BE.01.10 Series - Parallel Resistive Circuits Instructor Lab

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TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Provided cables, connectors, Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment, tools and a unit under test; test ground electronics equipment, per the references. (2800ACT-1303) Given a faulty electronic device, Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment and tools, diagnose basic electronic circuits, per the references. (2800-ACT-1305)


ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1. Without the aid of references, select the statement that identifies a characteristic of DC power in a series/parallel resistive circuit configuration, per the references. (2800-ACT1305bf) Without the aid of references, select the statement that identifies the characteristics of a series/parallel resistive circuit, per the references. (2800-ACT-1303s) Without the aid of references, given a series/parallel resistive circuit schematic and specified parameters, select the statement that identifies the unknown circuit parameter, per the references. (2800-ACT-1303q) Without the aid of references, given a series/parallel resistive electronic DC circuit, Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE), and references, connect the TMDE to the circuit to be tested, per the references. (2800-ACT-1303b) Without the aid of references, given a series/parallel resistive test circuit, Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE), and references, adjust the TMDE to display a recorded measurement, per the references. (2800-ACT-1303c) Without the aid of references, given a series/parallel resistive DC test circuit, Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE), and references, record specified circuit parameters, per the references. (2800-ACT-1303d)






STUDENT INFORMATION: 1. Ensure that you have the primary references and Student


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Handout SH BE.01 2. You will be responsible for the learning objectives. Ensure that you understand all the information contained in the Student Handout. This will be accomplished by studying your notes, reading the references, and completing the assigned homework. The learning objectives will be tested by the BE.01 Performance Examination and the BE.01 Written Examination. Complete the practical application portion of this handout. If you need extra help, ask!

3. 4.

STUDENT HANDOUT PRESENTATION: During this lab you will be using the DC FUNDAMENTALS BOARD also known as board 1


RESISTANCE IN A SERIES/PARALLEL RESISTIVE CIRCUIT: A. Ensure that the Base Unit Power Source is turned on. Ensure that the DC FUNDAMENTALS Circuit Board is inserted into the base unit. Do no connect the Power Supply to the circuit at this time. B. B. Locate the SERIES/PARALLEL CIRCUIT block (refer to Figure 10-01).


Figure 10-01 Setup the multimeter to measure resistance. Measure and record the resistive values listed by placing the test leads across the indicated components.


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1. 2. 3. D.

R1 = _330 _____ R2 = _1.2k ____ R3 = _2.4k ____

Remove the Ohmmeter from the circuit. Insert two (2) two-post connectors into the two-post test points above R2 and R3. Measure and record the equivalent resistance (REQ) of the parallel configuration of R2||R3 by placing the red test lead into the test point that is closest to the top of one of the resistors and the black test lead into the test point that is closest to the bottom of one of the resistors. 4. REQ = _800 _____


Measure and record the total circuit resistance by placing the red test lead into the test point closest to the top of R1 and the black test lead into the test point closest to the bottom of either R2 or R3. 5. RT = _1.183k __


Remove the two-post connectors from the circuit. Click on the right arrow to advance to the next screen. You will notice that the CM light has turned on which indicates that CM-12 has been activated. Use the Ohmmeter to measure and record the indicated resistive values. 6. 7. 8. R1 = _330 _____ R2 = _831 _____ R3 = _2.4k ____


Remove the Ohmmeter from the circuit. Insert two (2) two-post connectors into the two-post test points above R2 and R3. Measure and record the equivalent resistance (REQ) of the parallel configuration of R2||R3 as before. 9. REQ = _617.17 __


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Measure and record the total circuit resistance as before. 10. 11. RT = _937 _____ Which resistor has been changed? R1 / R2 / R3 12. Did the value of this component increase or decrease? Increase / Decrease


Click on the right arrow to advance to the next screen. Note that the CM light has turned on which indicates that CM-13 has been activated. Remove the two (2) two-post connectors from the circuit. Measure and record the indicated resistive values. 13. 14. 15. R1 = _1.33k ___ R2 = _1.2k ____ R3 = _2.4k ____


