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Impact of medias


It is a plural form of medium ,which describes any channel of communication

Types of medias;

1 social media(shared media)

2 web medias

3 news medias and other forms of medias

Role of media;

Media plays a significant role in our society today. It is all around us, from the
films we watch on television, the music we listen to on the radio, to the books
and magazines we read every day. Television achieves a myriad of different
goals, ranging from entertainment to education. Various norms of education
and entertainment are depicted on television. Without media, people in a
society would be isolated not only from the rest of the world, but from the
government, lawmakers and neighbouring towns and cities. Media has
always played a important role in our society.

Print Media

This type of news media used to be the only way of delivering information to the public.
For the generations of the 80s and 90s, print media was the only media of entertain.
People relied on newspapers and magazines to learn everything, from recipes and
entertainment news to important information about the country or the world. Print media

 Newspapers – printed and distributed on a daily or weekly basis. They include

news related to sports, politics, technology, science, local news, national news,
international news, birth notices, as well as entertainment news related to
fashion, celebrities, and movies. Today’s parents grew up with this type of printed
 Magazines – printed on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. It contains
information about finance, food, lifestyle, fashion, sports, etc.
 Books – focused on a particular topic or subject, giving the reader a chance to
spread their knowledge about their favorite topic.
Impact of medias

 Banners – used to advertise a company’s services and products, hung on easily-

noticed sights to attract people’s attention.
 Billboards – huge advertisements created with the help of computers. Their goal
is to attract people passing by.
 Brochures – a type of booklet that includes everything about one company – its
products, services, terms and conditions, contact details, address, etc. They are
either distributed with the newspapers or hand over to people.
 Flyers – used mostly by small companies due to the low cost of advertising.
They contain the basic information about a company, their name, logo, service or
product, and contact information, and they are distributed in public areas.

Broadcasting Media

Broadcasting media includes videos, audios, or written content that provides important
or entertaining information shared by different methods:

 Television – in the past, there were a few channels sharing various types of
content, whereas now we have hundreds of TV channels to choose from. Each
channel delivers a different type of content, so you have a separate channel for
news, drama, movies, sports, animation, nature, travel, politics, cartoon, and
religion. It’s the number one broadcasting media due to its reach to the audience.
 Radio – uses radio waves to transmit entertaining, informative, and educative
content to the public. Due to its high reach to the audience, radio is widely used
for advertising products and services. Radio is one of the oldest means of
entertainment, and today people often hear it to find out the weather and traffic
while commuting.
 Movies – film, motion picture, screenplay, moving picture, or movie has world-
wide reachability. It’s the best type of mass media to promote cultures and
spread social awareness. Movies have always played a huge part in the
entertainment world

Internet Media

Nowadays, we are relying on the Internet to get the news a lot more often than
traditional news sources. Websites provide information in the form of video, text, and
audio. We can even choose the way we want to receive the news. Types of Internet
media include:

 Social networks or websites – including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,

YouTube, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Quora, Reddit, Pinterest, etc. They are
user-friendly and widely used by people around the world. Although we can find
any news here, they may be misleading because of the lack of regulations on the
content shared.
Impact of medias

 Online forums - an online place where we can comment, message, or discuss

a particular topic. Forums allow us to share knowledge with other people with the
same interest. That’s why it’s regarded as the best platform to seek support and
 Podcast – a series of audios focused on a particular topic or theme. We can
listen to them on a computer or a mobile phone. It’s a platform that allows
anyone to share their knowledge and communicate with the world

The Media and its Function

We all know that mass communication is a process of sharing

messages to a large number of audiences through some forms of
technology at a time. And some forms of technology used to spread
messages is the media.


Sending and sharing of information is the major function of media.

Since information is knowledge and knowledge is power, media offer
authentic and timely facts and opinions about various event and
situations to mass audience as informative items


Media provides education and information. It provides education in

different subjects to people of in all levels. They try to educate people
directly or indirectly using different forms of content. Surveillance

means to watch the society closely. The function of mass media is to

observe the society closely and continuously and warn about
Impact of medias

threatening actions means to watch the society closely. The function of

mass media is to observe the society closely and continuously and warn
about threatening actions Interpretation

The mass media do not supply just facts and data but also explanations
and interpretation of events and situations. Media offer various
explanations correlating and interpreting information to make the
reality clear.


We use different types of media to find out news, learn new things, and
entertain ourselves. With the advance in technology, we can choose the type
of media we want to use, no matter the time or place.

So, we can hear the radio while driving to work, we can watch our favorite
show on our phone, and we can find out any information and news on our
laptop or mobile device, thanks to the Internet. Who knows where technology
can lead us in the future
Impact of medias



Chinese civilization is considered as one of the four oldest civilization with

more than 4000 years of continuous written history. the record of chinese
history date from 1250 BC.The ancient chinese civilization first developed in
the yellow river region of northern china and it is one of the long lasting
civilization in the world.chinese language is almost 6000 years, which is
popularly known as MANDARIN CHINESE and the hardest language in
present world. Ancient China is responsible for a rich culture, still
evident in modern China. From small farming communities rose
dynasties such as the Zhou (1046-256 B.C.E), Qin (221-206 B.C.E),
and Ming (1368-1644 C.E.). Each had its own contribution to the
region. During the Zhou Dynasty, for example, writing was
standardized, iron working refined. Papermaking, printing, gunpowder and the
compass - the four great inventions of ancient China-are significant contributions of the
the Ming
Chinese nation to world civilization. China was the first nation to invent paper.
Dynasty refurbished the Great Wall to protect the nation from Mongol
10,000-2,000 BCE

