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‘eteason dst nas tA sn Nonfiction Narrative Rubric Emenee es eee ‘The narrative engages and orients the reader by setting out a clear problem, situation, or observation The narrative includes a variety of narrative techniques. EF The narrative includes a smooth sequence of events or ideas ‘The conclusion follows from the events in the narrative and provides insightful reflection on the experiences related in the narrative, The specific details and descriptions create a vivid picture fof events and characters ‘The narrative inchides story elements such as dialogue, pacing, and reflection The language in the narrative is always precise and appropriate for the audience and purpose. ‘The tone of the narrative is always: engaging. The narrative intentionally follows standard English ‘conventions of usage and mechanics The narrative orients the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation “The narrative includes narrative techniques. EJ) The narrative includes a sequence of events or ideas. The conclusion follows from the events in the narrative and restates important, ideas ‘The details and descriptions create a picture of events and characters The narrative inclides some story elements, such as dialogue, pacing, and reflection, ‘The language in the narrative is precise and appropriate for the audience and purpose. ‘The tone of the narrative is mostly narrative engaging, ‘The narrative demonstrates accuracy in standard English conventions of usage and mechanics The narrative sets out a problem, situation, or observation The narrative ineludes at least one narrative technique, The narrative includes a somewhat EA) logical sequence of events or ideas ‘The conclusion follows from the events inthe narrative. Some details and descriptions are included to create a picture of ‘events and characters ‘The narrative inclides at least one: story element, The language in the narrative is sometimes precise and appropriate for the audience and purpose, ‘The tone of the narrative is ‘occasionally engaging, Then: some accuracy in standard English conventions of usage and mechanics. ative demonstrates The narrative does not cleatly set out @ problem, situation, or observation The narrative does not include narrative techniques. F The sequence of events or ideas is not presented smoothly or logically The conclusion does not follow from the events in the narrative, or the narrative has no conclusion, Details and descriptions are not included to create a picture of events and characters, The narrative does not include story elements, ‘The language in the narrative is not precise or appropriate for the audience and purpose. The tone of the narrative is not engaging, The narrative contains mistakes in standard English conventions of usage and mechanics C—O Performance-Based Assessment 119

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