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Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)


Paula Bajdor

This article presents marketing as a basis for the activities of each organization, also
its modern variant called balanced marketing is presented within its impact on
external environment of the organization. Cited examples of ads where the message
contains the issues with the concept of sustainable development.

Key words
marketing, sustainable development, sustainable marketing, advertising

Marketing refers to the company's activities aimed at creating value and then replacing
it with the client. In this sense, marketing plays a significant role in determining the strategic
objectives of the company. As the client for any decision which relates to the purchase the
product / service or not, has some reason and a couple of reasons1, the task of effective
marketing will persuade them to purchase. This requires a deep knowledge of consumer
behaviour, competition and co-workers as well as considerable skill in adapting the
organization for consumers to provide them with goods and products they desired. Marketing
is an indispensable tool for the management, in its wide range. It is not the only task
performed by experts in the organization but anyone who wants to succeed, such as
determining the organization's strategy and its application in practice (strategy) should be
typical of marketing2.

Marketing’s definitions
Marketing is a definition’s component of business purpose of which reads as follows:
the main objective is to create a business customer and each enterprise has two basic
functions: marketing and innovation. This definition was given by P. Kotler, one of the
undisputed experts on marketing, but even he, recognizing the complexity of the subject and
its development over the years, in the 90's gives another definition of marketing: „Marketing
is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need
and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others” 3. Very similar
definition was given by American Marketing Institute: „Marketing is the management
process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements
profitably”4. Since marketing is a very broad area of knowledge, in literature there are many
of it, sometimes significantly different from each other, definitions. One such definition,
differing from the above, is the definition formulated by Kenichi Ohmae: „What business is
about – what distinguishes it from all other kinds of business planning – is, in a Word,

Kot S., Dima I.C., Man M., “Use of Abraham Maslow’s motivation Theory for setting consumers’ satisfaction-
non-satisfaction”, Polish Journal of Management Studies, Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa
A. J. Silk, „What is Marketing?”, Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, Harvard 2006.
P. F. Drucker, „The practice of Management”,
D. Mercer, „Marketing”, Blackwell Publisher, Oxford 2006.

Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)
competitive advantage. Without competitors there would be no need for strategy, for the sole
purpose of strategic planning is to enable the company to gain, as efficiently as possible, a
sustainable edge over its competitors”5. In this definition, the creator of the main emphasis on
competitiveness, the drive wheel as the only organization producing and delivering goods to
consumers. It should however be noted here that the competition does not appear along with
the creation of a new product appears only when a newly developed product is gaining
audience, as it brings its owner a specific profit. Then there are always new organizations
offering the same, or slightly modified product. Marketing and there from the beginning, is
born with the creation of product ideas. As is clear from the previous definition, one of its
main objectives is to create a need for the product and give it a value that will correspond to
the potential buyers. In later years this definition has been extended by „the objective of
strategic marketing is to achieve sustainable competitve advantage”6. Despite the fact that in
both these definitions have not been used the word "purchaser" is the word "competition"
emphasizes its importance, it constitutes the basis for the buyer because it is only through
their choice of points to the winner of the competition. Another definition presented by M.
Baker, arguing that marketing is a function of both the business and its philosophy. According
to his words „marketing is a state of mind concerning the optimum approach to business, and
the activities whereby such ideas are translated into practice”7.

Fig. No 1. Schematic of marketing process.

Source: Author’s own elaboration based on A. J. Silk, „What is Marketing?”, Harvard Business School
Publishing Corporation, Harvard 2006.