Remove the Ohmmeter from the circuit. Insert two (2) two-post connectors into the two-post test points above R2 and R3. Measure and record the indicated resistive values. 16. 17. 18. REQ = _800 _____ RT = _2.112k __ Which component changed from its original measured value? R1 / R 2 / R 3 19. Did the value of that component increase or decrease? Increase / Decrease


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Click on the right arrow to advance to the review questions. Answer these questions on the screen as well as in this Lab Workbook. 1. A series/parallel resistive circuit is __________. a. b. c. d. made up of series and parallel components connected together a group of series circuits and parallel circuits connected together made up of series and parallel circuits connected together all of the above


To find total resistance in a series/parallel resistive circuit, reduce the __________. a. b. c. parallel resistances to an equivalent value and add it to the value of the series components series components to an equivalent value and add it to the resistors in the parallel branches. parallel resistances to an equivalent value and use the product-over-the-sum method with the series resistors series resistors to an equivalent value and use the reciprocal method with the series components



What would cause the actual measured value of total circuit resistance to vary from the calculated value? a. b. c. The tolerance of the multimeter The tolerance of the circuit components. An uncalibrated Ohmmeter.


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d. All of the above If three 10k resistors were connected together to form a series/parallel circuit, the total resistance of the circuit would be __________. a. b. c. d. 30k 15k 10k 5k


If total resistance increased by 226 and R1 in the SERIES/PARALLEL CIRCUIT depicted here remained the same, the change in the circuit which caused this is __________. a. b. c. d. a 200 resistor was placed in series with R2 a 770 resistor was placed in series with R1 a 4.7k resistor was placed in series with R3 a 7k resistor was added to the parallel branch


VOLTAGE IN A SERIES/PARALLEL RESISTIVE CIRCUIT: A. Setup the multimeter to measure DC Voltage. Locate the SERIES/PARALLEL Circuit Block and insert a twopost connector into the two-post test points between the top of the power supply and R1. Insert two (2) two-post connectors into the two-post test points at the bottom of R1 between R2 and R3. Measure and record the indicated voltage drops (observe polarity).


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

VR1 = _4.38VDC__ VR2 = _10.62VDC_ VR3 = _10.62VDC_ VA = _15VDC____ Does the applied voltage equal the value of the VR1 + (VR2||VR3)? Yes / No


Click on the right arrow to advance to the next screen. Note that the CM light has turned on indicating that CM-12 has been activated. Measure and record the indicated values. 6. 7. 8. 9. VR1 = _5.23VDC__ VR2 = _9.77VDC__ VR3 = _9.77VDC__ VA = _15VDC____


Click on the right arrow to advance to the next screen. Note that the CM light is on, indicating that CM-13 has been activated. Measure and record the indicated voltage values. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. VR1 = _9.34VDC__ VR2 = _5.66VDC__ VR3 = _5.66VDC__ VA = _15VDC____ Based on the voltage measurements taken, which components resistive value has changed? R1 / R2 / R3


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Did the value of that component increase or decrease? Increase / Decrease

Click on the right arrow to advance to the review questions. Answer these questions on the screen as well as in this Lab Workbook. 1. Which variation of the Ohms law equation is used to find voltage in a circuit? a. b. c. d. E = I/R E = IR E = R/I E = E/RI

2. In a series/parallel circuit consisting of three equal 5k resistors, the voltage drop is __________. a. b. c. d. greatest across the parallel branches greatest across the series resistors equal across all components none of the above

3. What information is needed to calculate the voltage drop across the parallel branch of a series/parallel circuit? a. Total circuit current and equivalent resistance
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b. c. d.

