Part OneFormative

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Part One – Summary

What to do:

(1) Read the sentences below.

(2) Fill in the missing words. Choose your words from the Word Box below.

The poet begins by describing the _______________ for the events of the poem: it is a

______________ night on the purple moor and a highwayman rides towards an old inn. The

poet then describes the highwayman’s ________________________ in detail for the reader:

he is wearing a French cocked hat, a red _______________ jacket, brown doe-skin

_________________and thigh high leather riding ______________. He is armed with a long,

thin sword called a rapier and he has two pistols which sparkle with __________________ in

the moonlight.

The poet then describes what the highwayman is doing: he taps with his whip on the

________________________ but they are closed so he whistles a _________________ to

the window. An attractive young woman called Bess appears at the window. She is the

landlord’s _______________________ and she is in love with the highwayman.

However, in the doorway of the stables nearby, a young man called Tim is watching

and listening. Tim is in love with Bess but she does not have feelings for him. His eyes are

described as “hollows of __________________” and his hair is “like ___________________

hay”. Tim hears the highwayman ask Bess for a kiss and he tells her he will be back to see

her the next night. Then, the highwayman gallops away to the ______________________.

WORD BOX: Use each word only once.

madness daughter velvet setting shutters

tune mouldy trousers west

appearance windy jewels boots

Part One – Summary


What to do:

(1) Read the sentences below.

(2) Use your own words, adding more sentences of your own to explain what happens.

 The poet begins by describing … … …

 Then, he describes the highwayman’s appearance. He is … … …

 The highwayman taps … … …

 In the doorway of some stables nearby, a young man called … … …

 Tim is in love with Bess but she does not love him because … … …

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