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One hot summer’s day, a fox was strolling through the wood till his steps
was stopped by a bunch of grapes that just ripening. However, the grapes
were hanging from a high vine that was trained over a lofty branch. “Oh,
look at that, a bunch of juicy grapes to quench a thirsty fox,” said the fox to

Without waiting any longer, he drew back a few paces, took a run, and
then jumped as high as he could into the air, but he just missed the bunch
of tasty-looking fruit. Not giving up, he turned round again, “Ok, I’ll get
you this times my juicy grapes.” He counted to three and jumped, yet it
came with no greater success. He tried again and again, but it was all in
vain and they were just out of his reach.

At last he had to give it up, “Oh, well” he thought. “I thought those grapes
were ripe, but I quite sure they are probably sour anyway.” He walked
away with his nose in the air leaving those grapes.


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