IITB - Internship - Description - Daikin Update With Theme Details v1.2

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Global Internship in Japan

Technology and Innovation Center (TIC)

Daikin’s Global R&D Hub
Osaka, Japan
Daikin (https://www.daikin.com/), the Global Leader Innovating in Heating, Ventilation and
Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems with operations in more than 140 countries is
leveraging IOT Technology to connect all its products across the globe to the Internet
(Cloud) through the Daikin IOT Global Platform for developing Value-Added
Services and Applications for customers utilizing AI and Big Data Analytics.
Daikin is calling for students for Global Internship opportunity in 2019
summer. Excellent students who complete the internship with a remarkable outcome will get
the opportunity to work full-time in the position of Global Employee at Daikin Global HQ.
You will work as an intern at the Information and Communication Technology-ICT Group
which is developing Daikin’s IOT (Internet Of Things) Cloud Platform. In this Group there
are teams working on different aspects of the platform like Core Cloud Infrastructure,
Sensors and Connectivity, Big Data Analytics leveraging AI (Machine Learning), Business Applications
Conceptualization and Development and so on.
Please refer to the following Item 3 to get a further idea about the work at ICT Group. Based on your
proposal answer to Item 3 and interests you could be working in one of the above teams.

Application Information
How to apply Complete the answers to “Items” 1 ~ 4 and submit this Form along with your latest
Resume on the Institute Portal.

Eligibility • 3rd year Bachelor and Dual Degree Students as well as 1st year Master Students,
who are interested to work at Daikin as Global Employee, starting their professional
career in 2020.
• Technical skills and/or knowledge will be required as described in the Theme Detail
2019 Summer Internship Theme Details

Item 1: Select Interested Areas

Internship Theme: Daikin’s “On-Demand Services” Global Platform leveraging IOT (Internet Of
Things) connectivity and AI Techniques for Analytics
Development of On-Demand Application (App) with both Mobile and AR
(Augmented Reality) Device interfaces to connect different stakeholders and
disrupt their Business Process Interactions and Functionality within Daikin’s
Business Eco-System.

Theme is divided into 4 Sub-Themes depending on the target functionality of part of the
*Interns can choose to apply for one or multiple Sub-Themes depending on their skills,
previous experiences and interests. Please TICK()those corresponding Sub-

□ Sub-Theme 1:
Requisite Skills IOT Sensors Connectivity, Data Management and Application Logic
Programming Languages: [Any One Of] C/C++, Java, Python
Databases: SQL, NoSQL(Experience is a Plus)
Experience of working with any Sensors/Sensing Technology is a Plus

AI Algorithms (Search, Planning, Optimization etc.), Database Access and Application

□ Sub-Theme 2: Programming Languages: [Any One Of] Python, R
Requisite Skills: Data Science: [Any One Of] Open Sources Libraries: Machine Learning(Scikit Learn,
TensorFlow), Deep Learning(Caffe), Others

□ Sub-Theme 3:
Requisite Skills: Web/Mobile Application Development in iOS/Android Environments
Programming Languages: [Any One Of] C/C++, Java, Python
Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
App Development/Software: [Any One Of] XCode/Android Studio, Eclipse IDE
Databases: SQL, NoSQL(Experience is a Plus)

□ Sub-Theme 4: Augmented Reality Application Development in Microsoft Hololens/iOS/Android

Requisite Skills: Programming Languages: [Any One Of] C/C++, Java, Python
Software: Open AR SDK for MS Hololens, iOS/Android(Experience is a Plus)
Others: Mechanical/Electrical Engineering Knowledge is a Plus
Item 2: Personal Details
Institute ID Number
Date Of Birth
Gender □Male □Female
E-Mail Address

Item 3:
Using overview image of ICT Group's activity below, describe in not more than 500 words (feel free to use
schematics, diagrams, charts, tables etc.) an IDEA of the type of APP (YOUR APP?) which you would like to
work on along with DAIKIN Engineers in this described Eco-System?
「Refer guidelines on right side of image」

「Overview Image of ICT Group’s activity」

What do you think are your strengths in relation with the “APP” that you are proposing (Possibly compared to
your peers? Which quality do you think separates you from your peers?)? How do you plan to leverage these
strengths in realizing this “APP” solution?

Item 4:
Describe in not more than 500 words your idea and views about Japan? Why would you like to work in a
Japanese company over many other available opportunities? Any experience where you faced any barriers
or cultural differences and how did you deal with to overcome them?

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