In addition he stated that marketing consist of four keys, such as8:

• start with the customer,
K. Ohmae, „The Mind of the Strategist”, McGraw-Hill,
Wensley R., „Strzategic Marketing: A review”, Butterworth Marketing, London 2004.
Baker M.J., „Marketing, Strategy and Management”, McMillan
Baker M.J., „The Marketing Book”, Heinemann

Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)

• a long-run perspective,
• full use of all the company’s resources,
• innovation.
Despite the many definitions of marketing, it is primarily seen as a set of processes
whose main aim is to identify customer needs, create a product satisfying these needs and
then sell it at a profit. Below is a diagram of processes that make up the marketing.
Marketing is treated as a purely scientific area, positively influencing the growth of the
economy, which passed with virtually no interruption of continuous change processes aimed
at its improvement9.
The inherent marketing associate advertising, sometimes it's the first thing that comes to
mind when deliberating on marketing. The most popular definition is the definition of
advertising created by The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising: „advertising presents the
most persuasive possible selling message to the right prospects for the product or service at
the lowest possible cost”10. Advertising is the final stage of the process which takes place in
the marketing organization and its main task is to ensure that the product is offered as the
most suitable for potential buyers, in many respects, such as quality, reliability and price. This
makes that advertising becomes the most visible areas of marketing as a whole11. Most
organizations have spent millions on advertising budgets, and only a few of them use
advertising as a form of communication with people. Large expenditures on advertising make
that information on the product reaches more people in a response to the same ad is much
higher than that on advertising campaigns that are executed at a much reduced cost. Although
advertising is treated as a separate component of marketing, advertising, accompanied by a
number of conditions and elements that affect the successful fulfillment of the whole
• time and the impact of advertising depends on the length of product life
• along with the product information is provided on the theme of its purchase, preferences
and attitudes of buyers in order to create a suitable advertising campaign and the way in
which the product will be advertised in the media,
• the name and character of the product can be created in an organization or an
advertising agency and plays a significant role throughout the campaign,
• appearance of the product is also the subject of advertising,
• the marketing department decides on the style and intensity of the advertising campaign,
as well as the choice of types of media,
• the price of the product play an important role, it says, whether the product is a real
opportunity or whether it is a luxury product. It is an important element of competitive
• for many products, the advertising campaign can be presented as the main product and
the accompanying product and can be created two separate campaigns for each of these
• the packaging is also an important issue, it can greatly affect whether a product is
behind the shelves and is quickly sold. If the label appears on the packaging informing
customers that a product is organic, it is more buyers than product without this label
Stefko R., Litavcova E., Butoracova-Sindleryova I., “Marketing Instrumentarium the process of accepting
projects for Developmental acceleration in Back-warden regions”, Polish Journal of Management Studies,
Czestochowa University of Technology, Czestochowa 2010.
Jefkins F., “Advertising”, Prentice Hall, Essex 2000.
Adcock D., Halborg A., Ross C., “Marketing: principles and practice”, Pearson Education Limited, Essex
Sutherland M., „Advertising and the mind of the consumer”, Allen&Unwin, Crows Nest 2008.

Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)

• in the process of marketing a product can be used form of advertising which is the
exhibition of such a product,
• duty sales department in charge of the product in question is the knowledge of the
advertising campaign to help her in the field of sales,
• corporations and public organizations in their advertising campaigns using her image or
• before the main campaign should be accepted, a test campaign should be carried out,
• market research for the product should consist one of the following actions: copy-
testing, circulation and readership surveys and statistics, recall tests, cracking studies
and cost-per-reply and cost-per-conversion-to-sales-figures,
• sale price may even replace the ad campaign
• after the campaign, the buyers can be informed about the introduction of price cuts on
• in order to gather a group of loyal customers, the additional benefits from the use of the
product can be highlighted, providing a wide range of accessories, or simply to recall
that the product exists on the market,
• activity of an advertising agency, in the case of a product that is long on the market,
should focus on eliminating gaps which exist between the advertising campaigns.
All of the above conditions can affect the success or failure of the campaign. Currently,
creating a good advertising campaign requires a lot of effort, this is due to, among others, that
people are becoming more conscious consumers, is not receiving all the statements in a dark
incident in advertising. Additionally, the ubiquity of advertising makes it does not get it to
potential buyers, people possess the ability to turn off an ad that is supported for example,
blocking ads on web browsers, or switch the TV on another channel in the event of a break on
the ad in order to create compelling advertising campaign for the buyers, whose purpose is to
high product sales, is required above all a high budget and a good idea.
Today, the appearance of the ad affects the current perception of the world fully
urbanized. Over the last 20-30 years, people primarily seek to achieve professional success
and thus accounts. Today, this trend is reversed and the people above all strive for balance in
life - work which is a passion, it leaves time for family life in an environment-friendly
environment, providing fresh air and all kinds of contaminated waste and debris. This mode
of living extremely well in the concept of sustainable development, which is presented below.

