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Exercise 1: Skill Audit

Give yourself a rating on a scale 1-5 where 1 is very low, 5 is the highest
Cognitive Skill:
 Analysis and Discussion

Problem solving and decision making:

 Quantitative and Qualitative
Research and Investigation Skills:
 Individual and Team
Information and Communication technology skills:
 Using computer files
 Word
 Power Point
Numeracy and Quantitative skills:
 Numeracy
 Data analysis, Interpretation and Extrapolation
Communication Skills:
 Oral
 Written
Interpersonal Skills:
 Talking, listening and Negotiation
Team Working Skills:
 Leadership, Team Building and Planning
Personal Management Skills:
 Time Management and Planning
Learning Skills:
 Reflective, Adaptive and Collaborative
 Sensitivity and openness to others who are different to you -
Emotional Intelligence
Skills you need to work on:

Possible ways of developing them:

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