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Family lesson: How children learn social behavior

The type of family child come from is < important < love and sp at home
3 ways child acquire bhv: reward, punishment, modeling
- Reward:
o possible reinforcement 4 gud bhv
o Ex: Eat veges -> ice cream, finish hw -> watch tv
o Most parents use rw unconciously cuz they want child bhv well (a gift,
- Punishment:
o The second important way in which a child is sclize
o All of us be punished in life: Ex: Stop us -> with friends cuz we did sth
wrong; bad grade -> no TV
- Both rw and pnm are controversial (not effective or neccesary, esp use often)
o Ex: a, if take out garbage -> cookies (not neccesary, it’s his duty -> no
rw for doing sth that his responsibility) b, take out the trash now - okay
o Pnm is extremely controversial, esp physical
o Ex: parent hit on hands when we talk back to them -> don’t agree
o Some children are subject to serious physical abuse
o 1/22 child is phs abuse victim
o Child come from home use violent to solve problem are > likely to phs
abuse their child when they become adult
- Modeling
o Learn bhv by fl ex
o The most pwful way child learn social skills
o Child look for who they admire to copy
o Child first role model their parent: set gud ex by showing child the kind
of bhv they expect
o Ex: A boy like to study cuz his mother study with him -> he learn his
mom bhv
o Say not do wat I do, do wat I tell -> Not work
o Other fml mems and friends r also model, teacher, and society
o Many ppl don’t rlize their impact on child
 Many parents worry bout (-) lessons child can learn (other child, tv)
o 80% tv prog contain violent bhv
- Most important thing 4 child is to grow up in evrm with fair rules, clearly esta,
followed by everyone
- Child know wat expectation r -> easier to acquire gud bhv
- Is loved, good model -> grow in a healthy way

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