Sustainable Development concept

At present, the concept of sustainable development, thanks to growing interest in this
subject, it becomes a very important issue. This interest comes from many diverse areas such
as scientific, political, economic or social. Sustainable development is multi-layered nature of
the plane by combining such as ecology, philosophy, culture, society, economy, politics,
technology and economics.13
The definition of sustainable development was first formulated in the report Our
Common Future published by the WCED (World Comission on Environment and
Development): „Sustainable development is development that meets the Leeds of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”14.

Starostka-Patyk M., “Logistics Management of waste streams in Sustainable Development Conception”, in: V.
Modrak, B. Ślusarczyk „The role of business in achieving sustainability”, Presov 2010.
Brown D.A., Lemons J., „Sustainable Development: Science, Ethics and Public Policy”, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht 2005

Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)
Organisation (year) Definition
National Strategies for Sustainable Development is “economic and social development
Sustainable Development (2000) that meets the needs of the current generation without
undermining the ability of future generations to meet their own
World Wildlife Fund (1991) Sustainable Development means improving the quality of life
while living within the carrying capacity of supporting systems
International Council for Local Sustainable Development “delivers basic environmental, social
Environmental Initiatives (1994) and economic services to all residents of a community without
threatening the viability of the natural, built and social systems
upon which the delivery of these services depends”
Local Government Management Sustainable development is “reducing current levels of
Board (1993) consumption of energy and resources and production of waste in
order not to damage the natural systems which future
generations will rely on to provide them with resources, absorb
their waste and provide safe and healthy living conditions”
US Department of Energy (2001) Sustainable Development is a strategy by which communities
seek economic development approaches that also benefit the
local environment and quality of life. It has become an
important guide to many communities that have discovered that
traditional approaches to planning and development are
creating, rather than solving, societal and environmental
Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development involves “programmed in the
Sustainable Development (2001) developing countries that directly contribute to an improvement
in the quality of life of the poorest people”
Polish Ecological Movement Sustainable Development is “where people provide for
limitations associated with finite planet, and independent of
human rhythm of nature (...). This is a strategy to achieve a
dignified life within the framework of what is physically and
biologically possible. It guarantees the basic needs of present
and future generations while maintaining the sustainability of
the natural environment and natural diversity, both species and
Wackernagle and Rees (1996) Sustainable Development is “the need for humanity to live
equitably within the means of nature”
Table 1. Sustainable Development definitions.
Source: Author’s elaboration on Mawhinney M., “Sustainable Development. Understanding the green debates”,
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford 2002 and Polish Ecological Movement Report, „Ekorozwój w Polsce” 2002.

The report also highlighted that the creation of a fully sustainable model of living, a
significant improvement in quality of life for people around the world without the overuse of
Earth's natural resources, requires many different actions, but most important is the
integration of these activities in three key areas15:
1. Economic growth and equitable sharing of benefits - the objective is to achieve a
responsible and long-term economic growth,
2. Protecting natural resources and environment - in order to preserve the environmental
heritage for future generations, should be developed rational economic solutions that

Pearce D., Barbier E., Markandya A., “Sustainable Development. Economics and Environment in the Third
World”, Biddles Ltd, Guildford 2007.

Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)
will reduce resource consumption, stop pollution and the progressive degradation of the
environment and save natural ecosystems,
3. Social development - responding to the main needs of mankind (work, food, education,
health, water and sanitation), must be taken every effort to the richness of cultural and
social diversity was not affected, and all members of the community can have free
access to the instruments to shape their own future.
This report has focused international attention on himself because it emphasized the
rapid environmental degradation caused by the present mode of living of the inhabitants of the
Earth and also formulated a demand for political campaigns which seek to ensure future
generations an appropriate environment. According to this report, the environment and its
state determines the survival of mankind in the future.
This report has identified a phenomenon whose presence contributes significantly to the
quality of life for humans and animals on the planet16:
• substantial reduction in areas suitable for cultivation and transform them into a desert,
• substantial reduction of forested areas,
• the phenomenon of global warming which is caused by emissions of greenhouse gases
into the atmosphere,
• creation of the ozone hole in the atmosphere surrounding the Earth, due to the emission
of industrial gases,
• pollution of surface and groundwater.
Our Common Future Report also focus on aspects of the separation of the economic
problems of the environment.
From the first definition, the concept of sustainable development was defined by many
organizations. Often presented as a mission, but usually that term is interpreted in its own way
by another organization that creates its definitions.
The principle of sustainability and the responsible use of natural resources are essentials
for future generations17. Sustainable development is the idea of sustainable economic and
social progress in a fully harmonized with the environment. These are the construction of such
an economic model, which is ensuring the progress of humanity, while still allowing the
possibility of a better life for all without damaging the surrounding systems (ecosystem). That
is reasonable and wise use of natural goods and treating with respect the surrounding

Sustainable Marketing
Along with the changing society, tools and traditional marketing activities are already
proving inadequate. With the growing awareness of the potential buyers in the field of
environmental protection and equitable economic growth and social development, most
organizations have been forced to transform its operations to a more appropriate name for
them has become the term "sustainable marketing". These are all marketing activities and
tools which are very well fit into the concept of sustainable development. First of all,
organizations need to recognize, purchasers of information and protection. They need
information on how the product was manufactured (in accordance with the requirements of
environmental protection), which is part of the product and whether such has been produced

Gechev R., „Sustainable Development”, University in Indianapolis, Indianapolis 2005.
Grabara J., Nowakowska A., “The RFID System in Aspect of Sustainable Development”, in: Stefko R.,
Frankovsky M., “Management 2008. In times of global change and uncertainty”, University of Presov, Presov

Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)
in accordance with the principles of Fair-Trade. Consumer protection includes all measures to
ensure supply of a product does not threaten its security.
The evolution of the concept of sustainable marketing is divided into three main stages:
first to a balanced understanding of marketing as a marketing label that focused on key issues
of environmental protection (air pollution, dwindling resources of oil and the impact of
pesticides on the environment). In the next stage of marketing a sustainable focus on issues of
'clean' technology, sought to understand the consumer-oriented environmental issues and to
identify socio-environmental behavior that could give rise to competitive activities. The final,
third stage is a sustainable marketing that focuses on achieving the goal of creating
sustainable development and sustainable economy. Sustainable economy includes all the costs
of both production and consumption.18
The concept of sustainable marketing conceals a long-term marketing organization
whose impact will be best for both the organization and potential customers. Sustainable
marketing activities based on five main assumptions19:
Action-oriented customer - this means that the organization shall act in accordance
with the buyer's point of view. Its activities are focused on intuition, serve and satisfy all the
needs of specific groups of customers, both now and in the future. Organizations that apply
the principles of marketing sustainable characterized by the fact that trying to provide a group
of selected customers as the product meets the highest standards of quality. By perceiving the
world through the eyes of the customer, the organization is capable of building long-lasting
and rewarding relationships with the clients;
Activities focused on the value that represents a buyer - in accordance with this
assumption, the organization should devote most of their resources on building customer
relationships and identify the values that it represents for the organization. Most marketing
efforts focus on single activities - an advertising campaign, only cosmetic changes to the
image of the product, simple direct-response ads, these actions result in increased sales of the
product offered but only for a short period of time. However, in the long run will bring fewer
benefits than initially increased investment in a substantial increase in product quality, its
convenience, and supplements. The activities of the organization aimed at continually
improving the product, which is the value for the customer, can cause that the organization
will gain masses of the faithful and loyal customers. Creating value for the customer, the
organization gets value from customers in return;
Innovative organization - this assumption requires organizations to take action on
innovation, continuously seeking methods of improving its product and marketing efforts. It is
worth mentioning here that innovation, in addition to marketing, is one of the two functions
performed by the company and is an innovation, in addition to marketing, bringing tangible
benefits20. But here there is a risk that the organization focuses on the search for continuous
improvement may lose customers to the organization that had previously launched the
innovative product. Very important here is a matter of time, having suitably qualified staff are
characterized by continuous and appropriate management ideas and ideas that can transform
into a product characterized by innovation and reaching the needs of many customers;
A sense of mission of the organization - this assumption requires the organization to
define its mission in a broad concept, taking into account the social issue. As long as the

