Electrostriction, Piezoelectric Material Properties

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Course: Smart Materials and Applications

Degree: BSc in Electromechanical Engineering

Chapter 2 Note

Electrostriction, Piezoelectric material


Nov. 2022
Smart Materials and Applications

2. Restrict domain wall motion. A number

Remanet polarization
of transition ions (Fe3+, Ni2+, Co3+) that
can occupy Ti4+ sites will reduce part of
the dissipation factor due to domain wall
3. Addition of second phases (CaZrO3 to
BaTiO3) will broaden the permittivity-
temperature peak. The resultant
tanδ (losses) materials may contain regions of
higher value of this will variable composition that contribute a
corresponds to higher range of Curie points so that the high
piezoelectric properties permittivity is spread over a wider
of the material. temperature range.

There are there mechanisms in dielectric losses 4. Control crystallite sizes, cations that
- Domain wall vibration have a higher valency than those they
replace, e.g. La3+
- Domain wall movement
in place of Ba2+ or
- Switching the polarization direction of an Nb5+ in place of
entire domain. Ti4+, generally
Considering vibrating domain wall, the losses inhibit crystal
have their origin resulting from small changes growth. This has
in domain shape induced by the applied field. the effect of
raising the
One advantage of polycrystalline ferroelectrics permittivity level
material is by adjusting their composition and below the Curie
microstructure it is possible to modify them. point. Crystal size
is also controlled
1. Shift the Curie point and other transition by sintering
temperatures. It is possible to increase or conditions. It has
decrease Tc by adding Sr2+ or Pb2+ important effects on the electro-optical
instead of Ba2+. Sr2+→ Ba2+ this will behaviour.
lower Tc, Pb2+→ Ba2+ this will increase
Tc. 5. Control the oxygen content and the
valency of the Ti ion. Higher-valency
substituents at low concentrations (< 0.2
cation percent) in BaTiO3 lead to low
resistivity. However, lower valency
substituents, such as Mn3+ on Ti4+ sites,
act as acceptors and enable high
resistivity dielectrics to be sintered in
atmospheres with low oxygen contents.

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Smart Materials and Applications

Mixture of Dielectrics Applied force in longitudinal direction

The properties of mixtures depend on the

distribution of the components. The concept of
connectivity is useful in classifying different
types of mixture. The basis of this concept is
Applied force in transverse direction
that any phase in a mixture may be self
connected in 0D, 1D, 2D or 3D. Thus randomly Longitudinal direction
dispersed and separated particles have a - E1 = Young’s modulus for material 1
connectivity of 0D while the medium - E2 = Young’s modulus for material 2
- ɛ1= longitudinal direction deformation for material 1
surrounding them has a connectivity of 3D. - ɛ2= longitudinal direction deformation for material 2
Example, capacitor has 2-2 connectivity, - A1 = cross-sectional area for material 1
- A2 = cross-sectional area for material 2
dielectrics 0-3, fiber matrix 1-3 etc. - Total area AT = A1 + A2
- V1 = A1L, volume for material 1
- V2 = A2L, volume for material 2
Heterogeneous materials, such as composites, - Total volume VT = V2 +V1
- Volume fraction (Φ) =V/VT
consist of clearly distinguishable phases that
show different mechanical and physical material Voigt assume, in longitudinal direction the
properties. One important goal of resulted deformation is the same in both
micromechanics is predicting materials property material 1 and 2 and applied stress is different.
based on the response of heterogeneous ɛ = ɛ1 = ɛ2
constituents on the basis of the geometries and σ ≠ σ1 ≠ σ2
From constitutional equation
properties of the individual phases; this task is σ = F/A, (F1 + F2)/AT
known as homogenization. The benefit of = (σ1A1 + σ2 A2)/AT
homogenization is that the behavior of a σ = σ1Φ1+ σ2Φ2
But from σ1 = E1ɛ1
heterogeneous material can be determined σ2 = E2ɛ2, since ɛ = ɛ1 = ɛ2
without resorting to testing it. Such tests may be σ1/E1 = σ2/E2 then σ1 = E1σ2/E2
σ = E1σ2Φ1/E2+ σ2 (1- Φ1)
expensive and involve a large number of = σ2[E1Φ1/E2+ (1- Φ1)]
permutations for example in the case
of composites material the combinations of fiber Voigt (at constant ɛ) <C> = ∑Ci Φi

