation,
Maintenance, and Repairs


IT Support Technician | Artistico Finishes and Interior Design Ltd

June 2023 - Present | Nairobi, Kenya
• Software installation and maintenance
• User support for customers and staff
• Research and Development of Tools and Solutions

Software Developer Intern | AngelsCodex.Inc

August 2022 - April 2023 | Nairobi, Kenya
• Assisting the senior developers by supporting design and coding and contributing to fixing bugs from the existing
• Revamping the application user interface using jQuery, Ajax, and Bootstrap to significantly improve the user

Creative UX/UI Designer

Skye Technologies Nov 2020 - April 2021
• UX/UI design with Figma, Miro, Adobe-XD, and Marvel.
• Agile developing on team collaboration projects like African Tours
• promote a company, or its products and services. Publishing, broadcasting, and advertising

June 2020-August 2020 – Moringa School – Prep program
March 2021- June 2021 –Moringa School-Post-Dev(pending)
July - January 2021 African Development Bank Code for Employment Program
September 2020 – Huawei Academy Kenya – Seeds for the Future Program- 5G, HMS, AI, Machine learning, and
Chinese culture.
January 2012 – 2016 Multimedia University of Kenya Animation and Multimedia Design Options.


The project was aimed at achieving one of the most used project architectures by maintaining the folder structures
so that every code is centralized and easily understood by any developer. The project skeleton has the following:
Assets folder, Layout folder, Components folder, Pages folder, Middleware folder, Routes folder, Config folder,
Services folder, and Utils folder.

Pizza -
This particular project is an online ordering system that generates reports on customers, Pizza, and Cart Items,
Provides filter reports on orders, Pizza Type, and Payment and one can easily export PDFs for the customer.
wise-owl-quotes-app -
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 10.0.6.
1. The app enables you to: Create a new quote.
2. Upvote or downvote a quote.
3. See the number of upvotes and number of downvotes for each quote.

Smart Chama User Interface Design

I designed a Smart Chama mobile app for a local Sacco that had the common features of a financial application
with user functionalities like creating an account, confirming your account with SSD code, setting up your profile,
depositing cash on your account, transacting with your account, save, invest and borrow as per your saving index.
Figma's flexible layouts are a testament to its commitment to the adaptive web design paradigm.

1. Sammy Mungai Kahia
Director Artistico Finishes Ltd
Phone:+254 721 415 044

2. Brian Maritim
C.E.O Skye limited
Phone: 0722321080

3. Phineas Njeru
C.E.O Serge Tech Group
Phone: 0702261679

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