Hunt s.H., “Sustainable marketing, equity, and economic growth: a resource-advantage, economic freedom
approach”, Elsevier Ltd, Academy of Marketing Science 2010.
Kotler P., Armstrong G., „Principles of marketing”, Pearson Education, New Jersey 2010.
Butoracova-Sindelryova I., Stefko R., “Social-Demographic Aspects of Marketing Theory Implementation into
the Project Management Praxis”, in: Stefko R., Frankovsky M., “Management 2008. In times of global change
and uncertainty”, University of Presov, Presov 2008.

Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)
mission increases the sense of security personnel of the organization. At the same time it
becomes a friendly place and is gaining favorable opinions of employers to employees21;
Social activities - in doing so the organization shows that it is not focused solely on
their interest, that is increasing profits but also important for the needs of customers and
society. The organization gives to know that it is aware of both the ethical and societal
implications of the measures it takes22. And also that the use of so-called principles "good
neighbor" is in its best interest23. Social marketing campaigns typically work to alter an
individual's perceptions and attitudes24. The targets of social marketing messages often aim at
internal behavioral influences on the individual25.
Sustainable marketing requires a strategy from organizations whose activities will
benefit both the organization and society. The aim of these strategies is to change the
orientation of consumers, who in addition to the need for a product, they see the
environmental, social and economic benefits offered by the product by the organization.
According to the concept of sustainable development, the organization is able to create an
effective strategy, corresponding to sustainable marketing, through the following, various
actions: promoting reconsumption, redirecting customer needs and wants, reorienting the
marketing mix and reorganizing organizational effects.
Reconsumption – this strategy leads to changes in consumer habits. The main objective
of this strategy is to reduce the consumption, because its present high level of contribution
among others to reduce the Earth's natural resources together with its ability to absorb and
store the waste produced in consuming.
Redirecting customer needs and wants – the main objectives of this strategy is to
change customers' needs in order to create the needs that would lower the burden on our
planet. In this strategy, marketing tools such as advertising and promotion are not appropriate
tools to carry it out, but the use of marketing research and a full analysis of customer needs
can be very useful tools in order to change the customers' needs26.
Reorienting the marketing mix – this strategy involves a total change in the marketing
mix, from product and its packaging and ending with the promotion and advertising. The task
of the organization in this strategy is to continuously emphasize the impact of the product on
the environment. This strategy brings benefits in terms of positive attitude of consumers to the
product, along with media and retailers. The introduction of this strategy is often associated
with the change of packaging, labeling, design and product positioning, but most
organizations take this action knowing that they pay off, among others positive image among
all social groups27.
Reorganizing an organizational effects - the strategy will require the organization to
take such action as the reorganization of the entire structure of the organization, restructuring,
or changing the image. The reorganization involves the introduction of the concept of
sustainable development theory to the organization and familiarity with her staff. It can be
concluded that as long as the methods and tools consistent with the sustainable marketing

