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University of Vocational Technology

Bachelor of Technology In
Multimedia & Web Technology

2020/21 B1
(Semester IV)
MS403130- Research Methodology
Assignment: 02

Reg. No. – MMW/20/B1/ 39

Name – G.T. Upekshika
Lecturer’s Name – Dr Nirosha Wedasinghe
Developing a Food
Waste Tracking App

Sri Lanka, a picturesque island nation in South Asia, is renowned for its vibrant culture, rich
heritage, and delectable cuisine. Food waste is a pressing global issue with severe economic,
environmental, and social consequences. In Sri Lanka, a country with a rich culinary heritage, the
problem of food waste is particularly acute. With the increasing urbanization and changing dietary
habits, food wastage has become a significant concern, affecting both households and businesses.
To address this issue, we propose the development of a Food Waste Tracking App tailored to the
Sri Lankan context.

The Food Waste Tracking App aims to create awareness about food waste, encourage responsible
consumption, and minimize the environmental impact of discarded food. This app will enable users
to easily monitor their food consumption, track leftovers, and receive personalized tips on reducing
waste. Additionally, it will provide insights into the economic and environmental consequences of
food waste, helping users make informed decisions about their food habits.

In Sri Lanka, where the cultural importance of food cannot be overstated, this app has the potential
to make a significant impact. By reducing food waste at the individual and household levels, we can
not only alleviate the burden on landfills but also contribute to food security and economic
sustainability. This project proposal seeks support and collaboration to develop and launch the
Food Waste Tracking App, which can serve as a model for similar initiatives in other regions facing
food waste challenges.

Background & Motivation

Food waste is a pressing issue in Sri Lanka, with a significant portion of the population facing food
insecurity while tons of edible food are discarded daily. The root causes of this problem are
multifaceted, including inefficient supply chain management, lack of awareness, and limited access
to information about food surplus. Moreover, Sri Lanka's growing urbanization and changing
consumer habits have exacerbated food waste concerns.

The motivation behind this project stems from the need to address these challenges
comprehensively. By developing a Food Waste Tracking App, we aim to harness technology to
combat food waste at its source and promote responsible consumption.

Sri Lanka's unique context makes this initiative even more critical. The nation's rich culinary
traditions and reliance on agriculture for livelihoods underscore the importance of tackling food
waste effectively. Moreover, the country's commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals, particularly Goal 1: Zero Hunger and Goal 2: Responsible Consumption and Production,
aligns with the objectives of this project.

To combat food waste effectively, we propose the development of a Food Waste Tracking App
tailored to Sri Lanka's unique circumstances. This app will serve as a practical tool for individuals
and businesses to monitor and manage their surplus food, thereby reducing wastage and
promoting responsible consumption.

Key components of the solution include:

Data Collection: Comprehensive data gathering to understand the specific food waste challenges in
Sri Lanka, identifying regional variations and key contributors to food wastage.

App Development: Creating a user-friendly mobile application that allows users to input and track
their food surplus, set expiration alerts, and discover nearby food banks or organizations for food

Community Engagement: Collaborating with local communities, food banks, and businesses to raise
awareness about the app's benefits and encourage its adoption. This will involve outreach
campaigns and educational programs.

Impact Assessment: Continuously monitoring and assessing the app's impact on food waste
reduction, food redistribution, and its broader social and environmental implications.

By developing the Food Waste Tracking App in Sri Lanka, we aim to empower individuals and
organizations to take proactive steps towards reducing food waste. This project will not only
contribute to a more sustainable and food-secure Sri Lanka but also serve as a potential model for
similar initiatives in other regions. We are seeking funding and support to turn this vision into a
reality and make a meaningful impact on food waste reduction in Sri Lanka.

Problem in Brief
Sri Lanka is grappling with a severe food waste crisis. Despite a significant portion of its population
facing food insecurity, a substantial amount of edible food is discarded daily across the country.
This problem permeates households, restaurants, hotels, and supermarkets, resulting in both
economic losses and environmental consequences. The absence of efficient systems to monitor
and manage food surplus exacerbates the issue, leading to a paradoxical situation where hunger
and waste coexist.

Food waste in Sri Lanka not only squanders precious resources but also contributes to
environmental degradation. Rotting food in landfills emits harmful greenhouse gases, further
exacerbating climate change. Additionally, excessive food waste places unnecessary burdens on
waste management systems and depletes already limited landfill space.

The cultural and social aspects of food in Sri Lanka make it crucial to address this problem
comprehensively. Food is often regarded as sacred, and sharing meals is a common practice.
However, these values have not translated effectively into minimizing food waste.

Our proposed Food Waste Tracking App seeks to tackle this problem by providing a user-friendly
solution that empowers individuals and businesses to reduce food waste, promote responsible
consumption, and redirect surplus food to those in need. By addressing this pressing issue, we aim
to not only alleviate food scarcity but also contribute to sustainable development, aligning with
both global and local sustainability goals.

Aim and Objectives

The primary aim of this project is to develop and implement a Food Waste Tracking App in Sri
Lanka that addresses the pervasive issue of food waste while promoting responsible consumption
and contributing to the country's sustainable development.


Data Collection and Analysis: To gather comprehensive data on food waste patterns across Sri
Lanka, identifying key contributors to food wastage and regional variations.

App Development: Design and develop an intuitive mobile application that allows users to
effectively track and manage their surplus food, including features such as real-time inventory
management, expiration date alerts, and surplus food donation options.

Community Engagement: Collaborate with local communities, NGOs, food banks, and businesses to
promote the adoption of the app and raise awareness about responsible food consumption and
waste reduction practices.

Impact Assessment: Continuously monitor and assess the app's effectiveness in reducing food
waste, increasing food redistribution, and addressing food insecurity in Sri Lanka. Evaluate its
social, economic, and environmental impact.

Sustainability and Scalability: Develop a sustainable framework for the app's long-term
maintenance and scalability, including strategies for funding, technical support, and user growth.

Proposed Solution

The proposed solution involves developing a mobile app with the following features:
1. User Registration and Profile Management.
2. Barcode scanning for easy item entry.
3. Food item expiration tracking and reminders.
4. Data analytics for generating insights and recommendations.
5. Interactive dashboard displaying waste reduction progress.

Resource Requirements

The successful execution of this project will require:

1. App developers (front-end and back-end).
2. UI/UX designers for an intuitive and visually appealing interface.
3. Database management experts.
4. Data analysts to implement analytics and recommendation algorithms.
5. Testing and quality assurance personnel.
6. Budget for server hosting and app store registration.

Plan of Action / Schedule – based on the objectives.

1. Month 1-2: Project initiation, team formation, and detailed requirement analysis.
2. Month 3-4: UI/UX design and front-end development.
3. Month 5-6: Back-end development and integration with the database.
4. Month 7-8: Implementation of analytics and recommendation algorithms.
5. Month 9: Testing, bug fixing, and user feedback incorporation.
6. Month 10: App deployment on app stores and launch.
7. Month 11-12: Continuous monitoring, updates, and improvements.


1. Gustavsson, J., Cederberg, C., Sonesson, U., Van Otterdijk, R., & Meybeck, A. (2011). Global
food losses and food waste. FAO.
2. Parizeau, K., von Massow, M., & Martin, R. (2015). Household-level dynamics of food waste
production and related beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours in Guelph, Ontario. Waste
Management, 35, 207-217.

3. Quested, T. E., Marsh, E., Stunell, D., & Parry, A. D. (2013). Spaghetti soup: The complex
world of food waste behaviours. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 79, 43-51.

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