Ashrae: The Importance

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ASHRAE 90.1’s
minimum building
energy requirements
could be amended

44 APRIL 2022

SHRAE 90.1, “Energy Standard Commercial Provisions allows compliance
for Buildings Except Low-Rise with the applicable sections of IECC or
Residential Buildings,” is refer- ASHRAE 90.1. If not explicitly stated in a local
enced in the International Code amendment to IECC, the version of ASHRAE
Council®’s International Energy Conserva- 90.1 to be followed is contained in Chapter
tion Code,® International Green Construction 6-Referenced Standards of the Commercial
Code® and International Mechanical Code.® Provisions. IgCC, Chapter 11-Normative Refer-
A new roofing project may need to meet ences contains the version of ASHRAE 90.1
ASHRAE 90.1 requirements if the building to follow. The International Building Code®
is located within a jurisdiction that enforces and the International Existing Building Code®
IECC or IgCC or has adopted ASHRAE 90.1 require roof system replacements to comply
as the local energy code. The local building with IECC.
department where a project is located can pro- Because ASHRAE 90.1 affects roof systems,
vide the current adopted energy code and any you should be aware of recent ASHRAE 90.1
local amendments. activity and updates.
If a local jurisdiction has adopted
IECC in its entirety, Chapter Background
4-Commercial Energy
ASHRAE 90.1 provides minimum energy-
Efficiency of the
efficient requirements for the design and
construction of new and existing commercial
buildings, as well as additions to existing com-
mercial buildings. The standard also provides
requirements for the plan and operation of


If you have an interest in participating
in ASHRAE through the public review
process, would like to see what ASHRAE has The process
available for public review and comment,
The standard’s current edition was published
or view addenda to current ASHRAE
in October 2019 and is due for an update this
standards, go to
year. The 2019 version is referenced in IECC 2021,
and ASHRAE 90.1-2016 is referenced in IECC 2018.
As previously stated, local jurisdictions also may elect
to adopt the most current version of the standard before
it is adopted in the IECC in which it is referenced. Local
jurisdictions also may adopt other versions of ASHRAE
90.1 in lieu of the version referenced in the adopted IECC.
new systems and
The ASHRAE 90.1 update process is similar to the
equipment in new com-
I-Codes process. Both go through a public review and
mercial buildings, existing buildings
comment period and have voting members approve dif-
and additions to existing buildings.
ferent documents. The I-Codes, with exception of the
Specifically, the standard requires an operating
IECC, are reviewed by a committee of about 15 members
manual and maintenance manual be provided (com-
with final approval voted on by ICC’s governmental
monly by the design professional or installing contrac-
members (code officials) from throughout the U.S.
tor) to the building owner or designated representative
Forty to 50 committee members approve ASHRAE
within 90 days of acceptance of the building envelope,
90.1 for publication. The I-Codes are updated and modi-
which includes the roof system. The manual must clearly
fied every three years, which is the only time changes
identify any required routine maintenance. In addition,
may be submitted. ASHRAE 90.1 also is published every
a signed and dated insulation document is required that
three years and ahead of the associated I-Codes.
provides the insulation type, manufacturer, manufac-
ASHRAE 90.1 is a continual-maintenance document,
turer’s rated R-value and installed thickness.
which means it can be revised or updated at any time.
But whether the maintenance manual and insulation
A proposed change to the standard may be submitted
document outlined in ASHRAE 90.1 are required for a between publication dates. If approved, the change is
roof system replacement when no other work is per- published as an addendum that immediately can be
formed on a building envelope is unclear, and the current adopted by a jurisdiction as a mandatory requirement.
standard does not define roof system replacement. Then, at the next publication date, all approved addenda
ASHRAE 90.1 also provides criteria for determining since the previous publication date are automatically
compliance with its requirements. For example, a new incorporated into the new published standard.
roof system used as a component of a building envelope’s Since the publication of ASHRAE 90.1-2019, 40
continuous air barrier must have a maximum air leakage addenda have been published that will automatically
rate of 0.004 cfm/ft2 at a minimum test pressure of 1.57 be incorporated into ASHRAE 90.1-2022. Of the 40
psf when tested in accordance with ASTM E2178, “Stan- addenda, two indirectly involve roof systems.
dard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate and Addendum s removed the current definition of “reflec-
Calculation of Air Permeance of Building Materials.” tance” without substitution because of its inaccurate def-
The standard also lists deemed-to-comply materials, inition. The term is used when establishing a roof’s solar
such as foil-faced polyisocyanurate insulation, built-up reflectance minimum criteria. Addendum by establishes
roof membranes, polymer-modified bitumen roof mem- requirements for on-site renewable energy for buildings.
branes and single-ply membranes. Depending on the project site, this could require instal-
ASHRAE 90.1 explicitly states its requirements are not lation of such equipment on a roof. However, there are
to be applied to low-rise residential buildings, including exemptions if a roof area is covered with other equip-
single-family homes, multifamily buildings of three sto- ment or more than 50% of the roof area is permanently
ries or fewer above grade, manufactured houses (mobile shaded for more than 2,500 hours annually between
homes) and manufactured houses (modular). Buildings 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. The other 38 addenda involve mostly
that do not use electricity or fossil fuels also are not cov- mechanical and lighting revisions.
ered by the standard. ASHRAE’s Standing Standards Project Committee is

