The Ultimate Sales Framework

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© 2023 - Millionaire coach

Welcome to the ultimate sales framework for selling over the phone.
To become a successful coach, business person, and entrepreneur
you MUST master the art of selling on the phone!

This conversation is commonly called the discovery, clarification, or

strategy conversation, but you are free to call it whatever suits you best
to your niche. Whatever the name, they are ALL the same phone call
with 1 primary purpose ... And that is to qualify the lead and get them
sign up for your coaching program!

But let's look at the 3 BIGGEST mistakes coaches make when they
this conversation:

1. They have limiting beliefs about sales, themselves, or

their product when they go into the conversation. If you think it's
bad at selling or don't like people selling or don't like selling yourself,
you won't make it in this business. The sooner you fall in love with
selling and think it's your moral obligation, the sooner you'll hit your
sales goals.

2. They become friends. Quite simply they are too friendly and
coaching' and end up solving the lead's problem in the conversation.
Once this is done, the sale is gone as they have no reason to buy. You
need to sell
the value of coaching and not coaching!

3. They sound too robotic, where it is obvious they are not listening to a
single word you say because they are reading from a sales script. If you
want to know the fastest and surest way to break trust and rapport,
then this is it!

© 2023 - Millionaire coach
Before the sales session
Create a ritual and go through your sales mindset and the 10 reasons
why you and your program are the best for the customer.

Stand up at the interview in a pose that gives you confidence.

On the sales session

Set and take control over the FRAME





© 2023 - Millionaire coach
You can only influence another person if trust is first established. Without
having trust first, it's similar to trying to push a car with the handbrake
pulled. Now we don't go deeper into how to build trust here in DTL, but I
ask you to use principles like matching and mirroring, their words,
language, tone, speed and energy. In addition, you can use phrases like
"me too" as much as possible.

Hello (name) First of all I want to thank you for letting us take this

Ask questions like:

Where do you live?

I hear there is a noise behind you, do you have children?

... other things to build trust. Remember: "me too"

Set the FRAME for the conversation

So before we start talking, I just want to assure you that everything

we discuss is 100% confidential and I will absolutely not share anything we
discuss with anyone at any time unless you ask me to. The more open and
honest you are, the better I can help you. Is that ok with you? (You have to
say YES!)

Another thing is, I would suggest that you have a pen and paper ready...
Feel free to write notes... Because we cover a lot of things and I'd like to
to get the most out of it. Are you okay with that?... (They have to say YES!)

The third thing is, I want you to know that what I'm looking for in this
conversation is:
(1) To get clear on what you want to accomplish. This is important because
the better I know, the easier it will be for us to create a plan together.

© 2023 - Millionaire coach
(2) To get clarity on where you are now, which is important to know
because I need to know exactly what I have to work with.
(3) A list of ALL the things that are standing in your way or slowing you
down. This is important because we also need to develop a plan to
overcome them. Are you okay with this? (They have to say YES!)

At the end of this conversation I will have a clear idea about if I can help
you or not.
If I believe I can not, I will politely let you know and give you a suggestion
on what you can do.
I I Know I CAN help you, we will talk about how and what that would look
like, is that OK with you? (They have to say YES!)

You need to understand WHAT it is they specifically want. Without this
knowledge you are not able to present a solution to help solve their

1. What does the person want?

So (name), tell me a little about yourself. What is it that you would like to
achieve (in your niche)?

What else?

Great, just to make sure I understand, can you tell me more about it?

Is it ok with you that I ask you why it is important for you to achieve it?

What would it mean to you?

if they are

(if THIS is their focus, you can make a future pace)

Tell me, (name), If you get this and we look X years into the future and,
how will it make you feel?
© 2023 - Millionaire coach
2. Where is the person today?

So (name) how far are you from reaching your goal?

Where/how are you/it right now?

Who else is affected buy this?
How does it make you feel?
For how long has it been like this?

(if THIS is their focus, you can make a future pace)

Tell me, (name), If this does not change and we look X years into the future
and nothing is different, how will it make you feel?

3. What is holding the person back?

What do you feel is holding you back, stopping you or in the way of you
getting what you want?

I'm curious to ask, why do you think you don't have what you
want today?

What has prevented you from getting/move forward right now?

Are there any specific challenges that are holding you back, or
stopping you from getting what you want?

4. Repeat everything they say

So just to make sure I've got it all right...

So you will achieve...
This is important because...
This is where you are now...
These are the things that are holding you back...
Is that all right?
Did I miss something?
Is there anything else you'd like to add?
© 2023 - Millionaire coach
Do you mind me asking, but is this something you want to resolve now or
is it something you think can wait?


Continue the conversation Ok, when do you feel ready?

Finish the conversation and

follow up with them when
they have said they think
they are ready

Do you mind me asking, are you currently on another programme or have

you had coaching before to help you?


Study more Study more

Ok, is it ok if I ask if you are Ok, is it ok I ask, why not?

happy with the results you
are getting right now from Look more into it
there? objection and test to close

And what do you think I can If we can resolve it, would you
help with that you're not be open to investing in
getting from your coaching?
current/former coach?

© 2023 - Millionaire coach
Test close

So in your opinion you feel...

➢ IF we could solve that question right now, WOULD you be open to

investing in yourself now?

➢ IF we found a way for you to finance this... and I made it work for you...
would you be open to investing in yourself now?

➢ IF you find the time... WILL it be worth it to move forward?

➢ IF we could get to a stage where you could get IT/fix it, WILL you be
confident enough to move on?

And how do you think I could help you?


Study more Challenge

How else do you feel I can Quite ok. I'm curious, do you
help you? know what I do?

And have you seen the

results I've created for my

Ok, great. So how do you

think I could help you?

© 2023 - Millionaire coach

So what do you think we should do from here?


So what do you feel needs to be the next step?

I have asked you alot of questions, but this call is only for you so I want to
change the tables and ask you, do you have any questions to me?

ONLY if they do not ask about your program or help , Go back to the

So (name), As I said from the beginning, Would ask some questions to see
weather or not I could help you.
Now I have a clear picture of your situation and I know exactly what you
need and this is easy for me to solve.

Do you want my Idea on how and what that would look like?


Talk about or show your signature system and refere only to

1. you solving their problem.
2. your guarantee.

When you say price, be sure to use the word "investment", not price,
expense or payment.

Are you ready to go?


Future pace Handle the objection

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Get the money or a clear next step for payment

The big mistake you can make on the call is to do all the hard work above
and not ask for the money on the call! This is setting yourself up because
the client has a great chance of going cold.

Never let go of your control and ideally avoid giving your client more time
to think about their decision, what will often happen is that they become
over inflated by their fears and limiting beliefs. So always try to collect
payment over the phone. No matter how large or small the amount, the
exchange of money is symbolic of their commitment to move forward.

If for whatever logistical reason this cannot be done over the phone, at
least get their word that they will not change their mind. It's about them
being absolutely clear in their decision to rule out other options.

© 2023 - Millionaire coach

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