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McCarthyism was an era when U.S. senate, Joseph McCarthy had caused the UnAmerican Activities Committee as an anti- communist organ. Even though false, they led to stress upon writers and entertainers. They were advertisers for the communist people. This led to job lost for the writers and entertainers. Hollywood was affected because they were accused of making communist films. It was believed the many people would follow up with these films because people were really gullible. In the end a lot of Hollywoods film writers were put on the blacklist. This affected Arthur Miller because he was one of those writers being blacklisted. This almost promised him the end of a great career. The Crucible premiered in 1953, when it won two tony awards, but not many happy reviews. Therefore, The Crucible didnt get the publicity that it deserved or that was expected for the play. I don really she what the big deal with the movies made by the film writers. However, if I was living in these times, there would probably be some type of doubt that I would have about the movies. Mr. Miller was played by the critics of his play, because if it won The Tony Awards, then how could he get that many bad reviews? Works Cited: Pbs. "Arthur Miller - Career Timeline | American Masters | PBS." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Pbs, 2011. Web. 02 Oct. 2011. PBS. "Arthur Miller - McCarthyism | American Masters | PBS." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. PBS, 2011. Web. 02 Oct. 2011.

The attack on the U.S. was ground breaking news because of the twin towers being hit. The U.S. people were frightened because of they never experienced anything like this before, we were scared to see were the terrorist were going to strike next. The Village was kind of hit the same way. They were told about being attacked but it never really happened to them, until the night the forbidden creature came into there town. Both the people in the U.S. acted the same way, both were really scared and didnt know what to expect next. I feel that law enforcers aggressiveness toward the Muslim and Arab was at all called for. Not all of the Muslim and Arabian people in the U.S. are considered as a terrorist. I thought it was kind of raciest how people started to critics them because their religion. I thought the village was kind of skeptical because the forbidden creature was a hoax. Works Cited Alba, Richard. "Immigration and Insecurity: Post-9/11 Fear in the United States." Welcome. SSRC, 24 July 2006. Web. 02 Oct. 2011.

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