Equivalent resistance Applied voltage

None of the above 4. For the depicted circuit the effect on the circuit if R3 were shorted would be __________. a. VR1 decreasing b. VR2 increasing c. VREQ increasing d. VR1 equaling VA

5. On the SERIES/PARALLEL CIRCUIT BLOCK, if RT decreased by 183 and R1 stayed the same, the modification that was made to the circuit would have to be __________. a. A 600 resistor was placed in series with R1 b. A 1k resistor was placed in parallel with R1 c. A 2.7k resistor
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was placed in parallel with R2 d. A 4.7k resistor was placed in parallel with R3

III. CURRENT IN A SERIES/PARALLEL RESISTIVE CIRCUIT: A. Make sure that there is nothing plugged into the circuit at this time. Setup the multimeter to measure DC Voltage. Measure and record the applied voltage by placing the red test lead into the test point that is closest to the bottom of the power supply (observe polarity), and the black test lead into the test point closest to the top of the power supply. 1. B. VA = _15VDC____

Remove the Voltmeter from the circuit and configure it to measure DC Current. Insert a two-post connector into the two-post test points between the top of the power supply and resistor R1. Insert a second two-post connector into the two-post test points between the bottom or R1 and the top of R3. Measure and record the branch current flowing through R2 by inserting the test leads into the two-post test points at the junction between R2 and R1. 2. IR2 = _8.85mA___


Remove the Ammeter from the circuit and replace it with a two post connector. Remove the two-post connector from the two-post test points between the bottom or R1 and the top of R3. Insert the Ammeter leads into these test points (observe polarity). Measure and record the current flowing through R3. 3. IR3 = _4.43mA___


Remove the test leads from the circuit and replace them with a two-post connector. Remove the two-post


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connector from the top of the power supply and insert the test leads into this location. Measure and record total current flowing through the circuit. 4. 1. IT = _13.28mA__ Did total current equal the sum of the branch currents? Yes / No E. Click on the right arrow to advance to the next screen. Note that the CM light has turned on indicating that CM-12 has been activated. Measure and record total current flowing through the circuit now. 6. F. IT = _15.83mA__

Remove the test leads from the circuit and replace them with a two-post connector. Remove the two-post connector from the two-post test points between the bottom of R1 and the top of R2. Replace it with the test leads (observe polarity). Measure and record the current flowing through R2. 7. IR2 = _11.76mA__


Remove the test leads from the circuit and replace them with a two-post connector. Remove the two-post connector from the two-post test points between R1 and R3 and replace it with the test leads (observe polarity). Measure and record the current flowing through R3. 8. 9. IR3 = _4.07mA___ Does IT still equal the sum of all branch currents, despite the change in total current? Yes / No


Click on the right arrow to advance to the next screen. Notice that the CM light has turned on again indicating that CM-13 has become activated. Measure and record the current flowing through R3 at this time.


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10. I.

IR3 = _2.35mA___

Remove the test leads from the circuit and replace them with a two-post connector. Remove the two-post connector from the two-post test points between R1 and R2 and replace it with the test leads (observe polarity). Measure and record the current flowing through R2 at this time. 11. IR2 = _4.7mA____


Remove the test leads from the circuit and replace them with a two-post connector. Remove the two-post connector from the top of the power supply and insert the test leads into this location (observe polarity). Measure and record total current flowing through the circuit. 12. IT = _7.05mA___

Click on the right arrow to advance to the review questions. Answer these questions on the screen as well as in this Lab Workbook. 1. Current flow in a series/parallel circuit __________. a. b. is determined by the total circuit resistance and applied voltage is determined by the resistors in each parallel branch c. divides in each series circuit

d. equals the sum of the current in each circuit component


In a series/parallel resistive circuit, what would cause one branch of the parallel portion of the circuit to have a lower current flowing through it than another branch in the same circuit?


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a. b. c. d.

a higher resistance. a lower resistance. an increase in current in one leg. all branches have equal current flow.


In the circuit depicted here, if R3 were shorted IT would __________. a. b. c. d. remain the same decrease increase not flow

4. In the circuit depicted here, if R2 were open IT would __________. a. b. c. d. remain the same increase decrease vary


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In the circuit depicted here, if RT decreased by 800 the cause of the modification would be __________. a. a 10 resistor being placed in parallel with R3 a 1K resistor being placed in series with R1 R3 shorting R2 opening


c. d.


