English 10 Answer Keys

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i. D ii. A iii. C iv. B
a. iv b. i c. ii d. iii

1. Vocabulary
Hình A: delicious, ingredients, dessert, reunion, recipe, bond, memories, gatherings
Hình B: presents, celebrate, events, wishes, gatherings, memories, bond, reunion
Hình C: boardgame, playing cards, competitive, gatherings, memories, bond, reunion
Hình D: fireworks, traditions, joining festivities, red envelopes, gatherings, memories,
bond, reunion
Hình E: roller coaster, theme park, gatherings, memories, bond, reunion

a. red envelopes
b. recipe
c. memories
d. fireworks
e. bond

2. Pronunciation

/br/ /pr/ /kl/ /pl/

breathtaking proud classmates plan
bright present climate pleasure
bring provide clean play

3. Grammar
1. gathers  gathering
2. are (grilling)  is (grilling)
3. chirping  are chirping
4. make  makes
5. has  have

2B. Vocabulary
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. b

1. siblings
a. brothers or sisters

2. support
b. provide help

3. get tough
a. become difficult to deal with

4. religious celebrations
a. festive events that are carried out to honour spiritual beliefs

5. customs and traditions

a. behaviours or beliefs that have been established for a long time

6. ancestors
b. any members of your family from long ago

2C. Use the vocabulary in 2B to complete the following sentences.

a. Family members are connected in a special way. (1) _____ Siblings, those brothers and
sisters, might bug us sometimes, but they're also the ones who help us when things (2)
_____ get tough.

b. Family gives us (3) _____support when we need it. They're there to cheer us on and
help us when we're down.

c. We also have things called (4) _____ customs and traditions that we do together. For
example, at a (5) _____ religious celebration, we come together to remember and honour
our (6) _____ ancestors.

3A. Read the article again and do the following tasks.

1. What is the topic sentence of paragraph 2? Underline the topic and the controlling
Firstly, extended family is there to support us and help us when things get tough.
(Topic) (controlling idea)
3. What is the topic sentence of paragraph 3? Underline the topic and the controlling
Moreover, our big family plays a big role in keeping our family traditions and culture
(Topic) (controlling idea)

3B. Fill in the mindmaps with the main ideas and supporting details from
paragraphs 2 and 3.

Paragraph 2:
Main idea: extended family is there to support us and help us when things get tough.
Supporting idea 1: When we feel sad or need someone to talk to, they are always ready
to listen and make us feel better
Supporting idea 2: They also help with important things like taking care of us when our
parents are busy or giving advice about things like money and taking care of older family

Paragraph 3:
Main idea: our big family plays a big role in keeping our family traditions and culture
Supporting idea 1: When we all get together for special events like weddings, holidays,
or religious celebrations, we are able to follow the same customs and traditions that our
ancestors did.
Supporting idea 2: These special times help us feel connected to our past, learn about our
family history, and make us proud of who we are.


1. a. 4 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3

1. Vocabulary
Track 2.1.


Speaker 1: My trip to Paris was absolutely incredible! The cosy cafes and charming
streets made the city so attractive. I explored every corner, capturing each moment with
my camera. The boutiques had unique fashion I couldn't resist trying on. It was a dream
come true, and those memories will stay with me forever!

Speaker 2: I had an amazing trip to Kilimanjaro Mountain! I explored its beautiful trails,
surrounded by plants and animals. At night, I stargazed and admired the breathtaking
sky. It was a trip that made me appreciate nature's beauty and left me wanting more
mountain adventures.

Speaker 3: My Nha Trang beach adventure was incredibly enjoyable! I loved

snorkelling and discovering the colourful ocean life beneath the waves. After that, I
would lounge on the beach, feeling the warm sand between my toes and soaking up the
sun. The culinary experience was also fantastic, trying out delicious local dishes. And
when the night came, we gathered around a bonfire, sharing stories and laughter under
the starry sky.

a. i
b. iv
c. v
d. iii
e. viii
f. vii
g. ix
h. ii
i. vi

2. Pronunciation
a. around d. bonfire
b. enjoy e. observe
c. enough

3. Useful expressions
Conversation 1:
Mai: shopping
Jack: enjoying food
Both: City/ shop and dine

Conversation 2:
Mary: going to forests
Huy: hiking
Both: forest/ hiking and taking photos

Conversation 3:
Kien: going to the beach and cities
Tim: going to a beach city
Both: going to a beach city/ lounging by the beach and exploring the city at night

1. into
2. cup
3. sounds
4. taste
5. Cool
6. board
7. Thumbs


1. David has just come back from Japan and shared his experience on a travel
website. Read his blog and complete the notes below.

1. one week - my two best friends

2. Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto
3. the trains - It saves money and lets you experience the iconic train travel in Japan.
The trains are super fast, always on time, and the rail network is vast.
4. a minimalist room
5. sleeping on a tatami mat was so comfortable
6. ramen in Osaka - fresh sushi in Kyoto
7. an unforgettable experience for us

2. Vocabulary
1. b 6. b
2. b 7. a
3. a 8. b
4. b 9. b
5. a 10. a

3B. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms.

1. discovering

2. Eating

3. going

4. Travelling/ Traveling

5. experiencing
2. Look at the activities below. Then match the activities (1-4) to the pictures (A–C).
There is ONE extra activity which you do not need to use.
1. Taking care of elderly people C
2. Rescuing abandoned animals Extra
3. Cleaning up local beaches A
4. Teaching young learners B
3. What reasons has Vy given to persuade Riley to go to the volunteer fair?
• Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and help others in
• Volunteering doesn’t have to take up a lot of time.
• It looks great on college applications and resumes.
• One volunteering project can help you learn new skills and gain experience in
different areas.
• I think you’ll really enjoy it and find a cause that you’re on fire for.
• Plus, it’s a great way to meet new people and make a difference in the community.