Dacko S.G., „The Advanced dictionary of marketing: putting theory to use”, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Kerrigan F., „Film marketing”, Elsevier Ltd, Oxford 2010.
Bowie D., Buttle F., „Hospitality marketing: an introduction”, Elsevier Ltd, Oxford 2004.
Kotler P., Lee N.R., “Social marketing: influencing behaviors for good”, in: Wymer W., “Rethinking the
boundaries of social marketing: Activism or Advertising?”, Journal of Business Research, Elsevier 2010.
Kotler P., “Social marketing in 21st century”, in: Wymer W., “Rethinking the boundaries of social marketing:
Activism or Advertising?”, Journal of Business Research, Elsevier 2010.
Stead W.E., Garner J., Starik M., “Sustainable strategic marketing”, M.E. Sharpe Inc.,NY 2004.
Grant J., „The Green marketing Manifesto”, John Wiley&Sons, Cornwall 2007.

Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)
cannot be placed inside the organization, the organization will not be able to take these
actions to the outside28.
Regulation - the government will control and management in such a way as to
minimize the negative impact the organization's activities on the environment and society.
Participation - participate, and through collaboration with organizations, government
can assist in the implementation of tools and then use them in accordance with the concept of
sustainable development.
At present, the concept of sustainable marketing is a tool which will be used to change
consumer habits towards more sustainable practices such as selection of organic products or
sorting garbage. May be helpful in such actions of the government, not only at national level,
but also the municipal or local government, such action could include for example, free export
of sorted garbage. The task of marketing is to develop a sustainable situation in which both
the organization and consumers will clearly benefit.

Fig. No 2. Strategies for Sustainable Marketing

Source: Author’s elaboration based on Polonsky M.J., Mintu-Wimsatt A.T., “Environmental Marketing:
Strategies, Practises, Theory and Research”, Haworth Press, NY 2007.

Examples of Susiatnable Marketing’s Advertisments

As already mentioned the current ads reflect how people perceive the world. The main
purpose of advertising was and is to promote the product in order to sell the maximum
number and thus, bring as much profit organization producing the product. In today's

Taori K., „Sustainable human development: issues and challenges”, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi

Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)
advertising is also placed emphasis on aspects such as high product quality, sustainability and
profitability of the product and its innovation. In addition to the above aspects of
contemporary advertising is also characterized by:
• attitude of partnership in relation to the buyer, such as a password "Together we change
the world"
• provide the information and offer a choice, for example, various models of cars,
• improve market framework conditions,
• emphasize the value of our planet,
• cause the reorientation of the market for people
As seen above, modern ads do not focus only on increasing the level of sales but also
fulfill the function of information relating to its product.
One of the ads which contributes to the concept of sustainable development is
advertising of the power company Enea with Micheal Zebrowski in the lead role. Its
advertising campaign is aimed at building awareness of energy Poles, it provides information
about the importance of using modern energy, the spot draws attention to the significance of
the energy used in everyday life. "That's what we do every day has an impact on what
happens tomorrow," these words spoken by Micheal Zebrowski very clearly emphasize the
core concepts of sustainable development.
Another example of advertising is Starbucks ad. The ad highlights the source of
Starbucks coffee sourcing of coffee, uses the services of suppliers and manufacturers who
keep growing coffee in accordance with the principles of environmental protection and ethics
(Fair Trade and responsible cultivation practices). It also works with small growers operating
on Fair Trade coffee plantations. Fair Trade stamp is used in any advertising, coffee, by the
badge communicates that the organization obtains its products in accordance with the
requirements of environmental protection, economics and the economy.
The Levi's apparel company advertises its products as clothes sewn with organic cotton
and the principles of Fair Trade. In their advertising stresses that the cotton used to sew
clothes comes from plantations that are grown in accordance with the guidelines for the
protection of the environment in which employees are adequately rewarded for their work and
the final product is 100% biodegradable.
For a short period of time the mobile operator Orange was emitting a phone ads, which
will load the battery with the sunlight. This phone was advertised as an ecological unit, unlike
most phones, it did not have batteries that do away with the environment causes a lot of
trouble. Unfortunately, this ad was broadcasted on Polish television for a very short period of
time, probably due to the fact that potential customers of mobile operators mainly look at the
amount offered to the subscription, the amount of free minutes on a subscription or phone
model available for a "penny." Based on this proposal can be derived that customers treat the
phone as a device with such a small impact on the environment that this issue should not be
taken into consideration when choosing the right phone model.
Also in car advertisements may notice a return, more and more companies produce
models of hybrid cars using electric propulsion (Toyota Prius has been a pioneer in this type
of cars) as a vehicle fully environmentally friendly. But, unfortunately, hardly anyone points
out that at the time of transition to combustion, hybrid auto slept a lot more fuel per 100km
than a traditional auto. However, due to depleting oil resources and the technological
advances these cars will be an increasingly important part of the passenger car segment and,
consequently, advertising cars undergo complete metamorphosis.
Today's ads seek to fully respond to the current lifestyle, as more and more people want
to live in an environmentally sound manner, taking action to raise the standard of living while