46 APRIL 2022

responsible for maintaining ASHRAE 90.1 and comprises Other examples affecting the roofing industry as a
five subcommittees. The Envelope Subcommittee, of result of the thermal bridging addendum are roof edges,
which NRCA is a voting member, is charged with address- parapets and equipment support stands. Currently, the
ing issues related to roofing, such as R-value and insula- thermal bridging addendum exempts fasteners for insula-
tion, air barriers and thermal bridging. tion and/or membrane attachment.
Typically, the Standing Standards Project Committee The Envelope Subcommittee also continued its review
and Envelope Subcommittee meet face-to-face four and development of a proposed building air leakage
times annually. In addition, the subcommittee also addendum. A few items being discussed for this adden-
conducts business regularly via conference calls twice dum include termination or tie-ins to roof membrane
per month. perimeters, penetrations through the membrane, build-
ing pressurization testing, roof detail review and roof sys-
2021 activity tem installation observation requirements. The proposed
addendum as currently drafted exempts roof re-covers
For the first time since January 2020, the Standing Stan-
and roof system replacements from meeting the air leak-
dards Project Committee and Envelope Subcommittee
age requirements if the energy use of the building is not
met in person Oct. 13-15, 2020, at ASHRAE’s new head-
increased as a result of the work.
quarters in Peachtree Corners, Ga., for its fall meeting.
During 2021, the subcommittee decided determin-
Between June 2020 and June 2021, the committee and
ing the R-value of tapered insulation roof systems and
subcommittee meetings were held virtually.
addressing physical limitations when reroofing caused
During 2021, the Standing Standards Project Commit-
by existing rooftop conditions when increasing insula-
tee and Envelope Subcommittee reviewed and published
tion thickness to meet minimum R-value requirements
Addendum s to ASHRAE
should be separated
90.1. The Envelope Sub-
into two addenda. The
committee continued its
latter went through
review and development Three draft addenda have the its first public review
of proposed addenda that
address thermal bridging;
potential to be published this at the end of 2021
and received five
air leakage; commission- year and accepted comments from two
ing; new buildings, addi-
into ASHRAE 90.1-2022: commentors.
tions and alterations; and
Three draft
Appendix A. The subcom- thermal bridging, air leakage addenda from the
mittee also developed a
Standing Standards
roof system replacement and roof system replacement
Project Committee
insulation conflicts. and Envelope Sub-
The first public review committee have the
for the thermal bridg- potential to be pub-
ing addendum occurred lished this year and accepted into ASHRAE 90.1-2022:
in August 2018 and received 246 comments made by 41 thermal bridging, air leakage and roof system replace-
commentors. A third public review occurred in late 2021, ment insulation conflicts.
which received 10 comments from four commentors. The
Envelope Subcommittee reviewed each comment and
Reducing energy consumption
responded to the commentors. Some comments were
found persuasive and were incorporated into the draft ASHRAE 90.1 seeks to reduce the energy consumed by
addendum in preparation for a fourth public review in buildings, and updating the standard to reflect current
2022. technologies is an ongoing process. NRCA will continue
The review period can be 30, 45 or 60 days based on to keep you informed of any new developments. 123
the Standing Standards Project Committee chairman’s
request. A 30-day review period only is permitted when GLEN CLAPPER, AIA, LEED AP, is an NRCA director of
the proposed addendum is fewer than one page. technical services.


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