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1. Explain the information and communications technology in business.

 The business sector produces products and services for profit. Information technology
describes any technology used to create, process and disseminate information that is
critical to business performance. Information technology is important to the business
sector as a management tool to optimize the processing of information to produce
goods and services for profit. As technology continues to develop, the uses of
information technology in business increase. IT has made it possible for many
businesses worldwide to run successfully.
2. Explain strategies to select appropriate hardware and software to meet business needs.
 Improving Profitability
There are many technological solutions available to improve profitability through
increased efficiency and productivity. For example, purchasing the necessary hardware
and software to enable videoconferencing with other businesses can save time and
money that would otherwise be spent attending meetings away from the business.
 Business Growth and Increased Market Share
Improving customer service is a means of retaining existing customers and attracting
new business, essential for growth of the business, and increasing market share.
Strategies can include the purchase of enhanced phone technology to make it easier for
customers to communicate with the business. A business can also set up its own web
page, as well as make use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter.
 Communication and Information Management
Organizing, sharing and accessing information is essential to a successful business.
Employees must be able to contribute data to the system, and access and exchange
information — both between themselves, and with suppliers and clients when
appropriate. Internal phone systems, computer terminals in appropriate locations, and
an intranet can all assist in the management of information within the business.
 Possible uses of Available Computer Software
Software such as databases, spreadsheets and presentation programs such as
powerPoint can improve efficiency and enhance customer relations in a business.
 Business uses of Databases
A DBMS can reduce the time taken to enter data and retrieve information. It centralizes
data storage, allowing for cross-referencing of records, and enables the production of a
variety of different types of reports and other business documents. Efficiency and
productivity can be improved dramatically, and quick and easy access to relevant
records can enhance customer relations.
 Business uses of Spreadsheets
The greatest advantage of a spreadsheet is that once it has been set up with all the
necessary labels, values and formulas, it automatically recalculates totals if any number
has to be changed.
 Presentation Programs
Presentation programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote and Google Slides
allow information in the form of text and images to be presented to an audience as a

slide show. Various forms of animation allow the operator to add special effects to
increase the visual appeal of the presentation, and to hold the audience’s interest level.
3. Discuss the telecommunications and information technologies make to businesses.
 Before wires and virtual networks transmitted communications, there were smoke
signals, drums and carrier pigeons. Fortunately, technology has come a long way since
then to the point where it’s impossible to overstate the significance of
telecommunications technology to any business, especially as it relates to growing the
capacity of businesses. From telephones, facsimile, television, Internet and the vast
array of private networks, telecommunications technology is like your firm’s central
nervous system. Without it, a business couldn’t compete or survive in the nation’s
information service-dependent economy, making it one of the most important
investments you’ll make as you build your business. Telecommunications technology
has many roles, including transmitting information, improving efficiency and
productivity, and helping businesses expand.
4. Explain the impact of technology on business
 Technology including everything from physical devices to information technology
networks has a deeply transformative influence on the modern world and economy.
From changing consumer preferences to reshaping the way businesses produce and
market goods, technology can be seen even in the smallest details of day-to-day
business operations, increasing the productivity of workers and investments,
accelerating economic activity, promoting interdependence between industries and
allowing for the continual deployment of new technologies and also creating new
business risks.
5. Discuss the business benefits of information technology
 Communication
Rapid communications can help increase productivity, allow for better business
decision-making and ease a company’s expansion into new territories or countries.
Email servers, routers, internal company billboards and chat services can serve as the
backbone of a company’s communications. These electronically based communication
systems are used to disseminate routine and critical business information in a quick and
efficient manner. IT equipment can be used to send business status reports to
executives, to update employees on critical business projects and to connect with
business partners and customers.
 Efficiency
Streamlined work flow systems, shared storage and collaborative work spaces can
increase efficiency in a business and allow employees to process a greater level of work
in a shorter period of time. Information technology systems can be used to automate
routine tasks, to make data analysis easier and to store data in a manner that can easily
be retrieved for future use. Technology can also be used to answer customer questions
through email, in a real-time chat session or through a telephone routing system that
connects a customer to an available customer service agent
 Competitive Advantage
Adoption of information technology resources allows companies to maintain a
competitive advantage over their rivals. Companies using a first-movers strategy can use

information technology to create new products, distance their products from the
existing market or enhance their customer services. Companies that follow a low-cost
product strategy can look to information technology solutions to reduce their costs
through increased productivity and reduced need for employee overhead. Businesses
can also build-in information technology to their products that makes it difficult for
customers to switch platforms or products.
 Economic Efficiencies
Companies can harness information technology resources to lower their costs. Using IT
infrastructure, redundant tasks can be centralized at one location. For example, a large
company could centralize their payroll function at one location to lower employee costs.
Economic efficiencies can also be realized by migrating high-cost functions into an online
environment. Companies can offer email support for customers that may have a lower
cost than a live customer support call. Cost savings could also be found through
outsourcing opportunities, remote work options and lower-cost communication options.

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