Speaking 2

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Police Officer: “Hey guys! What happened here? Did you drink alcohol? Because it's
a crime”

Driver 1: “No officer, I was driving normally and the other driver was coming very
fast and hit my car”.

Driver 2: “It is false Mr. Policeman he ran the red light”.

Driver 1: ”I didn’t run the red light, you were coming in the opposite direction”.

Driver 2: “Impossible, this street has only one lane. You are lying!”.

Police Officer: “Sounds true, gentlemen, you must come with me to the police
station so that a judge can take your word for it”.

Driver 1: I’ll not go with you, can I offer you some money to leave?

Police Officer: “No, that’s against the law, you’re under arrest and will be

Driver 2: “This is the end for you, I hope this will teach you a lesson”.


There was a car accident this morning in Miraflores, the police officer asked the
drivers what had happened and if the drivers were drunk, He said it's a crime to

The driver 1 told him that he had not been drinking alcohol and was driving normally
while the other driver was coming very fast and crashed into his car but driver 2
said that it was false and that in fact the other driver had run the red light.

Driver 1 said that was not the case and that driver 2 was coming the wrong way,
Driver 2 mentioned that it was impossible as the street has only one lane.
After the police officer listened, he realized that Driver 1 was lying and that both
drivers should go wi him to the police station so that a judge could take his word for

The angry driver refused to go with the policeman and offered him some money to
let him go, but the policeman told him that it was against the law and that he would
be arrested.

Driver 2 said that would be the end of the other driver and hoped he would learn a

azul: victor
rojo: sebastian
verde: alberto

queda? queda

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