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Five Takeaways on Reading Hidden Dimension by Edward T.



To start off I would like to tackle where it all starts on why Hidden dimension is being created.
Hidden Dimension was based on observing animal Distance regulation between animal
“Territory” and “Habitat” animals behavior is based on space where they interact for example
lion on its den they coexist they tend to protect each other and lion on savanna they hunt for their
prey different space for different activities. Territory space that provides security space that
habitants control, space that gives liberty to do what the habitants want, space that the habitants
protect. Notable points I take is Flight distance space to flee serve as public space out of
territory Critical distance serves as private space that only few can access. Personal distance is
more on spaces for privacy for example bed room social distance is space for interaction live
living or dining. Change in use on space can be possible based on circumstances for animals
mating seasons where their critical space is invaded because of the critical situation in that case
is reproduction. In correlation to human private space like a house becomes open when occasions
occur like christmas.


One of the factors that affect the space is behavior. Groups of people, even an individual's
psychological state can be affected by the space because of different influences. For example,
rich families are transferred into poor communities. The more they interact with the
environment, the rich people's mannerism changes. One of the problems in space is Crowding.
Not only does it defeat the purpose of the use in space it destroys the comfort and habitability of
the space. Also, crowding causes “Sink” . It is where when the habitat being over crowded,
usually over crowded places, causes noise that can affect mental health the stability of mental
state in the over crowded areas is at stake that may also lead to chaos aggression and other
negative effects. One of the best examples of sink is slumps poor state of living over crowded
high crime rate shared anger all leads to negative effect.


Seeing is different in perception because of different points of view. The hidden dimension is
how individuals perceive things in different ways. When it comes to our surroundings we always
use our senses like seeing the surroundings, hearing the noise smelling the place, that is why
those senses should be prioritized in designing. Perception of space immediate receptor uses the
sense of touch on determining the distance and the distant receptor where you can determine the
space or distance using sense of sight, smell, and hearing. Olfaction on humans more on
stereotyping generalizing based on sensation sample smell of Indians, smell of rich. Thermal
space commonly used to determine comfort consideration and tactile space commonly used on a
person with special needs. Vision is almost the foundation of all consideration because of the
ability to observe the surrounding what is noticeable in plain sight. Art as a clue to perception art
is one way to express what we see,pushing creativity.


Language and Culture. Have you ever wander what is the first thing you learn? But the thing is
language is the first ever thing that we learn passing language to another is like passing the roots
of where you came from the building blocks on how you will see the world you will hear from
the stories you will read from the books. Language is the passage of roots where it is connected
with the culture of one group. Culture is the people their beliefs, their way of living
understanding the culture is understanding what they want and that is the goal of designing.
Distance between one another is a factor that affect design because it determine that what is the
space for. The spaces are classified as intimate space wherein the distance with each other is
really close, personal space where your space with one another is relatively close, social space
where you are with people that you can or cannot interact with, and lastly is public space that
should maintain distance to another person. Different countries have different cultures, different
ways of living, each and every factor affects the outcome.


The book's hidden dimension is to make us see what is lying in front of us to think beyond the
things that are in front of us, to find all the loopholes that can affect the outcome of the things we
would do. The hidden dimensions are the things that other people do not see but have a huge
impact when taken into consideration.

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