and particle volume fractions, fiber and particle Transverse direction

arrangements, and processing histories. Such - Reuss assumptions
properties are often difficult to measure σ = σ1 = σ2
experimentally. ɛ ≠ ɛ1 ≠ ɛ2
Based on the above assumption, it will lead to final
Voigt and Reuss develop analytical method to equation of
Reuss (at constant σ) <C> = ∑C-1Φi
solve micromechanics. Voigt assume that
strains are constant in composite, and follow the
rule of mixtures for stiffness components.
Whereas Reuss consider stresses are constant in
composite, and follow rule of mixtures for
compliance components.

Suppose let us put two phase material together

like material 1 and 2.
AASTU Smart Materials and Applications
Smart Materials and Applications

Lichtenecker’s logarithmic mixture formula piezoelectric material. The phenomenon of

A dielectric mixture model is used commonly electrostriction is expressed by the relationship
for calculating complex permittivity. The x= QP2
fractional volume and the permittivity of each Where: - Q is the electrostriction coefficient
constituent are the main parameters used in P is polarization of the material
calculating the effective permittivity of the x is the deformation.
mixture. Lichtenecker’s logarithmic mixture
formula have been applicable for this purpose. For material ɛr (ɛ/ ɛo) >> 1, then P ≈ D
D = E ɛ = Eɛo + P, ɛo ≈ 0
Then P = D = E ɛ
lnc = ∑Φi lnCi x= Q(E ɛ)2
where:- x = QE2ɛ2
Φi = volume fraction of the ith constituent
Ci = material property of ith constituent
N = number of constituents in the sample
For example
For permittivity Lichtenecker’s logarithmic
mixture formula can be written as:-
lnɛm = Φ1 lnɛ1 + Φ2 lnɛ2

lnK = ∑Φi lnKi = -∑Φi lnK-1

-ln(K-1) = -∑Φi lnK-1
ln(KGeo) = ln(K-1) Geo In any ferroelectric material when E goes to
(KGeo)-1 = (K-1) Geo zero then both D and P also goes to zero but in
piezoelectric material even if E become zero,
there will be some
<K>Reuss < <K>Geo <K>Voigt residual polarized
D=P=E ɛ, when E = 0
(High permittivity materials) In this figure it
Electrostriction is a property of all dielectric illustrates that the
materials, and is caused by the presence of mechanical strain
randomly aligned electrical domains within the versus electric
material. When an electric is applied to the field butterfly curve. Important observation
dielectric, the opposite sides of the domains from this curve is that under cyclic loading with
become differently charged and attract each a high frequency the mechanical strain is
other, reducing material thickness in the increasing even for a decreasing electric field
direction of the applied field and increasing during unloading provided that the actual
thickness in the orthogonal directions. The electric field is larger than the coercive field.
resulting strain is proportional to the square of
the polarization. Reversal of the electric field
does not reverse the direction of the deformation
but some material shows the development of
electric polarization when they are strained
through an applied stress. These are said to be

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Smart Materials and Applications

The various direct and converse-effect

coefficients are properly defined by the
following partial derivatives.

If a piezoelectric plate, polarized in the direction

indicated by P, then a compressive stress causes
a transient current to flow in the external circuit. From thermodynamic argument, it proving that
A tensile stress produces current in the opposite d = d* e = e*
sense. Conversely, the application of an electric g = g* h = h*
field produces strain in the crystal, say a
negative strain, reversal of the field causes a Parameters for Piezoelectric
positive strain.
Ceramics and their Measurement
If it is assumed that the quantities d, g, e, and s
- X= Stress
- D= electric displacement are constants and, then equations of state can be
- E = electric felid written as follows.
- ɛE,ɛD = permittivity
- SE,SD = compliance (C-1)
- CE,CD=stiffness (S-1)
Where SE, SD are the elastic
- e, h, g* and d* = piezoelectric coefficients compliances and the
- x = deformation (in mechanical case we use ‘ɛ’) superscripts denote the
parameters held constant
Piezoelectric properties are described in terms similarly ɛX denotes the
permittivity measured at
of the parameters D, E, X and x, The electrical
constant stress (the usual
response due to the direct effect can be condition) to measure the permittivity at
expressed in terms of strain by:- constant strain ɛx is more difficult to
D = ex or E = hx accomplish. Because ferroelectric ceramics have
and the converse effect can be expressed by non-linear characteristics the effects are more
x = g*D or x = d*E correctly described by the equations
If x and D are assumed to be collinear,
differentiation of equation x = QE2ɛ2 will gives
δx = 2Qɛ2E δE
δx/δE = 2Qɛ2E, since D = ɛE, then
δx/δE = 2QɛD ≈2QɛP, from
D = ɛE = ɛ0E +P
and from the differential form of Eq. x = d*E
d* = δx/δE
d* = 2QɛP