Neolithic Cultures

2100-1600 BCE

Xia (Hsia) Dynasty

ca. 1600-1050 BCE

Shang Dynasty

1046-256 BCE

Zhou (Chou, pronounced "Joe") Dynasty

Western Zhou (ca. 1046-771 BCE)

Impact of medias

Eastern Zhou (ca. 771-256 BCE)

221-206 BCE

Qin (Ch'in, pronounced "chin") Dynasty/

206 BCE-220 CE

Han Dynasty

Western/Former Han (206 BCE-9 CE)

Eastern/Later Han (25-220 CE)

220-589 CE

Six Dynasties Period

Three Kingdoms (220-265 CE)
Jin Dynasty (265-420 CE)
Period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386-589 CE)

581-618 CE

Sui (pronounced "sway") Dynasty

618-906 CE

Tang Dynasty

907-960 CE

Five Dynasties Period


Song (Sung) Dynasty

Northern Song (960-1127)

Southern Song (1127-1279)


Yuan Dynasty


Ming Dynasty
Impact of medias


Qing (Ch'ing) Dynasty


Republic Period


People's Republic of China


Shi Huangdi thus established the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE) which is also known as the Imperial Era in
China. The Great Wall of China was begun under his rule. It stretched for over 5,000 kilometres (3,000
miles) across hill and plain, from the boundaries of Korea in the east to the troublesome Ordos Desert in
the west. Shi Huangdi also expanded the boundaries of his empire, built the Grand Canal in the south,
redistributed land and, initially, was a fair and just ruler.. A number of them were detected; tradition
says that many of them were sent to labor on the Great Wall, and that four hundred and sixty were put
to death. Nevertheless some of the literati memorized the complete works of Confucius and passed
them on by word of mouth to equal memories. (Durant, 697). Shortly after Shi Huangdi’ s death, the Qin
Dynasty quickly collapsed through the intrigue and ineptitude of people like Hu-Hai, Li Siu, and another
advisor, Zhao Gao, and the Han Dynasty began with the accession of Liu-Bang.


. Trade with the west began during this time and arts and technology increased in sophistication. The
Han are considered the first dynasty to write their history down The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of
Medicine, China’s earliest written record on medicine was codified during the Han Dynasty Paper was
invented at this time and writing became more sophisticated.He reduced taxes and disbanded his army
who, nevertheless, rallied without delay when called upon. After his death in 195 BCE, the crown prince
Liu Ying succeeded him and continued his policies. He sent his emissary Zhang Qian to the west in 138
BCE which resulted in the official opening of the Silk Road in 130 BCE. He also reformed transportation,
roads, and trade and decreed many other public projects, employing millions as state workers in these

Chinese Writing: developed much later in the Chinese civilization than in their ancient counterparts. A.
Rooted in Shang Religion B. Kings were high priests and wanted questions answered of the gods, in the
form of oracle bones. C. Had thousands of phonetic values‐pictographic in nature. D. The most complex
system in the ancient world. E. Will later be simplified and made accessible to all Chinese. F. Spread
throughout the Oriental world. G. Important to have a unified script with hopes of political unification.

Chinese culture:

Arose during the late chaos years of the Zhou B. These thinkers unlike Zoroaster, Buddha, and the
Hindu clerics were more religious than secular; the Chinese philosophers were secular in nature.
Dealing with the basic questions of how people could live the happiest most productive lives. C. Key
Impact of medias

area: Political development, they sought universal rules for social and political conduct as well as the
economic problems that go with it. D. Branches of Thought: Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism


Qing dynasty is one of the important dynasty as it was the last dynasty in chinese civilization. Under the
Qing dynasty the territory of the Chinese empire expanded greatly, and the population grew from some 150
million to 450 million. Many of the non-Chinese minorities within the empire were Sinicized, and an integrated
national economy was established. here was a large favorable trade balance with the West and the resulting
inflow of silver expanded the money supply facilitating growth The Qing maintained a Ming-era political
system. By not changing too much too fast, they were able to maintain Chinese unity. Under this political system, the
emperor ruled over the Grand Secretariat (administrative office), which coordinated multiple imperial ministries. major
contributing factor to the downfall of the Qing dynasty was European imperialism and China's gross
miscalculation of the power and ruthlessness of the British crown. all the efforts at reform or self-strengthening had
failed. Over the long haul, the late Qing had laid the foundation for modern China.finally overthrone in 1912.

Rise of sun yat sen:

Sun is considered to be one of the greatest leaders of modern China, but his political life was one of constant
struggle and frequent exile. the 3 principles beliefs of Sun Yat-sen are nationalism ,democracy,and the livelihood
of the people. When the Revolution of October 10, 1911, broke out, Sun was in the United States drumming up
support for his revolution. The revolution turned out to be more of a collapse of the Qing government than a
real revolution During the next six weeks, all provinces except Zhili, Honan, Shandong and three Manchurian
provinces declared their independence from the Qing government in Beijing. Sun Yatsen returned to Nanjing
and was installed as a provisional president on January 1, 1912.during the rise of sun yat sen , The Chinese
Communist Party was founded on 23 July 1921 in Shanghai, at the 1st National Congress of the CCP.

Rise of cpc:

Support for the CCP continued to grow throughout the Second Sino-Japanese War, and after the Japanese
surrender in 1945, the CCP emerged triumphant in the communist revolution against the KMT government. After
the retreat of KMT to Taiwan the CCP established the People's Republic of China on 1 October 1949.

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