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Light goes backwards in time, do you believe in time travel?

Do you believe in the Albert

Einstein theory of relativity? In theory of relativity they said space and time affect each other. It
said that if you move really fast inside the space there is a possibility that you break the time
outside that space you are moving. Can it be called time traveling even if you only move forward
and you can not go backwards? Is it traveling when you can not pick what time you will go, it is
just like delaying time because of the speed that you travel and not the time as it is.

Light speed and going back in time is not a thing, time is a concept that it only moves forward
and never goes backwards so time traveling backwards is never possible. The article focuses
on the theory of relativity but not on how it will go back. It never detailed how it can go back on
time but rather slowing or moving forward the only thing that it mentions is by moving fast warp
can be made causing traveling back in time. It is contradicting on how moving bast goes back in
time moving fast can break the concept of time and it also mentions that in order to attain that
speed that can break the concept of time it has to be light the article did not mention how can
someone become light or something become light. While in theory of relativity in order to break
the concept of time it has to be inside the vacuum to move through time.

Moving through time it sounds quite amusing but moving backwards into it sounds impossible.
Theory of relativity moving fast inside through space outside causes a time travel like effect for
example you departed into one place by a closed jet or plane. Its speed makes it travel into the
distance that the person goes into one place to another in an instance breaking. The only time
travel i know is going into different time zones no more no less than that. On the other hand
going forward and going backwards is impossible. Even the article claims it will be possible
being light is one thing speed of sound is existing but it is still in its developing state being light
or creating a vehicle that can be light is something that needs to be considered. Warping or
being into place at an instant can be considered as time traveling because you are here and an
instance you are there so no time is affected by the travel.

All of that being said and take into consideration for me time is just a concept of going forward
and never comes back its either we can delay it or move faster than time but never stopping it
nor going back into it, who knows what future will bring maybe just maybe we can be light that
breaks through all concept because us humans always moves forward.

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