Narrative Format For SL 1

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Narrative Report for Skills Lab

Demonstration in NCM Fundamentals

of Nursing Practice - (NCM 103 L)

Submitted by:
Fatalla, Mhae Angela
BSN 1207
AY 2022 - 2023

Presented to:


Skills Lab Instructor

I. From Theory to Practice

Nursing theories are intellectual frameworks that guide and explain what nursing is, what
nurses do, and why they do it. It enables a more precise and specific explanation of nursing.
Nursing theories have a significant influence on nursing practice. This method helps nurses
understand their patients' needs and provide the best care possible. These ideas can assist
nurses give care that efficiently improves patient outcomes by studying and comprehending
the nursing, patient, environment, and health. To strengthen their clinical skills, nursing
students should begin implementing these theories as soon as possible, for example, by return
demonstration. During my return demonstration, I applied these nursing theories.

Nursing, according to Florence Nightingale's Environmental Theory, is defined as "the act of

utilizing the patient's environment to assist him in his recovery" (NurseLab). Aside from
prepping the client, it is also critical to prepare the setting so that the client is at ease during all
assessments and procedures. Nightingale highlights how the client's condition is affected by
the environment, thus as future nurses, we should always prioritize their condition. Before
beginning the procedure, I always ensure that my client has privacy and a comfortable
environment in my return demonstration.

According to Hildegard Peplau, nursing is an important therapeutic and interpersonal process.

She is most recognized for her contributions to the Theory of Interpersonal Relations, which
emphasizes the importance of the nurse-client relationship as the foundation of nursing care
practice (NurseLab). This idea is critical in every nursing procedure since the nurse and client
must establish a trusting relationship. This method was applied in my return demonstration by
introducing myself and explaining the procedure to the client, as well as discussing how the
outcome will be used to lessen the patient's anxiety and create rapport. The client will be able
to collaborate during the assessment as a result of gaining trust in the nurse.
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
 Confidence  Forgetful  Assisting in a  Academic stress
 Able to  Nervous medical volunteer  Family
communicate  Time management program problems
properly to  Anxious  Practicing skills  Peer pressure
others  Less eye contact in a clinical  Environment
 Efficiently  Stuttering settings  Laziness
perform under  Fidgeting while  Continuing  Lack of
pressure reciting education for availability of
 Ability to  Easily distracted advanced nursing equipment
demonstrate in  Doing wrong  Watching an  Emotional state
a short period actions actual  Financial
of time  Can’t manage my demonstration  Lack of
 Critical- time properly  Working in a confidence
thinking clinic as a student  Lack of
 Alertness nurse understanding
 Active listening  Participate in a
 Multitasking medical seminar
 Develops to gain
observation knowledge that
skills would help in
 Teamwork enhancing skills
 Join a team
building works to
 Efficiently
managing time
 Asking for
 Creating a study
habit or

III. Time Management Scheme (Before Return Demonstration)

Academic Completion Time allotted Measures Rendered Status Reason/s

Tasks Date/ for (for N/A)
Deadline Completion

August 23. 3 days  Review the power

Immediate 2023 point presentation and
Care of the create a table
newborn: containing the
checklist, rationale
Care (Unang and action.
Yakap)  Memorize the
checklist, its rationale
and actions.
 Watch return
demonstration videos
on Youtube to learn
how to do the
 Recalled the steps and
practice on how to
execute the immediate
care of the newborn
 Performed the return
demonstration in front
of the clinical

IV. Time Management Scheme (After Return Demonstration)

Academic Completion Time allotted Measures Rendered Status Reason

Tasks Date/ for (Write A if /s (for
Deadline Completion
Accomplish N/A)
ed tasks
Write N/A if

Learning October 6, 4 days I started writing my

Feedback 2023 learning feedback
Journal journal days after I’ve
performed the return
demonstration. I
included my experience
during my return A
demonstration along
with my preparation for
every retdem and also
my clinical instructor’s

Narrative October 2 days After finishing my lfj, I

Report started working on my
narrative report. I
included my learning
strategies, and my
preparation before
return demonstration A
and also a
documentation of the
procedure then I submit
it on the google drive.

V. Learning Strategies

The first thing I usually do is develop or create a table that includes all the steps, rationales, and actions or
spills that I will say and perform during the return demonstration. This technique is effective, and I can
easily remember the steps. Another thing I do is that in each step, I imprint a word in my mind so that I can
quickly recall the subsequent steps. After memorizing the checklist, I watched videos on YouTube to
familiarize myself with what to do and how to carry out the procedure. This is to ensure that I follow the
proper method when performing the return demonstration. Finally, I practice so that I am not confused
during the demonstration and have an excellent performance during the retdem.

VI. Photo documentation

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