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Question 1

Here are ten primary security weaknesses that can be found in a home:

1. Weak or easily evaded locks: Poor locks on your home's windows and doors might
make it simpler for burglars to enter.

2. Insufficient lighting: Insufficiently lighted locations near the residence can be

employed as cover by burglars. Motion-sensor lighting can help keep intruders away.

3. Unsecured windows: Windows that are unlocked or left open might provide
criminals with a simple point of access. When leaving the house, make sure all windows
are closed.

4. Doors that are not adequately fastened or fortified can be kicked in with ease.
To make doors more safe, install deadbolts and reinforce the door frames.

5. No security system: A home without a security system is more likely to be broken

into. Think about putting in a monitored alarm system

6. Untrimmed landscaping: Overgrown bushes and trees near windows can provide
hiding spots for criminals. Keep your landscaping well-maintained to eliminate potential
hiding places.

7. Visible valuables: Leaving valuable items, such as electronics or expensive jewelry,

in plain sight can attract burglars. Keep valuable items out of sight from windows.

8. Unsecured garage: An unsecured garage can provide easy access to your home.
Make sure the garage door is closed and locked, and consider installing a security
system for the garage.

9. Lack of neighborhood watch: A lack of community awareness and involvement can

make a neighborhood more attractive to criminals. Join or start a neighborhood watch
program to increase security.
10. Social media oversharing: Sharing vacation plans or posting about expensive
purchases on social media can alert criminals to an empty home. Be cautious about
what you share online.


Somebody phones and tells you that there is a bomb at your company. What is the
procedure for handling such a threatening call?

Handling a bomb threatening call requires a calm and systematic approach to ensure
the safety of everyone involved. Here is a step-by-step procedure to follow:

Remain Calm: Stay composed and focused throughout the entire process. This will help
you make clear decisions and provide accurate information.

Listen Actively: Allow the caller to speak without interruption. Pay attention to details
such as the caller's voice, background noise, and any specific information provided
about the bomb threat.

Engage the Caller: Ask open-ended questions to gather as much information as

possible. Obtain details about the location of the bomb, the type of bomb, and the time
of detonation. Try to gather information about the caller's identity or motive.

Document the Call: Take detailed notes during the call, capturing all relevant
information. Include the date, time, and duration of the call, as well as any disti nctive
characteristics of the caller's voice or speech.

Notify Authorities: Immediately contact the appropriate authorities, such as


Security officers use a variety of equipment to ensure the safety and security of people
and property. Here are some commonly used security equipment along with practical

Surveillance Cameras: Surveillance cameras are used to monitor and record activities
in a specific area. They can be fixed or movable and are often used in public places,
offices, and residential areas. For example, a security officer may use surveillance
cameras to monitor the entrance of a building and identify any suspicious activity.

Access Control Systems: Access control systems are used to restrict entry to
authorized personnel only. This can include key cards, biometric scanners, or PIN
codes. For instance, security officers may use access control systems to ensure that
only employees with the proper credentials can enter a restricted area.

Intrusion Detection Systems: Intrusion detection systems are designed to detect

unauthorized entry or access to a protected area. They can include sensors, alarms,
and motion detectors. For example, security officers may use intrusion detection
systems to detect any break-ins or unauthorized access to a building.

Metal Detectors: Metal detectors are used to detect metallic objects on a person's
body. They are commonly used in airports, government buildings, and public events to
prevent the entry of weapons or other prohibited items. Security officers may use metal
detectors to screen individuals entering a venue or facility.

X-ray Scanners: X-ray scanners are used to inspect the contents of bags, packages, or
luggage. They are commonly used in airports, train stations, and government buildings
to detect concealed weapons or dangerous items. Security officers may use x-ray
scanners to ensure the safety of the premises and its occupants.
Alarm Systems: Alarm systems are used to alert security personnel or authorities in
case of an emergency or security breach. They can include sirens, strobe lights, and
silent alarms. For instance, security officers may use alarm systems to notify them of a
fire, intrusion, or other security threats.

Two-Way Radios: Two-way radios are used for communication between security
officers and their team members. They allow for quick and efficient communication,
especially in large areas or during events. Security officers may use two-way radios to
coordinate their activities, report incidents, and request assistance.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE includes items such as bulletproof vests,
helmets, gloves, and safety shoes. Security officers wear PPE to protect themselves
from potential threats or hazards. For example, security officers working in high-risk
environments may wear bulletproof vests to protect themselves from gunfire.


There are three main factors to take into account when determining how effective the
current security measures are. These factors aid in determining if the existing security
measures are enough or whether more robust ones are required. The discussion of
each criterion is followed by examples.

