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Running head: Policies for US and Iran 1

Policies for US and Iran as a policy maker of Pakistan

Affifa Zia


Pakistan Studies (Section E)

Beaconhouse National University

Razia Hassan School of Architeture

Submitted to: M. Raza

20th January, 2020

Policies For US and Iran 2

Brief View of Pak-Iran Relations

It is a well-known fact that when Pakistan came into being, its existence was

acknowledged by Iran formerly. Keeping in view that Iran considered Pakistan as an independent

sovereign state, it was a welcoming gesture. This gesture is a sign which depicted explicitly that

Iran intended to have warm bilateral relations with Pakistan. There was also a hurdle which

didn’t let these warm relations go smoothly which is sectarianism.

If I’m a Policy Maker

If I’m a policy maker of Pakistan, I’ll promote friendly relations with Iran. Viewing the

proximity Pakistan shares with Iran, it will be beneficial for both countries as well as for the

peace of the region to have friendly relations. This in turn would help Pakistan’s economy to

bloom. It will also secure the border of Pakistan which will make strong defense for both of the

countries respectively. Taking lessons from history, we know that Pakistan became a moderator

between these two states: Saudi Arabia and Iran; but not only a moderator, Pakistan’s choice in

terms of what country to support had a great significance because of its atomic power. I’ll have

Pakistan on my priority besides this Religious division as both of the states are Muslim States

and in my opinion, religion is not the matter of state it’s the matter between Lord and the man.

I’ll make neutral policy when it comes to support two groups. It will be better for Pakistan

because it was the war between Pakistan and Iran; but affected Pakistan badly because the

ground used in this war belonged to Pakistan; it impacted destructively on the relations of

Pakistan and Iran and destabilized the relations between both of the countries.

Pakistan and United States Relations

Policies For US and Iran 3

Going with the history of the relations between Pakistan and the United States, it is pretty

clear that Pakistan is in the race of a developing country and United States found it as a source of

serving its interest. It is not suspecting the intentions of United States. Going with empiricism,

during the war of 1965 between India and Pakistan, Pakistan was a strong ally of United States at

that time and asked for aid from the United States. In response, the United States faked help very

cleverly because in reality, the arms and weapons which they claimed are on the way never made

their way to Pakistan even after the war ended. Staying vigilant, it is true that United States is a

hegemonic state of the world so, for the safe side, Pakistan needs to have cordial relations with

the United States; but these should be secured good relations, not letting the United States to use

Pakistan and serve its motive whether they’re of Afghan war (serving against the notion of

Afghan Jihad) by providing them Pakistani ground or on the narrative of America destroying our

relations with neighboring countries.

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