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Title Status

TSC - The Foundation

Check & Set Up Google Analytics Yes
Check & Set Up Google Search Console(GSC) Yes
Check & Install an SEO Solution for Your Website Yes
Set Up Uptime Monitoring Yes
Check for About, Contact, Privacy Policy and TOS Pages In Progress
Set Up Keyword Rank Tracking No
TSC - User Experience
Check for Pretty Permalinks Yes
Check the Site is Mobile Friendly
Check the Site Loads Fast
Keep URLs Short
Check and Optimize Your 404 Page
Make it Easy to Share Your Content
Claim Your Brand on Multiple Social Networks
Use Heatmaps to See What Users Actually See
TSC - Performance
Use a Top-Performing Web Host
Check The Server is Located Close to Your Service Area
Use a CDN
Check for GZIP Compression
Check for HTTP/2
Use a Caching Solution
Minify JS/CSS Files
Resize Large Images at Upload
Compress and Optimize images
Lazy Load Images & Iframes(YouTube embeds, etc)
Update Technology
Optimize Database
TSC - Technical SEO
Check for https
Check for One Single www Version
Fix mixed content
Create a Sitemap & Add it to Google Search Console(GSC)
Create a robots.txt File
Check that URLs have redirects to / or the canonical is set to /
Check and Fix Broken Links
Check and Fix Redirect Chains
Fix Missing and Duplicate Meta Titles and Descriptions
Use Redirects Properly
Check for Index Coverage Issues
Check for Manual Penalties
Keep Pages at Maximum 3 Clicks from Reach
Use "noindex" and "nofollow" Tags Properly
Disable Irrelevant Pages from Being Indexed
TSC - Content
Have a Solid SEO Content Strategy
Do Keyword Research
Create Long-Form Content
Create 10x Content
Identify & Fix Keyword Cannibalization
Identify and Fix Duplicate Content
Create Content Hubs
"Feed" the Hubs with Supporting Content
Update Content on a Regular Basis
Add Content to Your Categories
Build Up E-A-T
TSC - On-Page SEO
Write for People, not for Search Engines
Check the Target Keyword Matches User Intent
Have the target keyword in URL, Title and Heading
Use Focus Keyword in 1st Paragraph
Use a Single H1 on Each Page
Set an Enticing, yet SEO-Oriented Meta Title
Write a Compelling Meta Description
Use Subheadings for Content Hierarchy
Format and Style the Content Properly
Link to Relevant Inner Pages
Link out to relevant, authoritative websites
Never Link to a Page/Website with the Same Anchor the Current Page is Targeting
Name Your Images Properly
Set Images Alt Text
Check for Social Markup
Check Dwell Time and Optimize It
Strike for the Featured Snippet
Don’t Over-Optimize
TSC - Off-Page SEO
Have a Solid Link Building Strategy
Build Foundational Links
Interlink Social Networks
Guest Post on Niche-Related Blogs
Ask Partners you've Worked with for a Link
Turn Brand Mentions into Links
Use Social Signals to Boost your Page Rankings
Schedule Social Posting
TSC - Local SEO
Claim your Google My Business Listing
Claim Your Yelp Listing
Claim your Bing Places for Business Listing
Optimize Listings
Get on General Relevant Directories
Get on Niche-specific Directories
Reply to Reviews
Reach Out for Reviews
Publish Google Posts
Check for Site-wide NAP Details
Have Consistent NAP Details Across the Site
Have Consistent NAP Details on Listings & Social Networks
Have a Content Strategy Targeting Local Topics
Claim Brand Mentions from Local Sites
Add Local Business Markup to your Homepage
Type Tools Info Notes

Google Analytics 🠆🠆🠆


Google Search Console(GSC) 🠆🠆🠆

Yoast SEO Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆
UptimeRobot 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Ahrefs, Serprobot, Seranking 🠆🠆🠆

Manual 🠆🠆🠆

✪ Google Mobile Friendly Test 🠆🠆🠆

✪ GTMetrix, 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆

404 Page Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆

Yoast SEO Wp Plugin - Social 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Hotjar, Plerdy, CrazyEgg 🠆🠆🠆

Cloudways, Siteground, Kinsta 🠆🠆🠆

✪ Check Host 🠆🠆🠆

BunnyCDN, Cloudflare, KeyCDN 🠆🠆🠆

✪ Varvy, GiftofSpeed 🠆🠆🠆

✪ HTTP2 Pro, KeyCDN tools 🠆🠆🠆
WpRocket 🠆🠆🠆

WpRocket 🠆🠆🠆
Shortpixel, Imagify 🠆🠆🠆
Shortpixel, Imagify 🠆🠆🠆
WpRocket, Shortpixel AI 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, ManageWp 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, WpRocket 🠆🠆🠆

✪ HttpStatus 🠆🠆🠆
✪ HttpStatus 🠆🠆🠆
✪ JitBit 🠆🠆🠆
Yoast SEO Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆

Yoast SEO Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆

🕷 Sitebulb, ScreamingFrog 🠆🠆🠆
🕷 Sitebulb, ScreamingFrog 🠆🠆🠆
🕷 Sitebulb, ScreamingFrog 🠆🠆🠆
🕷Sitebulb, ScreamingFrog 🠆🠆🠆
Redirection, RankMath, Yoast Wp 🠆🠆🠆

GSC Google Search Console 🠆🠆🠆

GSC Google Search Console 🠆🠆🠆
🕷 Sitebulb, ScreamingFrog 🠆🠆🠆
Yoast SEO Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆

Yoast SEO Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆

15 min Content Calendar Swipe File 🠆🠆🠆


Ahrefs, SemRush, GSC, SurferSEO 🠆🠆🠆

SurferSEO Content Editor, Clearscop🠆🠆🠆
SurferSEO Content Editor, Clearscop🠆🠆🠆
🕷 Sitebulb, ScreamingFrog, Ahrefs 🠆🠆🠆
✪ Siteliner 🠆🠆🠆
SurferSEO Content Editor, Clearscop🠆🠆🠆

SurferSEO Content Editor, Clearscop🠆🠆🠆

SurferSEO Content Editor, Clearscop🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Outcome 🠆🠆🠆

SurferSEO Content Editor, Clearscop🠆🠆🠆


Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, Yoast SEO Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, Yoast SEO Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, Yoast SEO Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, Yoast SEO Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, headingsMap Chrome extens🠆🠆🠆
Manual, Yoast SEO, SurferSEO 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, Yoast SEO Premium 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
✪ Yoast SEO Wp Plugin 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆

Outcome 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆

Ahrefs, SemRush, GSC, SurferSEO 🠆🠆🠆


Ahrefs, SemRush, BrightLocal, White🠆🠆🠆

Manual 🠆🠆🠆

Ahrefs, SemRush, Mailshake 🠆🠆🠆

Manual 🠆🠆🠆
✪ Ahrefs, Brand24, BrandMentions 🠆🠆🠆
Advertising, IFTTT 🠆🠆🠆

✪ CoSchedule, NelioContent, OneUp 🠆🠆🠆

Manual 🠆🠆🠆

Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, LocalViking 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, Ahrefs, BrightLocal, WhiteSp🠆🠆🠆
Manual, Ahrefs, BrightLocal, WhiteSp🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, Google Review Link Generat🠆🠆🠆
Manual, OneUp, LocalViking 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, Website Crawler 🠆🠆🠆
Manual, BrightLocal Citation Tracker 🠆🠆🠆
Ahrefs, SemRush, GSC, SurferSEO 🠆🠆🠆
Ahrefs, Brand24, BrandMentions 🠆🠆🠆
Manual 🠆🠆🠆

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