Confidentiality: Confidentiality refers to preventing unauthorized access to or

disclosure of sensitive information. I would take the following into account when
evaluating how effective confidentiality measures are:

Exist access controls that limit access to critical information? Using multi-factor
authentication, encryption, or passwords are a few examples. Data storage and
transmission are both encrypted. Are policies and processes in place to manage
confidential information, such as using protocols like SSL/TLS or encrypting data with
powerful algorithms? Data classification, access rights control, and employee training
are a few examples.

Example: Strong encryption mechanisms, access restrictions, and stringent policies

should be used by an e-commerce website to secure client data from illegal access.

Integrity: Throughout its existence, integrity guarantees that data is accurate, full, and
unmodified. I would take the following factors into account when assessing the integrity
of current security measures: Are are systems in place to identify and stop unlawful data
modifications? To prevent data loss or corruption, for instance, do you regularly perform
backups and use digital signatures, checksums, or hash functions? Finally, I'd think
about if there are safeguards to stop unauthorized changes to crucial system
configurations, such as automated backup systems or off-site storage. Using access
controls or change management procedures, for instance.

Example: To avoid illegal changes to customer account balances, a financial institution

should adopt stringent controls such transaction logs and audit trails.

Availability: Availability refers to a system's and data's availability and usefulness when
necessary. To determine whether availability measures are adequate, I would take into
account the following:

Exist any failover or redundant systems to ensure uninterrupted functioning in the event
of a failure? Using load balancing, clustering, or backup power sources are a few
examples. Are there safeguards in place to guard against DoS attacks and other
disruptions? Are there disaster recovery plans and processes in place to resume
operations in the event of significant disasters, such as employing firewalls, intrusion
detection systems, or traffic filtering? For instance, having backups off-site and other
processing locations.

Example: For their services to remain accessible even during periods of high traffic or
hardware breakdown, online service providers need have redundant servers and
network infrastructure.
Section B



Safety measures……………………………………….

Causes of shooting accidents………………………

Firearm awareness…………………………………….


For those who opt to use them for insurance, firearms are the preferred option. Sadly,
hoodlums also choose them as their target. In this article, I'll talk about gun safety
precautions, shooting causes, and gun awareness.

Safety measures

No matter how comfortable or experienced you are with firearms, you should always be
careful around them. Gun safety demands specific training, self-control, and caution. By
virtue of their design and intended use, firearms are lethal weapons. If they are handled
incorrectly or carelessly, death or severe harm may follow. Accidents with firearms are
caused by the person handling the weapon, not the weapon itself. Failure to follow the
fundamental guidelines for gun safety is what leads to firearms accidents.
Unfortunately, both seasoned shooters and newcomers appear to often break these
laws. Therefore, it is important to repeatedly practice safe guns handling techniques.

Read, re-read and practice the basic principles of firearms safety until they become
second nature: habits that you don’t forget.

The following safety measures can be applied:

• Keep aiming your rifle in the designated safe area.

• Constantly release the trigger with your finger.

• Constantly handle your firearm as if it were stacked.

• Always be aware of your goal and what is beyond it.

• Try not to rely on the "wellbeing" of your firearm.

Causes of shooting accidents

There are many different types of firearms, and each one requires proper preparation.
Lack of preparation and knowledge of how to use a gun is one of the most frequently
acknowledged causes of weapon accidents.unfortunate gun office administration
Firearms ranges are chaotic, and people who are not totally knowledgeable about
firearms frequently handle dangerous weapons in off-limits areas.

Parents should supervise if children are even slightly near guns without adult
supervision. Tragically, too many accidents involving weapons have occurred when
children got their hands on weapons and their parents unexpectedly vanished.
Drunkenness and medications When a gun is used, the outcome may be horrifying.
Never show off or make a weapon clear to friends when under the influence of alcohol.
The consumer assumes that a weapon is created without surrenders even if each
firearm is made with a specific level of value. A deformity could cause the weapon's
accuracy to be off, which could result in harm or death.

Firearm awareness

Guns that people illegally own, undesired guns, unregistered guns, guns components,
and ammo may be handed up during the absolution. "Gun pardon is a reimbursement
against indictment for the unlawful ownership of a gun or ammo."

Those who meet the requirements can submit an application for a reprieve. These
regulations apply to those who possess firearms without a valid authorization, approval,
or firearm part with a firearm permitted to bear that component, as well as those who
own illegally imported firearms.

Schmittling, R., & Munns, A. (2010). Performing a security risk assessment. Isaca

Journal, 1, 18.

Association of firearms and Tool mark Examiners, Technical Procedures Manual,

November 2015
sociology- and

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