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Patient Name : Mrs G SUNITHA MRE 1136173 Age / Gender 23 Year(s) / Female Ordered By CPL-TS-691 Ref. Doctor Sample Drawn Date : 2022-10-06 00:00 Ref. Custemer RegistrationDate 2022-10-08 14:31 ‘Sample & SID Report Date 2022-10-05 16:03 IMMUNOLOGY / SEROLOGY ‘TEST DESCRIPTION RESULT unrrs [BIOLOGICAL REFERENCE RANGE Dengue NS 1 Antigen, IgG & IgM (Rapid) enn: immunschrsmatsaraghV) Dengue NS1 Antigen NEGATIVE Dengue - IgG NEGATIVE Dengue - IgM NEGATIVE Comments: Advined: Repest Dengue seralagy after 1-5 days if the patient continues te be symptomatic. Nate: This is only a screening text further confirmatory test Elsa ie achined, Innerpretatian: Negative Na detectable IgM antibodies. The results dom: nat rule out dengue infaction. An addtional ‘sample should be tested in 7 to 14 days if early infection is suspected. ‘Positive : Presence of detectable IgM antibodiee. Indicative of ather an active primary or secondary dengue infecticn. Presence of dengue NS1 Ag i suggestive of primary dengue virus infection, Retest afer 5 days te check far rising levels of lg Expected Value: “Primary Dengue infection i& characterized by the presence of significant er rising levels ef IgM 3-5 days after ‘the eet of infection, which can persist far 3-5 menths. +Secondary infection is characterized by elevation of specific IgG 1-2 days after the on set of infectian and in ‘the majority of cases (270%) ix accompanied by elevation an IgM. “In early infection and sume secondary infection detectable levels of IgM antibodies may be lov, Tests pertormed at Gpsthishs Hyderabad MABL Accrectted (i un of Sepa inencaties Pre Lt

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