AASTU Smart Materials and Applications

Smart Materials and Applications

The various coefficients which appear in After substituting for δD and δE from equation
electromechanical equations of state are not all δD=dδX+ɛXδE and δE=-gδX+δD/ɛX and from
independent. For example equation d/g=ɛX, that g=d/ɛX after a little
d/g = (δx/δE)X/( δx/δD)X = (δD/δE)X = ɛX manipulation it follows…
SD = SE(1- d2/SEɛX)
In similar way, e/h = ɛ and g/h = S D
SD = SE(1- K2) or
CD = CE(1- K2)
N:B if the material is not piezoelectric (K=0) then CD = CE or SD = SE
Electro-mechanical coupling coefficient
The electromechanical coupling coefficient (k) In a similar way, equating equation δE=-
is a measure of the ability of a piezoelectric gδX+δD/ɛX and δE=-hδX+δD/ɛx and substituting for
material to transform mechanical energy into equation δx = SDδX + gδD, it follows that.
electrical energy, and vice versa.
ɛx = ɛX(1-k2)
K2 = (W12)2/ (W1W2 )
Rearranging the above equation
Where W12 - piezoelectric energy
k2 = (ɛX - ɛx)/ ɛX or
W1 - electrical energy
k2 = ½[(E2ɛX - E2ɛx)/ E2ɛX]
W2 - piezoelectric energy
When an electric field is applied to an
unconstrained piezoelectric body then both
There are important relationships which follow
from the above equations of state. When a electrical and mechanical energies are stored. If
piezoelectric material is stressed, electrically or the body is mechanically clamped then only
mechanically, the developed energy densities electrical energy is stored.
are, from δD = dδX + ɛXδE and δx = SEδX + dδE
Equation k2 = ½[(E2ɛX - E2ɛx)/ E2ɛX] is the basis
½δDδE = ½[dδXδE + ɛX(δE)2] for definition of effective coupling coefficient
½δxδX = ½[SE(δX)2 + dδEδX] keff,
(keff)2 = input electrical energy converted into mechanical energy
input electrical energy
The terms involving (δE) and (δX) are the 2

electrical and mechanical energy densities, and
those involving δEδX the piezoelectric energy (keff)2 = input mechanical energy converted into electrical energy
input mechanical energy
densities. It follows equation K2 = (W12)2/ (W1W2 )
In practice the energy transfer electrical-to
K = [(dδXδEdδEδX/(SE(δX)2ɛX(δE)2)0.5] or
mechanical (or vice versa) occurs in a complex
K = d/(SEɛX)0.5
3-dimensional way. The strains caused by
The elastic compliance S, and stiffness C has applied electrical or mechanical stresses have
very different values depending upon whether components in three orthogonal directions
the electric field E within the material is piezoelectric material requiring description of
maintained at zero (short-circuited), or whether it’s effect in terms of tensors.
the electric displacement D remains constant Since the elastic compliance (S) and stiffness (C)
(open-circuited). Similarly the permittivity can are tensor properties, in general Cjk ≠ 1/Sjk, Since
Sjk = Skj and Cjk = Ckj then, only six terms (S11, S12, S13,
be measured with the specimen free to deform,
S33, S44, S66 or C11, C12, C13, C33, C44, C66) are needed
that is at constant stress ɛX, or in the clamped for poled ceramics. Of these six terms, S66 and
state, ɛx. Important relationships between SE and C66 are irrelevants because shear in the plane
SD (and between CE and CD) can be derived as perpendicular to the polar axis is produces no
follows. piezoelectric response.
Equating Eq δx = SEδX + dδE and δx = SDδX + gδD
SEδX + dδE = SDδX + gδD

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