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JUNE 2021: CAN WE TRUST OUR LEADERS? + BOYS WILL BE MEN + VACCINATED YET? SO WHAT? + VIRTUAL GRIEF + HOMELESS RELIGION conn mor wrasrane FEATURES 48 CAN WE TRUST OUR LEADERS? | silt xnoTT Who will teach us how to follow? 21 BREACH REPAIRERS: AS YAHWEH WOULD HAVE IT | TR«voR Kinitock Mind and mend the gap! 24 EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP? | penis Fortin George Butler learned well. And now we learn from him, 26 WHOM ARE YOU GOING TO TRUST? | JOAN FRANCIS Your life depends on whom you choose. JuNe 20211 apveNnist aeview 1 “This is the exciting and just work of God’s church PRR er Teta stirs CTs ee eee een cia ecaght ce ee eee | goodness to a world sorely in need of light.” 28 THEJOURNEY AROUND EDOM — 40 VACCINATED YET? SO WHAT? 54 DEVELOPING MINDS anp THLEN 6. WHITE WILLIE AND ELAINE OLIVER SOULS WITH Music Itcould have been so much Faith matters. So does SANDRA BLACKMER (ae attitude Social change in musica 32 COVID-19 AND THE 44 VIRTUAL GRIEF Les “WORSHIP CROWD"? ROBERT EDWARDS 59 WHO STOPPED THE Rain? BRAD THORP The weight of honoring those MARLAN KNITTEL Is our freedom to worship who have died, in silence Dare to ask for that miracle threatened? 46 HOMELESS RELIGION 60 AYEAR OF TEACHING, A 36 SHOULD | OR SHOULDN'T I? JENIFER A. DALEY YEAR OF LEARNING, A YEAR PETER N. LANDLESS Taking a second look at the OF STRANGE LIVING Timeis up fora decision ona “least of these” WILONA KARIMABaADI yearlong question. 50, THE DEAD ARE REALLY DEAD Rising to the challenges, DONNY CHRISSUTIANTO * _ Revisiting a fundamental 664 THAT DEVICEIN YOUR HAND me doctrine \WILONA KARIMABADI Virtual access with physical Jt land mines Cc fom lw INE & Tia = 2D) Ee [EDITOR TAL NEWS|OPINION 5 BILL KNOTT » Adventist Organizations Join ee Forces to Assist Pandemic- hn ravaged India, Brazil 6 LETTERS » Elections Bring Leadership Changes eee for the North American Division so VOKES outs 31 THE LIFE OF FAITH » Adventist Education Helps Students Join and Remain in the Church, Studies Show aaieers TH EDS ory » Leaders Elect Church President eee for the South American Division ” thos nunesel, » In St. Vincent, Adventists Feed Hundreds After Volcano Eruption * ~-EGWHITE RESOURCE CENTER sore f= | gn NK tet ve a es hi at See Ser Cee coer eel reatheday Adventists thefutce and imminent climax of Goes station altation po sm on earth is strongly elated tothe p ofthe Bible’ teaching on tht question batdly popula or accepted sro the weld rine requires trom the Chistian ce tion Milertes, and S ye atthe chutes current positon. {THE CHRISTIAN CONNECTION “The Christian Connection was one ofthe fest uniquely"American* Cristian gous to emerge the United tates The poupemeed inthe fist decade ofthe nineteenth entry fiom three different directions. These thee groups formed a joint fellowship lenown as “Christian” or late as Ch Connection. Among these the groups, the soup in New England enthusiastically pr ote the biblical bei that he den know nothing One leaderin this group. Ess Smith region o thatatthe a iyyandeteralifewillbeours*Smith inet thenbelieve in theimmoraliy ofthe sal but in conditional irunortality meaning righteous would receive immorali 35st the Lord? Sith made this dea eet 491809, noting “that nthe yeas to come WS sallbeieve andse reatethigs thant, ndionalst thinking hanged De rz whenbeaccepled i Salim and diseoninaed the He oy. Because ofthis condition Chistian Connection members prevalent mens tan erally he os nid soba al hse Cenc cok namics Theda eo seats moray ater is bap na son Crgeton haha ea 1 ptember of the sae eat Bates seen tinea of ‘eulHeitahisleigbothe bats itlechren ten eave an nwa Inthe fang dead father hath with eave" ares White ‘clogged bate aepeandos. ism fom ecgoutdeths pra? nove musa otis eee ran ies ‘Sass hg Rend HaSiek tedster acne