POWER IN A SERIES/PARALLEL CIRCUIT: A. Locate the SERIES/PARALLEL CIRCUIT Block (refer to Figure 10-01). Remove the test leads and all two-post connectors from the circuit. Setup the multimeter to measure resistance. Measure and record the indicated resistances by following the same procedures as before. 1. 2. 3. B. R1 = _330 _____ R2 = _1.2k ____ R3 = _2.4k ____

Insert two (2) two-post connectors into the two-post


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test points between R2 and R3. Measure and record the equivalent resistance of the two parallel branches. 4. C. REQ = _800 _____

Reinsert the test leads in the circuit so that total resistance can be measured. Record the value of RT in the space provided. 5. RT = _1.13k ___


Remove the test leads from the circuit and reconfigure the multimeter to measure DC Voltage. Insert a twopost connector into the two-post test points at the top of the power supply so that the circuit can be energized. Measure and record the indicated voltages. 6. 7. 8. 9. VA = _15VDC____ VR1 = _4.35VDC__ VR2 = _10.65VDC_ VR3 = _10.65VDC_


Using the measured values of resistance and voltage just taken, calculate the indicated power dissipation. 10. 11. 12. 13. PR1 = _57.34mW__ PR2 = _94.52mW__ PR3 = _47.26mW__ PT = _199.1mW__


Setup the multimeter to measure DC Current. Remove the two-post connector from the two-post test points at the top of the power supply. Measure and record total current flowing through the circuit. 14. IT = _13.28mA__


Using the measured value of total current and the applied voltage, calculate the total power dissipated in this series/parallel circuit.


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15. 16.

PT = _199.1mW__ Did the total power calculated by using the measured values of IT and VA equal the sum of the power dissipation found by taking the sum of the individual component values? Yes / No


Remove the test leads and all two-post connectors from the circuit. There are no review questions for this section, continue on to the next section.


POWER DISSIPATION: A. Locate the POWER CIRCUIT Block (refer to Figure 10-02). R1 in the circuit is going to be viewed as the internal resistance of the power source. Resistors R2 and R3 together are going to be viewed as the load for this circuit. Place switch S1 into position A.

Figure 10-02 B. Insert two (2) two-post connectors into the two-post test points above resistors R2 and R3. Setup the multimeter to measure resistance. Measure and record total circuit resistance by placing the red test lead into the test point closest to the left of R1 and the black test lead into the test point closest to the bottom or R2 and R3. 17.

RT = _2K ______
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Remove the Ohmmeter from the circuit and set it up to measure DC Voltage. Insert a two-post connector into the two-post test points closest to the top of the power supply. Measure and record the applied voltage in this circuit by placing the red test lead into the test point closest to the bottom of the power supply and the black test lead into the test point closest to the top of the power supply (observe polarity). 18. VA = _15VDC____ Measure and record the voltage drop across the load by placing the red test lead into the test point closest to the right side of R1 and the black test lead into the test point closest to the bottom of resistors R2 and R3. 19. VRL = _7.5VDC___



Remove the Voltmeter from the circuit and configure it to measure DC Current. Remove the two-post connector from the two-post test points at the top of the power supply and replace it with the test leads (observe polarity) in order to measure total current. 20. IT = _7.5mA____


Using the measured values and the variations of the power equation, calculate the indicated power values. 21. 22. 23. PT = _112.5mW__ PR1 = _56.25mW__ PRL = _56.25mW__


Remove R3 from the circuit by removing the two-post connector from the top of that branch. Setup the multimeter to measure resistance. Measure and record total circuit resistance as before. 24. RT = _3K ______


Remove the Ohmmeter from the circuit and set it up to measure DC Voltage. Insert a two-post connector into the two-post test points above the power supply. Measure and record the indicated values as before.


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25. 26. I.