1. Vocabulary
1A. [Track 3.1] Below are the words and phrases from the conversation between Riley
and Vy. Choose the ones that have the closest meaning to them.
1. When people do something to give back to the community, they take away something
from / do something to help that community.
2. Helping others in need refers to the act of helping people who have difficulties /
helping people who need friends.
3. The process by which students prepare necessary documents / participate in voluntary
work to enter the university is called college application.
4. An opportunity is a favourable / difficult situation that allows someone to achieve
5. When you gain experience, you improve your knowledge and skills / get new
knowledge and skills.
6. When somebody is on fire for something, he/ she is very passionate about /
uninterested in it.
3. Grammar
3A. Read the following passage about some benefits of going on a volunteering trip
abroad. Fill in the blanks with the suitable modal verbs.
Volunteering in another area – Would you try?
Volunteering in another place is a life-changing experience with numerous benefits. It
allows individuals to make a positive impact on communities and develop essential life
skills while gaining broader perspectives. When you volunteer outside your area, you (1)
could interact with people from different cultures and backgrounds. This exposure (2)
might lead to a better understanding and appreciation of other points of view and lifestyles.
Besides, going on a volunteering trip (3) could also contribute to personal growth. It (4)
could help individuals deal with difficulty and adapt to new situations as they (5) need to
face various challenges in unfamiliar settings. Finally, volunteering (6) could help you
build a wide social network. You (7) could meet like-minded people from different parts
of the country, which (8) might open doors to new opportunities and collaborations in the

WRITING – Write a personal reflection about the time when you were involved in a
community service project or activity
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4

1. essential supplies 2. local initiative 3. relief 4. vulnerable
5. challenging times 6. heartwarming


One day, while I was joining a local initiative to deliver essential supplies to elderly and
vulnerable people, I wore a face mask and gloves to stay safe.

While I was volunteering, I met so many amazing people and was able to help those who
needed it the most. It was a truly rewarding experience that I will remember forever.


1. c 2. a 3. f 4. d 5. b 6. e
• Give a brief overview of your experience
• Talk about the benefits and challenges.
• Suggest changes or strategies for future occasions.
• Share the lessons gained from the experience.
2. [Track 4.1] Read and listen to the interview with Geoffrey – an AI expert. What
FOUR areas/ fields that include the use of AI did he mention? Which one impresses
you the most?
1. Transportation
2. Healthcare industry
3. Customer service
4. E-commerce
3. [Track 4.1] Listen to the interview again. Complete the notes below using the
words/ phrases from the interview. You should write NO MORE THAN TWO
1. transportation
2. safety
3. healthcare (industry)
4. detection
5. customer service
6. (AI-powered) chatbots
7. e-commerce
8. enhance
9. (user) preferences

1. Vocabulary
1A. Unscramble the words in column A and match them with the suitable
definitions in column B. Then listen and check your answers.
1. expertise - F
2. mind-blowing – C
3. inventions – H
4. innovations - E
5. AI-powered – A
6. personalised – G
7. user preferences – B
8. passionate about – D
1B. Complete the following passage about AI with the words/ phrases above. Use
each word/ phrase ONCE only.
1. innovations
2. inventions
3. AI-powered
4. user preferences
5. personalised
6. passionate about
7. expertise
8. mind-blowing

2. Pronunciation
2A. [Track 4.2] Look at the words below. Put them into the correct column A, B, or
preference detection expertise suggestion industry
audience customer potential example invention

A. Stressed on the 1st B. Stressed on the 2nd syllable C. Stressed on the

syllable 3rd syllable
preference, industry, detection, suggestion, potential, expertise
audience, customer example, invention

3. Grammar
3A. Look at the following sentences taken from the conversation in Task 2. Number
each of the sentences according to the rules above.
1/ It’s mind-blowing to think about the inventions and innovations that have come about
so far thanks to AI. 1
2/ Self-driving cars, like those developed by Tesla, Waymo, and Uber, have made
great progress and have the potential to revolutionise transportation by improving safety
and efficiency. 2
3/ In the healthcare industry, AI has been instrumental in analysing medical images more
accurately, thus leading to early detection of diseases like cancer and better treatment
outcomes. 2
4/ AI has also had a huge impact on customer service, with AI-powered chatbots providing
instant and, you know, personalised support to customers. 2
5/ It’s been a pleasure discussing it with you, the audience would definitely want to hear
more from you. 2


a) issues b) out of work c) unforeseen circumstances

d) in advance e) the lack of f) imminent threats


a) imminent threats b) unforeseen circumstances c) issues

d) the lack of e) out of work f) in advance


AI robotic problems AI robotic solutions

1. A higher number of unemployed people b, f

2. Troubles with unexpected situations
d, g
3. The absence of key human qualities in robots
e, h
4. Potential dangers in robot security
a, c

a) AI robots face the problem of not having clear legal guidelines.
b) Adapting to rapidly changing situations poses difficulties for AI robots.
c) Using AI robots can lead to/ result in errors in ensuring data privacy and security.
d) Developing some simple emotional expressions offers a potential solution to the
issues faced by AI robots.
e) One way to deal with the challenges of AI robots involves AI training programs for


a) topic b) general information c) issue

d) solutions e) summary

a. 3 b) 4 c) 5

d) 1 e) 2

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