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What is culture shock?

Culture shock refers to feelings of uncertainty, confusion, or anxiety that people may experience when
moving to a new country or experiencing new culture or surroundings.

What is the first stage of culture shock? Give some specific examples of how
you or others felt during this stage?
Honeymoon – on the first stage of culture shock, I experienced being excited for being able to go to my
dream university and being able to start my bachelor’s degree from BYUH. Besides that, I’m excited to
see the famous beaches surrounding the campus. And I’m eager to experience the curriculum here in
United States.

What is the second stage of culture shock? Give some specific examples of
how you or others felt during this stage?
Hostility – disappointed- welcoming and some of them are not. I remember when my friends are sitting
at the lounge, and one of the girls said “There’s many Filipinos here. I can’t them” They are not sure
what she means but they feel something negative and off. They were somehow a bit disappointed
because they thought students here are welcoming and friendly.

Also, before work and class started, I was very excited to go to work and start school, but when the
classes started, first day, second day, third day of class, I felt really exhausted of how overwhelm am I to
work because it’s my first time and finish my assignments earlier before the deadline since I’m afraid of
submitting my work late.

List the different types of defense mechanisms. Put an X next to the ones you
have used.
a. Repression
b. Regression
c. Isolation – when I first came here, I isolated myself because of activities and orientation I missed,
and I feel I get left behind since we got offloaded. I was not really. Other than that, I didn’t have
my roommate for a week, and I had a hard time finding someone to go with. That’s why.
d. Rejection

What can happen if we use these defense mechanisms all the time?
When we use these mechanisms oftentimes, as the piece says, we can hurt ourselves since it can
prevent us from growing – like coping up or adjusting to the new environment.

Describe the third stage of culture shock and explain what happens during this
The third stage is recovery, this is when we recovered manifestation from the honeymoon and
hostility stage. In this stage, we start to feel better, and we finally find the answers that we don’t
understand. We also start to feel that it is okay to adjust ourselves to the new culture that we have now
and learn to embrace it.

Describe the fourth stage of culture shock and explain what happens during this stage.

The last stage of culture shock is adjustment. The term itself indicates that we now adapt or accustomed
to getting used to the new situation. We now feel good that we learn enough to understand the culture
and that’s when we finally adjusted.

What can you do to help someone with culture shock?

What’s important in helping someone with culture shock is that we must say thar it is common and okay
to experience this when living in a new environment. We can help them get out of the defense
mechanism they help. We help them to embrace the culture by becoming their buddy and taking them

Getting used to it

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