VA = _15VDC____ VRL = _10VDC____

Remove the Voltmeter from the circuit and reconfigure it to measure DC Current. Remove the two-post connector from the top of the power supply and replace it with the test leads (observe polarity). Measure and record total circuit current. 27. IT = _5mA______


Using the values you just took; calculate the indicated power dissipation of the indicated components. 28. 29. 30. PT = _75mW_____ PR1 = _25mW_____ PRL = _50mW_____


Click on the right arrow to advance to the next screen. Note that the CM has turned on which indicates that CM-16 has been activated. Setup the multimeter to measure resistance. Re-add R3 into the circuit by reinserting a two-post connector into the two-post test points above that resistor. Measure and record total circuit resistance. 31. RT = _1.5k _____


Remove the Ohmmeter from the circuit and set it up to measure DC Voltage. Insert a two-post connector into the two-post test point at the top of the power supply. Measure and record the indicated voltages as before. 32. 33. VA = _15VDC____ VRL = _5VDC_____


Remove the Voltmeter from the circuit and reconfigure it to measure DC Current. Remove the two-post connector from the top of the power supply and replace it with the test leads (observe polarity). Measure


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and record total circuit current. 34. IT = _10mA_____ N. Analyze the three groups of readings. Perform all necessary calculations and complete the chart following. Use the three groups of readings that were obtained starting with question #17 in this section to complete the chart. RT ( ) 1.5k 2k 3k 35. RL ( ) 500 1k 2k IL (mA) 10mA 7.5mA 5mA VL (VDC) 5VDC 7.5VDC 10VDC PRL(mW) 50mW 56.25mW 50mW

Based on the chart, which load condition provides the most output power? a. b. c. When RL is less than the internal resistance When RL is equal to the internal resistance When RL is greater than the internal resistance

Click on the right arrow to advance to the review questions. Answer these questions on the screen as well as in this Lab Workbook.


The total power in a series/parallel circuit is __________. a. b. c. determined by the total circuit resistance determined by the resistors in each parallel branch determined by the resistors in each series portion


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equal to the sum of the power dissipated in each parallel branch


The total power in a series/parallel circuit with a voltage source of 30VDC, a current of 20mA in the series components, and a current of 10mA in each of the two parallel branches is __________. a. b. c. d. 1.5W 1.2W 900mW 600mW


To determine total power in a three branch parallel circuit, __________. a. b. c. d. use the product-over-the-sum method add individual branch powers use the formula P = E/R multiply the equivalent resistance by the applied voltage


On the POWER CIRCUIT Block, total resistance increases by 470 and total power R1 dissipated equals 91.05mW. Which of the following conditions would cause this?
R4 +


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a. b. c. 5.

A 240 resistor is added in series with R1. A 240 resistor is added in parallel with R1. A 470 resistor is added in series with R4.

d. A 470 resistor is added in parallel with R4. Based on the chart you completed at the end of exercise 5, maximum power is transferred to the load when __________. a. b. c. d. load voltage is greater than the voltage drop of the internal resistance load voltage is equal to the voltage drop of the internal resistance load voltage is less than the voltage drop of the internal resistance the voltage of the internal resistor is greater than load voltage


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CONCLUSIONS: 1. All rules for series circuits will be used for the series portions of a series/parallel circuit. 2. All rules for parallel circuits will be used for the parallel portions of a series/parallel circuit. 3. Total resistance is equal to the sum of all series resistors plus the equivalent resistances. 4. Total current flows through series components in a series parallel circuit. 5. branch resistors. 6. Total current is divided amongst all Total power is additive in all circuits.

7. Maximum power transfer occurs when load resistance equals source resistance.


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REFERENCES: 2. 3. 4. 5. Operator Manual: Fluke 77/BN Basic Electronics (9th Edition) Introductory Electric Circuits, Robert T. Paynter WinFACET, Lab-Volt Systems Inc.




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TITLE: __________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ________________________ DATE: ______________ MODIFIED BY: _P.A.DEDEAUX__________ DATE: _07/10/2007___ APPROVED BY: ____________________________________________ TITLE: __________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ________________________ DATE: ______________


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