Marketing a marketingová komunikácia (vybrané aspekty, pohľady a trendy)
caring for the environment, as well as having an economic dimension and a positive economic
impact will be felt well for future generations.

Marketing is an activity occurring in any organization, both smaller and larger. From its
structure and activities undertaken by it depends on the growth and success of any
organization. Marketing in the concept of sustainability is young, which only in recent years
has gained in importance. Its essence is contained in the action, which, along with activities
which are typical of traditional marketing, which acts in some way fit into the whole concept
of sustainable development. By taking some action, the organization will examine how to
shape the outcomes of actions taken on the environment, society and economy of the whole
country. Since the ad is one of the basic components of marketing, it also must enter in the
above areas. A well-composed and properly conducted an advertising campaign that can make
the advertised product is not only environmentally but also brings tangible benefits to the
economy and society. Thus, the organization producing the product is seen as socially
responsible, caring for the environment and benefit the economy of the country.

Adcock D., Halborg A., Ross C., “Marketing: principles and practice”, Pearson Education
Limited, Essex 2001.
Baker M.J., „Marketing, Strategy and Management”, Palgrave McMillan, Oxford 2007.
Baker M.J., Hart S., „The Marketing Book”, Heinemann, Burlington 2008.
Bowie D., Buttle F., „Hospitality marketing: an introduction”, Elsevier Ltd, Oxford 2004.
Brown D.A., Lemons J., „Sustainable Development: Science, Ethics and Public Policy”,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 2005
Butoracova-Sindelryova I., Stefko R., “Social-Demographic Aspects of Marketing Theory
Implementation into the Project Management Praxis”, in: Stefko R., Frankovsky M.,
“Management 2008. In times of global change and uncertainty”, University of Presov, Presov
Dacko S.G., „The Advanced dictionary of marketing: putting theory to use”, Oxford
University Press, Oxford 2008.
Drucker P.F, „The practice of Management”, Heinemann, Oxford 2007.
Gechev R., „Sustainable Development”, University in Indianapolis, Indianapolis 2005.
Grabara J., Nowakowska A., “The RFID System in Aspect of Sustainable Development”, in:
Stefko R., Frankovsky M., “Management 2008. In times of global change and uncertainty”,
University of Presov, Presov 2008.
Grant J., „The Green marketing Manifesto”, John Wiley&Sons, Cornwall 2007.
Hunt s.H., “Sustainable marketing, equity, and economic growth: a resource-advantage,
economic freedom approach”, Elsevier Ltd, Academy of Marketing Science 2010.
Jefkins F., “Advertising”, Prentice Hall, Essex 2000.
Kerrigan F., „Film marketing”, Elsevier Ltd, Oxford 2010.
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Paula Bajdor, M.Sc.
The Management Faculty
Czestochowa University of Technology
Armii Krajowej 19b, 42-200 Czestochowa
Phone: +48343250330


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