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Purposive communication


Communication, processes and ethics

1. Communication processes
a. Transmission model – linear/ one-way communication model
b. Interaction model – two-way communication model
c. Transaction model – Sophisticated, communication creates social realities
2. Communication Principles
a. Communication is integrated into all parts of our lives.
b. Communication meet needs.
c. Communication is a process.
d. Communication is guided by culture and context.
e. Communication is learned.
f. Communication has ethical implications.
3. Communication Functions
a. The Socio-psychological tradition
Communication as interpersonal interaction and influence.
b. The cybernetic tradition
Communication as a system of information processing.
c. The rhetorical tradition
Communication as artful public address.
d. The semiotic tradition
Communication as the process of sharing meaning through signs.
e. The socio-cultural tradition
Communication as the creation and enactment of social reality.
f. The critical tradition
Communication as a reflective challenge of unjust discourse.
4. Communication Ethics
A. Rhetorical Triangle


pathos logos
(Emotions) (Logic)
B. Fundamental of ethical communication
1. Responsible thinking
2. Decision making
3. Development of relationship
C. Credo for ethical communication (2017)
1. Advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential
to the integrity of communication.
2. Endorse freedom of expression, diversity of perspective, and
tolerance of dissent to achieve the informed and responsible
decision making fundamental to a civil society.s

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