Geology - UCLA Notes

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Title: Plate Tectonics and Earth’s Dynamic Crust


• Plate tectonics is the fundamental theory that explains the movement and
interactions of Earth’s lithospheric plates.

Key Concepts:

1. Plate Boundaries:
• Divergent Boundaries: Plates move away from each other, creating mid-ocean
• Convergent Boundaries: Plates collide, leading to subduction zones, mountain
ranges, and earthquakes.
• Transform Boundaries: Plates slide past each other, causing lateral motion and
2. Driving Forces:
• Mantle Convection: Heat from Earth’s interior drives the circulation of material in
the mantle, in uencing plate movement.
• Ridge Push and Slab Pull: Mechanisms that contribute to plate motion at
divergent and convergent boundaries.
3. Plate Interactions:
• Oceanic-Continental Convergence: Forms volcanic arcs and deep-sea trenches.
• Continental-Continental Convergence: Leads to the uplift of mountain ranges.
• Oceanic-Oceanic Convergence: Results in island arcs and deep-sea trenches.
4. Earthquakes and Volcanoes:
• Earthquakes often occur along plate boundaries due to stress accumulation and
• Volcanic activity is associated with subduction zones and divergent boundaries.
5. Evidence for Plate Tectonics:
• Fossil and paleoclimatic evidence.
• Matching coastlines and geologic features.
• Sea oor spreading and magnetic striping.


• Plate tectonics revolutionized our understanding


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