Sontenoaamese wegen oan enh iets ker 200 ate dstiner ea wal be essed a Testimnora the Setpewmeabotisnew ec “essen none 162 stl rant eae scone ibe ma att see et ears ee it cod ees _| T° srx SERMONS 1 TT —- | msn ap urate © | 5 gmx yarrat OF THE GOSPELS sr gxonan gone, | Str nthe tes ated asp 25,2864, ich stated us cepa ofa May ates soni essen ingedeenceo spe ah Testers fom Jays, ate Hee ich wl Setat te sd ered tea omit 0" “enact ths Smo wa sant frnaventenes Sons ced at 162 tote ehad rel ert 200 copa aspen nev san Ae somontetnipyctelgreee es sone lg ote tage inthe satefte dest Jancs hints ses Sismowenbimneliguoneet sey ced amengasvoans ee tineefmartsnouwnenndeahents denmetoneltbe wed narbesgeaay ‘onc and mpared mth for oy eet dodo Secman ee tcindkowe stent tenettans Shen butt mats a reper dest quecas geet sth ess acre cco Seatac” Ganga Eurenhotbes Smead ee Sheena erg Sonate Mopeds ven condo ae ‘er W splined a Coe srutaced to Adverts the atmo orthe sleep ofthe dag. fafnceelped dventstpioneers tosh ®t enendesting atthe dado ge sanngtARIAN ADVENTISTS ‘Aer the Gret Disappointment in 19g bbwvian Adventist loners indete ef condtonais. They alo bat datbeehteonswould recive immoral ge ‘econdcomingaf[esus In 1846 Joseph Bagge Seedthesoulasthewholepersonandatane ent coul live separately fom te age “erghtens wuldhange For moltaines, ‘ay? when jesus comes aan Itseemsthatag ‘rasacqusnted with tors ew onthe stead the dead Inbisbook Avbiography of lef ashe mention tors name and his ieasen theSecondComingand anti-slavery” The sel the dead doce vas seen a5 rath butt mach dissed daring the 1840s This atitude cure fnthe 16505 when modern spttualism bee ‘ampatthzough the influence ofthe Fx ses, andthe Adventist pioneers realized tht hi trne was essential to forty Christians sain Stars aceon" Daring thie ie ay ch leaders promoted Stor conditionalis® ‘seat 25 1647 James Waite had deladis ‘elefin conditional, When Jesus comes secondtin he stated He ileal orth bese lngsaints” then yather the elect in the ae ‘Ussmomentjesus would bestow theresueo. sftheuttotheeveastingtfr” Whit bebe! thatthe righteous donethaveinnate immo ntljerisetumnsta confer iton believers 169 $e wote about conditionaiss that "we A ‘ste were acquainted with the clear and powetl etingsofGEoRGE STORES on this sje. 2° ‘the Sonship of Christin 1843 and 1844. He thet fest hosands of minds which othave been the ease had it not be ‘Advent movernent™ White acknowl {nfluence of Store's writings on condition2l ‘SAdvemis ncn on hice. White acepted the idea that ‘severe netimmatal ut the Second thorn bned the saterte movement She ™% oat other introduced the idea that be {ortthog and there vaso nate ‘Sterna, Elen White wondered 2° oo beta eTbelievedittobe the truth” It seems Sere teehee that Gre was the first among the Adventist time sto warn of modern spiritualism, which Seren spre manifestation Would ‘raw the minds of iene emery ‘emonstated their piritalstic abit in Noven- se ee paren a ea etcelen el Sqeeantwenghadtomrev rest seid Se an ya vow coo was 0 Us Ceo tors inodced the iba doce ernest the dent Advent eee tore there Dsppointmen Saba adress Sept dactaneand pares tren Saas aceon at the ene Nose pal, lh opted ne Yok See, helped sabbatasan to recognize he Ingorans oti docine Te erent ‘ret Ghia os aston tally intersecting with the rise of modern spirita- shine United te sy ene prone ‘hat this church, since its beginnings, opposed Sete manfesations The sat ofthe dad ‘became a crucial doctrine in Seventh day Adventist ‘theology and coalesced with other doctrines Neaty ‘onethird of the statement ofbeliefs ofSeventh-day Adventists in 1872 relates to this doctrine rien eames epeoreprnteayise spines ace enone sateen te are SENS oericeaaene “ta ater nna oan rT eee pope Seine ae giedimmnen a Sa ee neers =e

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