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quick question, didn't want to spam Cmorgan's thread.

How are you triggering with

the stock 20V cam angle sensor? I can't figure out how MS would be able to have a
home signal with the 20v...did you have to remove some teeth? Do you have any cross
talk between the G1-2 and NE outputs?
muythaibxr (7:37 AM 8/19/2009): The G2 signal IS the home signal. I'm just using
that. Set up in ms2/extra as a 24-tooth cam mounted wheel with a second trigger
input once per cam rotation, and a tooth #1 angle of 20 deg

what is an lm1815 signal?

Would a blacktop be 24 and 4 or 24 and 1? I know for sure ther'es a g2 and g1 pin.
tooth #1 on the g2 rotor? what is the significance of 20 degrees? VEMS uses
megatune as well, so I'm hoping they are similar in operation. the only thing
keeping me from VEMS or MS is that I know haltech doesn't require anything too
tricky to trigger.

muythaibxr (3:01 PM 8/21/2009): the lm1815 is the conditioner that takes the G2
signal and turns it into something the MS can understand. If the haltech could
trigger on G2, it would require the same thing (but would probably already have it

muythaibxr (3:02 PM 8/21/2009): The blacktop (and silvertop) have the following
wheels and sensors:


and 2 "wheels"

The Ne wheel: 24 teeth

G wheel: 1 tooth (but that 1 tooth passes both the G1 and G2 sensors)

muythaibxr (3:12 PM 8/21/2009): I'm not sure how to configure VEMS as I have no
experience with it, and honestly the processors we're using for ms2/ms3 are much
faster anyway... For ms2/extra, with 2 wheels, the G wheel becomes the "second
trigger" or home signal.
muythaibxr (3:13 PM 8/21/2009): that tooth passes the G2 sensor in between two of
the Ne teeth passing the Ne sensor. So the first tooth on the Ne wheel after the G
tooth passes G2 is "tooth #1" That tooth on the Ne wheel passes the sensor at 20
degrees BTDC, so that is the tooth #1 angle.

muythaibxr (3:15 PM 8/21/2009): VEMS might not have a second trigger input, which
would cause you to need to cut a tooth. ms2/extra and ms3 do not require you to do
that because they use the G tooth with the G2 wheel as the second trigger.
muythaibxr (3:15 PM 8/21/2009): on the processors thing, the speed of our
processors is faster last time I checked. I don't know if VEMS have updated theirs
or not since then

muythaibxr (3:20 PM 8/21/2009): Just doublechecked, ms2/extra offers larger tables,

better tuning options for ITBs, faster processor, etc... I (along with James Murray
in England) write the firmware for ms2/extra.
Grant (4:12 PM 8/21/2009): James Murray is an Alfa guy isn't he? Maybe I"m
mistaken, I recognize that name along with Megasquirt and Alfa stuff. Thanks a TON
for explaining how the system worked. I really couldn't understand from the some
what Toyota literature I've come across.
The thing is, I sold my MSI pcb 2.2 because I'm not comfortable with electronics.
I'm pretty sure I can learn to tune on Megatune, but I don't think I could do
megasquirt on my own. That being said, I know someone in my area that's already
using VEMS on his Alfa and he could probably help me get it running on the 20V, if
it is at all possible. That's my main reason for going with VEMS. I don't care too
much either way as long as the car runs and drives OK.

Grant (4:12 PM 8/21/2009): I'm sure I might have a question or two either way in
the future for you again, but I want to thank you once again for the information.
Let me know if you want some advice on suspension tuning and setup, that's the only
area I'd really consider myself knowledgeable about, since I've seen very good
results from whatever home-brew suspensions I have put together in the past. Not
trying to gloat, just advertising something I could barter with you with.

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